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Advanced hunting query best practices

Get results faster and avoid timeouts while running complex queries by optimizing your queries. For guidance on improving query performance:

Understand CPU resource quotas

Depending on its size, each tenant has access to a set amount of CPU resources allocated for running advanced hunting queries. For detailed information about various usage parameters, read about advanced hunting quotas and usage parameters.

After running your query, you can see the execution time and its resource usage (Low, Medium, High). High indicates that the query took more resources to run and could be improved to return results more efficiently.

The query details under **Results** tab in the Microsoft Defender portal

Customers who run multiple queries regularly should track consumption and apply the optimization guidance in this article to minimize disruption resulting from exceeding quotas or usage parameters.

General optimization tips

  • Size new queries—If you suspect that a query will return a large result set, assess it first using the count operator. Use limit or its synonym take to avoid large result sets.

  • Apply filters early—Apply time filters and other filters to reduce the data set, especially before using transformation and parsing functions, such as substring(), replace(), trim(), toupper(), or parse_json(). In the example below, the parsing function extractjson() is used after filtering operators have reduced the number of records.

    | where Timestamp > ago(1d)
    | where ActionType == "UsbDriveMount"
    | where DeviceName == "user-desktop.domain.com"
    | extend DriveLetter = extractjson("$.DriveLetter", AdditionalFields)
  • Has beats contains—To avoid searching substrings within words unnecessarily, use the has operator instead of contains. Learn about string operators

  • Look in specific columns—Look in a specific column rather than running full text searches across all columns. Don't use * to check all columns.

  • Case-sensitive for speed—Case-sensitive searches are more specific and generally more performant. Names of case-sensitive string operators, such as has_cs and contains_cs, generally end with _cs. You can also use the case-sensitive equals operator == instead of =~.

  • Parse, don't extract—Whenever possible, use the parse operator or a parsing function like parse_json(). Avoid the matches regex string operator or the extract() function, both of which use regular expression. Reserve the use of regular expression for more complex scenarios. Read more about parsing functions

  • Filter tables not expressions—Don't filter on a calculated column if you can filter on a table column.

  • No three-character terms—Avoid comparing or filtering using terms with three characters or fewer. These terms are not indexed and matching them will require more resources.

  • Project selectively—Make your results easier to understand by projecting only the columns you need. Projecting specific columns prior to running join or similar operations also helps improve performance.

Optimize the join operator

The join operator merges rows from two tables by matching values in specified columns. Apply these tips to optimize queries that use this operator.

  • Smaller table to your left—The join operator matches records in the table on the left side of your join statement to records on the right. By having the smaller table on the left, fewer records will need to be matched, thus speeding up the query.

    In the table below, we reduce the left table DeviceLogonEvents to cover only three specific devices before joining it with IdentityLogonEvents by account SIDs.

    | where DeviceName in ("device-1.domain.com", "device-2.domain.com", "device-3.domain.com")
    | where ActionType == "LogonFailed"
    | join
        | where ActionType == "LogonFailed"
        | where Protocol == "Kerberos")
    on AccountSid
  • Use the inner-join flavor—The default join flavor or the innerunique-join deduplicates rows in the left table by the join key before returning a row for each match to the right table. If the left table has multiple rows with the same value for the join key, those rows will be deduplicated to leave a single random row for each unique value.

    This default behavior can leave out important information from the left table that can provide useful insight. For example, the query below will only show one email containing a particular attachment, even if that same attachment was sent using multiple emails messages:

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | where Subject == "Document Attachment" and FileName == "Document.pdf"
    | join (DeviceFileEvents | where Timestamp > ago(1h)) on SHA256

    To address this limitation, we apply the inner-join flavor by specifying kind=inner to show all rows in the left table with matching values in the right:

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | where Subject == "Document Attachment" and FileName == "Document.pdf"
    | join kind=inner (DeviceFileEvents | where Timestamp > ago(1h)) on SHA256
  • Join records from a time window—When investigating security events, analysts look for related events that occur around the same time period. Applying the same approach when using join also benefits performance by reducing the number of records to check.

    The query below checks for logon events within 30 minutes of receiving a malicious file:

    | where Timestamp > ago(7d)
    | where ThreatTypes has "Malware"
    | project EmailReceivedTime = Timestamp, Subject, SenderFromAddress, AccountName = tostring(split(RecipientEmailAddress, "@")[0])
    | join (
    | where Timestamp > ago(7d)
    | project LogonTime = Timestamp, AccountName, DeviceName
    ) on AccountName
    | where (LogonTime - EmailReceivedTime) between (0min .. 30min)
  • Apply time filters on both sides—Even if you're not investigating a specific time window, applying time filters on both the left and right tables can reduce the number of records to check and improve join performance. The query below applies Timestamp > ago(1h) to both tables so that it joins only records from the past hour:

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | where Subject == "Document Attachment" and FileName == "Document.pdf"
    | join kind=inner (DeviceFileEvents | where Timestamp > ago(1h)) on SHA256
  • Use hints for performance—Use hints with the join operator to instruct the backend to distribute load when running resource-intensive operations. Learn more about join hints

    For example, the shuffle hint helps improve query performance when joining tables using a key with high cardinality—a key with many unique values—such as the AccountObjectId in the query below:

    | where JobTitle == "CONSULTANT"
    | join hint.shufflekey = AccountObjectId
        | where Application == "Active Directory"
        | where ActionType == "Private data retrieval")
    on AccountObjectId

    The broadcast hint helps when the left table is small (up to 100,000 records) and the right table is extremely large. For example, the query below is trying to join a few emails that have specific subjects with all messages containing links in the EmailUrlInfo table:

    | where Subject in ("Warning: Update your credentials now", "Action required: Update your credentials now")
    | join hint.strategy = broadcast EmailUrlInfo on NetworkMessageId

Optimize the summarize operator

The summarize operator aggregates the contents of a table. Apply these tips to optimize queries that use this operator.

  • Find distinct values—In general, use summarize to find distinct values that can be repetitive. It can be unnecessary to use it to aggregate columns that don't have repetitive values.

    While a single email can be part of multiple events, the example below is not an efficient use of summarize because a network message ID for an individual email always comes with a unique sender address.

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | summarize by NetworkMessageId, SenderFromAddress

    The summarize operator can be easily replaced with project, yielding potentially the same results while consuming fewer resources:

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | project NetworkMessageId, SenderFromAddress

    The following example is a more efficient use of summarize because there can be multiple distinct instances of a sender address sending email to the same recipient address. Such combinations are less distinct and are likely to have duplicates.

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | summarize by SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress
  • Shuffle the query—While summarize is best used in columns with repetitive values, the same columns can also have high cardinality or large numbers of unique values. Like the join operator, you can also apply the shuffle hint with summarize to distribute processing load and potentially improve performance when operating on columns with high cardinality.

    The query below uses summarize to count distinct recipient email address, which can run in the hundreds of thousands in large organizations. To improve performance, it incorporates hint.shufflekey:

    | where Timestamp > ago(1h)
    | summarize hint.shufflekey = RecipientEmailAddress count() by Subject, RecipientEmailAddress

Query scenarios

Identify unique processes with process IDs

Process IDs (PIDs) are recycled in Windows and reused for new processes. On their own, they can't serve as unique identifiers for specific processes.

To get a unique identifier for a process on a specific machine, use the process ID together with the process creation time. When you join or summarize data around processes, include columns for the machine identifier (either DeviceId or DeviceName), the process ID (ProcessId or InitiatingProcessId), and the process creation time (ProcessCreationTime or InitiatingProcessCreationTime)

The following example query finds processes that access more than 10 IP addresses over port 445 (SMB), possibly scanning for file shares.

Example query:

| where RemotePort == 445 and Timestamp > ago(12h) and InitiatingProcessId !in (0, 4)
| summarize RemoteIPCount=dcount(RemoteIP) by DeviceName, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessCreationTime, InitiatingProcessFileName
| where RemoteIPCount > 10

The query summarizes by both InitiatingProcessId and InitiatingProcessCreationTime so that it looks at a single process, without mixing multiple processes with the same process ID.

Query command lines

There are numerous ways to construct a command line to accomplish a task. For example, an attacker could reference an image file without a path, without a file extension, using environment variables, or with quotes. The attacker could also change the order of parameters or add multiple quotes and spaces.

To create more durable queries around command lines, apply the following practices:

  • Identify the known processes (such as net.exe or psexec.exe) by matching on the file name fields, instead of filtering on the command-line itself.
  • Parse command-line sections using the parse_command_line() function
  • When querying for command-line arguments, don't look for an exact match on multiple unrelated arguments in a certain order. Instead, use regular expressions or use multiple separate contains operators.
  • Use case insensitive matches. For example, use =~, in~, and contains instead of ==, in, and contains_cs.
  • To mitigate command-line obfuscation techniques, consider removing quotes, replacing commas with spaces, and replacing multiple consecutive spaces with a single space. There are more complex obfuscation techniques that require other approaches, but these tweaks can help address common ones.

The following examples show various ways to construct a query that looks for the file net.exe to stop the firewall service "MpsSvc":

// Non-durable query - do not use
| where ProcessCommandLine == "net stop MpsSvc"
| limit 10

// Better query - filters on file name, does case-insensitive matches
| where Timestamp > ago(7d) and FileName in~ ("net.exe", "net1.exe") and ProcessCommandLine contains "stop" and ProcessCommandLine contains "MpsSvc"

// Best query also ignores quotes
| where Timestamp > ago(7d) and FileName in~ ("net.exe", "net1.exe")
| extend CanonicalCommandLine=replace("\"", "", ProcessCommandLine)
| where CanonicalCommandLine contains "stop" and CanonicalCommandLine contains "MpsSvc"

Ingest data from external sources

To incorporate long lists or large tables into your query, use the externaldata operator to ingest data from a specified URI. You can get data from files in TXT, CSV, JSON, or other formats. The example below shows how you can utilize the extensive list of malware SHA-256 hashes provided by MalwareBazaar (abuse.ch) to check attachments on emails:

let abuse_sha256 = (externaldata(sha256_hash: string)
with (format="txt"))
| where sha256_hash !startswith "#"
| project sha256_hash;
| join (EmailAttachmentInfo
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
) on $left.sha256_hash == $right.SHA256
| project Timestamp,SenderFromAddress,RecipientEmailAddress,FileName,FileType,

Parse strings

There are various functions you can use to efficiently handle strings that need parsing or conversion.

String Function Usage example
Command-lines parse_command_line() Extract the command and all arguments.
Paths parse_path() Extract the sections of a file or folder path.
Version numbers parse_version() Deconstruct a version number with up to four sections and up to eight characters per section. Use the parsed data to compare version age.
IPv4 addresses parse_ipv4() Convert an IPv4 address to a long integer. To compare IPv4 addresses without converting them, use ipv4_compare().
IPv6 addresses parse_ipv6() Convert an IPv4 or IPv6 address to the canonical IPv6 notation. To compare IPv6 addresses, use ipv6_compare().

To learn about all supported parsing functions, read about Kusto string functions.


Some tables in this article might not be available in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Turn on Microsoft Defender XDR to hunt for threats using more data sources. You can move your advanced hunting workflows from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to Microsoft Defender XDR by following the steps in Migrate advanced hunting queries from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


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