MachineAction resource type
Applies to:
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Microsoft Defender XDR
- Microsoft Defender for Business (for supported capabilities only)
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If you are a US Government customer, please use the URIs listed in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for US Government customers.
For better performance, you can use server closer to your geo location:
- For more information, see Response Actions.
- If you're using Defender for Business, see Review remediation actions for available actions.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List MachineActions | Machine Action | List Machine Action entities. |
Get MachineAction | Machine Action | Get a single Machine Action entity. |
Collect investigation package | Machine Action | Collect investigation package from a machine. |
Get investigation package SAS URI | Machine Action | Get URI for downloading the investigation package. |
Isolate machine | Machine Action | Isolate machine from network. |
Release machine from isolation | Machine Action | Release machine from Isolation. |
Restrict app execution | Machine Action | Restrict application execution. |
Remove app restriction | Machine Action | Remove application execution restriction. |
Run antivirus scan | Machine Action | Run an AV scan using Windows Defender (when applicable). |
Offboard machine | Machine Action | Offboard machine from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. |
Stop and quarantine file | Machine Action | Stop execution of a file on a machine and delete it. |
Run live response | Machine Action | Runs a sequence of live response commands on a device |
Get live response result | URL entity | Retrieves specific live response command result download link by its index. |
Cancel machine action | Machine Action | Cancel an active machine action. |
Property | Type | Description |
ID | Guid | Identity of the Machine Action entity. |
type | Enum | Type of the action. Possible values are: RunAntiVirusScan , Offboard , LiveResponse , CollectInvestigationPackage , Isolate , Unisolate , StopAndQuarantineFile , RestrictCodeExecution , and UnrestrictCodeExecution . |
scope | string | Scope of the action. Full or Selective for Isolation, Quick or Full for antivirus scan. |
requestor | String | Identity of the person that executed the action. |
externalID | String | Id the customer can submit in the request for custom correlation. |
requestSource | string | The name of the user/application that submitted the action. |
commands | array | Commands to run. Allowed values are PutFile, RunScript, GetFile. |
cancellationRequestor | String | Identity of the person that canceled the action. |
requestorComment | String | Comment that was written when issuing the action. |
cancellationComment | String | Comment that was written when canceling the action. |
status | Enum | Current status of the command. Possible values are: Pending , InProgress , Succeeded , Failed , TimeOut , and Cancelled . |
machineId | String | ID of the machine on which the action was executed. |
computerDnsName | String | Name of the machine on which the action was executed. |
creationDateTimeUtc | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the action was created. |
cancellationDateTimeUtc | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the action was canceled. |
lastUpdateDateTimeUtc | DateTimeOffset | The last date and time when the action status was updated. |
title | String | Machine action title. |
relatedFileInfo | Class | Contains two Properties. string fileIdentifier , Enum fileIdentifierType with the possible values: Sha1 , Sha256 , and Md5 . |
Json representation
"id": "5382f7ea-7557-4ab7-9782-d50480024a4e",
"type": "Isolate",
"scope": "Selective",
"requestor": "",
"requestorComment": "test for docs",
"status": "Succeeded",
"machineId": "7b1f4967d9728e5aa3c06a9e617a22a4a5a17378",
"computerDnsName": "desktop-test",
"creationDateTimeUtc": "2019-01-02T14:39:38.2262283Z",
"lastUpdateDateTimeUtc": "2019-01-02T14:40:44.6596267Z",
"relatedFileInfo": null
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