Console.WindowTop Propiedad
Parte de la información hace referencia a la versión preliminar del producto, que puede haberse modificado sustancialmente antes de lanzar la versión definitiva. Microsoft no otorga ninguna garantía, explícita o implícita, con respecto a la información proporcionada aquí.
Obtiene o establece la posición superior del área de la ventana de la consola con respecto al búfer de pantalla.
static property int WindowTop { int get(); void set(int value); };
public static int WindowTop { get; [System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")] set; }
public static int WindowTop { get; set; }
[<set: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")>]
static member WindowTop : int with get, set
static member WindowTop : int with get, set
Public Shared Property WindowTop As Integer
Posición superior de la ventana de la consola, medida en filas.
- Atributos
En una operación set, el valor que se asigna es menor que cero.
o bien
Como resultado de la asignación, WindowTop más WindowHeight superaría BufferHeight.
Error al leer o escribir información.
Se invoca la operación Set en un sistema operativo distinto de Windows.
En el ejemplo siguiente se muestran las WindowLeftpropiedades , WindowTop, BufferWidthBufferHeightWindowHeightWindowWidthy CursorVisible , y SetWindowPositionSetBufferSizelos métodos , y .ReadKey En el ejemplo se dibuja un patrón de cuadrícula en el búfer de pantalla en función del ancho del búfer de pantalla. A continuación, el ejemplo mueve la ventana de consola en respuesta a la que se presionan las teclas de consola flecha arriba, FLECHA ABAJO, FLECHA IZQUIERDA o FLECHA DERECHA. El patrón de cuadrícula le ayuda a ver el movimiento de la ventana de consola en relación con el búfer de pantalla.
// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
// Console.WindowTop properties.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::IO;
int saveBufferWidth;
int saveBufferHeight;
int saveWindowHeight;
int saveWindowWidth;
bool saveCursorVisible;
int main()
String^ m1 = "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n"
"2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n"
"3) Press the Escape key to quit.";
String^ g1 = "+----";
String^ g2 = "| ";
String^ grid1;
String^ grid2;
StringBuilder^ sbG1 = gcnew StringBuilder;
StringBuilder^ sbG2 = gcnew StringBuilder;
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
int y;
saveBufferWidth = Console::BufferWidth;
saveBufferHeight = Console::BufferHeight;
saveWindowHeight = Console::WindowHeight;
saveWindowWidth = Console::WindowWidth;
saveCursorVisible = Console::CursorVisible;
Console::WriteLine( m1 );
Console::ReadKey( true );
// Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
Console::SetWindowSize( 1, 1 );
Console::SetBufferSize( 80, 80 );
Console::SetWindowSize( 40, 20 );
// Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
// this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
for ( y = 0; y < Console::BufferWidth / g1->Length; y++ )
sbG1->Append( g1 );
sbG2->Append( g2 );
sbG1->Append( g1, 0, Console::BufferWidth % g1->Length );
sbG2->Append( g2, 0, Console::BufferWidth % g2->Length );
grid1 = sbG1->ToString();
grid2 = sbG2->ToString();
Console::CursorVisible = false;
for ( y = 0; y < Console::BufferHeight - 1; y++ )
if ( y % 3 == 0 )
Console::Write( grid1 );
Console::Write( grid2 );
Console::SetWindowPosition( 0, 0 );
cki = Console::ReadKey( true );
switch ( cki.Key )
case ConsoleKey::LeftArrow:
if ( Console::WindowLeft > 0 )
Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft - 1, Console::WindowTop );
case ConsoleKey::UpArrow:
if ( Console::WindowTop > 0 )
Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft, Console::WindowTop - 1 );
case ConsoleKey::RightArrow:
if ( Console::WindowLeft < (Console::BufferWidth - Console::WindowWidth) )
Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft + 1, Console::WindowTop );
case ConsoleKey::DownArrow:
if ( Console::WindowTop < (Console::BufferHeight - Console::WindowHeight) )
Console::SetWindowPosition( Console::WindowLeft, Console::WindowTop + 1 );
while ( cki.Key != ConsoleKey::Escape );
catch ( IOException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
Console::SetWindowSize( 1, 1 );
Console::SetBufferSize( saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight );
Console::SetWindowSize( saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight );
Console::CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible;
} // end Main
This example produces results similar to the following:
1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
3) Press the Escape key to quit.
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
// Console.WindowTop properties.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
class Sample
public static int saveBufferWidth;
public static int saveBufferHeight;
public static int saveWindowHeight;
public static int saveWindowWidth;
public static bool saveCursorVisible;
public static void Main()
string m1 = "1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n" +
"2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n" +
"3) Press the Escape key to quit.";
string g1 = "+----";
string g2 = "| ";
string grid1;
string grid2;
StringBuilder sbG1 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sbG2 = new StringBuilder();
ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
int y;
saveBufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth;
saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight;
saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight;
saveWindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth;
saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible;
// Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1);
Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80);
Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20);
// Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
// this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
for (y = 0; y < Console.BufferWidth/g1.Length; y++)
sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth%g1.Length);
sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth%g2.Length);
grid1 = sbG1.ToString();
grid2 = sbG2.ToString();
Console.CursorVisible = false;
for (y = 0; y < Console.BufferHeight-1; y++)
if (y%3 == 0)
Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0);
cki = Console.ReadKey(true);
switch (cki.Key)
case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
if (Console.WindowLeft > 0)
Console.WindowLeft-1, Console.WindowTop);
case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
if (Console.WindowTop > 0)
Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop-1);
case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
if (Console.WindowLeft < (Console.BufferWidth-Console.WindowWidth))
Console.WindowLeft+1, Console.WindowTop);
case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
if (Console.WindowTop < (Console.BufferHeight-Console.WindowHeight))
Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop+1);
while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape); // end do-while
} // end try
catch (IOException e)
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1);
Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight);
Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight);
Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible;
} // end Main
} // end Sample
This example produces results similar to the following:
1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
3) Press the Escape key to quit.
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
' This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
' Console.WindowTop properties.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Class Sample
Public Shared saveBufferWidth As Integer
Public Shared saveBufferHeight As Integer
Public Shared saveWindowHeight As Integer
Public Shared saveWindowWidth As Integer
Public Shared saveCursorVisible As Boolean
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim m1 As String = _
"1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window." & vbCrlf & _
"2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished..." & vbCrlf & _
"3) Press the Escape key to quit."
Dim g1 As String = "+----"
Dim g2 As String = "| "
Dim grid1 As String
Dim grid2 As String
Dim sbG1 As New StringBuilder()
Dim sbG2 As New StringBuilder()
Dim cki As ConsoleKeyInfo
Dim y As Integer
saveBufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth
saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight
saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight
saveWindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth
saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible
' Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80)
Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20)
' Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
' this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
For y = 0 To (Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length) - 1
Next y
sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth Mod g1.Length)
sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth Mod g2.Length)
grid1 = sbG1.ToString()
grid2 = sbG2.ToString()
Console.CursorVisible = False
For y = 0 To (Console.BufferHeight - 2)
If y Mod 3 = 0 Then
End If
Next y
Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0)
cki = Console.ReadKey(True)
Select Case cki.Key
Case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow
If Console.WindowLeft > 0 Then
Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft - 1, Console.WindowTop)
End If
Case ConsoleKey.UpArrow
If Console.WindowTop > 0 Then
Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop - 1)
End If
Case ConsoleKey.RightArrow
If Console.WindowLeft < Console.BufferWidth - Console.WindowWidth Then
Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft + 1, Console.WindowTop)
End If
Case ConsoleKey.DownArrow
If Console.WindowTop < Console.BufferHeight - Console.WindowHeight Then
Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop + 1)
End If
End Select
Loop While cki.Key <> ConsoleKey.Escape
' end do-while
' end try
Catch e As IOException
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight)
Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight)
Console.CursorVisible = saveCursorVisible
End Try
End Sub
End Class
'This example produces results similar to the following:
'1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.
'2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...
'3) Press the Escape key to quit.
'| | | |
'| | | |
'| | | |
'| | | |
// This example demonstrates the Console.WindowLeft and
// Console.WindowTop properties.
open System
open System.Text
open System.IO
let main argv =
let m1 =
"1) Press the cursor keys to move the console window.\n" +
"2) Press any key to begin. When you're finished...\n" +
"3) Press the Escape key to quit."
let g1 = "+----";
let g2 = "| ";
let sbG1 = StringBuilder()
let sbG2 = StringBuilder()
let saveBufferWidth = Console.BufferWidth
let saveBufferHeight = Console.BufferHeight
let saveWindowHeight = Console.WindowHeight
let saveWindowWidth = Console.WindowWidth
let saveCursorVisible = Console.CursorVisible
Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
// Set the smallest possible window size before setting the buffer size.
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
Console.SetBufferSize(80, 80)
Console.SetWindowSize(40, 20)
// Create grid lines to fit the buffer. (The buffer width is 80, but
// this same technique could be used with an arbitrary buffer width.)
// for y = 0 to (Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length - 1)
for _ in 1..(Console.BufferWidth / g1.Length) do
(sbG1.Append(g1)) |> ignore
(sbG2.Append(g2)) |> ignore
sbG1.Append(g1, 0, Console.BufferWidth % g1.Length) |> ignore
sbG2.Append(g2, 0, Console.BufferWidth % g2.Length) |> ignore
let grid1 = sbG1.ToString()
let grid2 = sbG2.ToString()
Console.CursorVisible <- false
for y in 0..(Console.BufferHeight - 1) do
if (y % 3 = 0) then
Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0)
let interactiveKeySequence =
Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> (Console.ReadKey(true)).Key)
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun key -> key <> ConsoleKey.Escape)
for key in interactiveKeySequence do
match key with
| ConsoleKey.LeftArrow ->
if Console.WindowLeft > 0
then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft - 1, Console.WindowTop)
| ConsoleKey.UpArrow ->
if Console.WindowTop > 0
then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop - 1)
| ConsoleKey.RightArrow ->
if Console.WindowLeft < (Console.BufferWidth - Console.WindowWidth)
then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft + 1, Console.WindowTop)
| ConsoleKey.DownArrow ->
if Console.WindowTop < (Console.BufferHeight - Console.WindowHeight)
then Console.SetWindowPosition(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop + 1)
| _ ->
| :? IOException as ex -> printf "%s" ex.Message; 1
Console.SetWindowSize(1, 1)
Console.SetBufferSize(saveBufferWidth, saveBufferHeight)
Console.SetWindowSize(saveWindowWidth, saveWindowHeight)
Console.CursorVisible <- saveCursorVisible
La consola representa una ventana rectangular en un área de búfer rectangular más grande. Tanto la ventana como el búfer se miden verticalmente por su número de filas y horizontalmente por su número de columnas. Las dimensiones del área de búfer se definen mediante las BufferHeight propiedades y BufferWidth . Las dimensiones del área de consola se definen mediante las WindowHeight propiedades y WindowWidth . La WindowTop propiedad determina qué fila del área de búfer se muestra en la primera columna de la ventana de la consola. El valor de la WindowTop propiedad puede oscilar entre 0 y BufferHeight - WindowHeight. Si se intenta establecer en un valor fuera de ese intervalo, se produce una ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionexcepción .
Al intentar establecer el valor de la WindowTop propiedad cuando se redirige la salida, se produce una IOException excepción. Para evitar la excepción, puede establecer el valor de esta propiedad solo si la IsOutputRedirected propiedad devuelve false
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