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Applies to:

  • Microsoft Defender XDR
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

The DeviceInfo table in the advanced hunting schema contains information about devices in the organization, including OS version, active users, and computer name. Use this reference to construct queries that return information from this table.


Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

For information on other tables in the advanced hunting schema, see the advanced hunting reference.

Column name Data type Description
Timestamp datetime Last date and time recorded for the device
DeviceId string Unique identifier for the device in the service
DeviceName string Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device
ClientVersion string Version of the endpoint agent or sensor running on the device
PublicIP string Public IP address used by the onboarded device to connect to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service. This could be the IP address of the device itself, a NAT device, or a proxy.
OSArchitecture string Architecture of the operating system running on the device
OSPlatform string Platform of the operating system running on the device. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 11, Windows 10 and Windows 7.
OSBuild long Build version of the operating system running on the device
IsAzureADJoined boolean Boolean indicator of whether device is joined to the Microsoft Entra ID
JoinType string The device's Microsoft Entra ID join type
AadDeviceId string Unique identifier for the device in Microsoft Entra ID
LoggedOnUsers string List of all users that are logged on the device at the time of the event in JSON array format
RegistryDeviceTag string Device tag added through the registry
OSVersion string Version of the operating system running on the device
MachineGroup string Machine group of the device. This group is used by role-based access control to determine access to the device.
ReportId long Event identifier based on a repeating counter. To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the DeviceName and Timestamp columns.
OnboardingStatus string Indicates whether the device is currently onboarded or not to Microsoft Defender For Endpoint or if the device is not supported
AdditionalFields string Additional information about the event in JSON array format
DeviceCategory string Broader classification that groups certain device types under the following categories: Endpoint, Network device, IoT, Unknown
DeviceType string Type of device based on purpose and functionality, such as network device, workstation, server, mobile, gaming console, or printer
DeviceSubtype string Additional modifier for certain types of devices, for example, a mobile device can be a tablet or a smartphone; only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute
Model string Model name or number of the product from the vendor or manufacturer, only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute
Vendor string Name of the product vendor or manufacturer, only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute
OSDistribution string Distribution of the OS platform, such as Ubuntu or RedHat for Linux platforms
OSVersionInfo string Additional information about the OS version, such as the popular name, code name, or version number
MergedDeviceIds string Previous device IDs that have been assigned to the same device
MergedToDeviceId string The most recent device ID assigned to a device
IsInternetFacing boolean Indicates whether the device is internet-facing
SensorHealthState string Indicates health of the device's EDR sensor, if onboarded to Microsoft Defender For Endpoint
IsExcluded bool Determines if the device is currently excluded from Microsoft Defender for Vulnerability Management experiences
ExclusionReason string Indicates the reason for device exclusion
ExposureLevel string The device's level of vulnerability to exploitation based on its exposure score; can be: Low, Medium, High
AssetValue string Priority or value assigned to the device in relation to its importance in computing the organization's exposure score; can be: Low, Normal (Default), High
DeviceManualTags string Device tags created manually using the portal UI or public API
DeviceDynamicTags string Device tags added and removed dynamically based on dynamic rules
ConnectivityType string Type of connectivity from the device to the cloud
HostDeviceId string Device ID of the device running Windows Subsystem for Linux
AzureResourceId string Unique identifier of the Azure resource associated with the device
AwsResourceName string Unique identifier specific to Amazon Web Services devices, containing the Amazon resource name
GcpFullResourceName string Unique identifier specific to Google Cloud Platform devices, containing a combination of zone and ID for GCP
HardwareUuid string Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the device's hardware
CloudPlatforms string The cloud platforms that the device belongs to. Can be Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Azure Arc.
AzureVmId string Unique identifier assigned to the device in Azure
AzureVmSubscriptionId string Unique identifier of the Azure subscription associated with the device
IsTransient boolean Indicates whether this device is classified as short-lived or transient based on the frequency of appearance of the device on the network
OsBuildRevision string Build revision number of the operating system running on the machine
MitigationStatus string Indicates the mitigation action applied to a device
Site string Represents the physical location where the device is located
DiscoverySources string Products or services that have seen or reported the device, including when they last reported it.

The DeviceInfo table is updated continuously, and all updates contain the full current device data for that device.

You can use the following sample query to get the latest state of a device:

// Get latest information on user/device
| extend IngestionTime = ingestion_time()
| where DeviceName == "example" and isnotempty(OSPlatform)
| summarize arg_max(IngestionTime, *) by DeviceId


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