CMFCRibbonPanel Class
Implements a panel that contains a set of ribbon elements. When the panel is drawn, it displays as many elements as possible, given the size of the panel.
For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.
class CMFCRibbonPanel : public CObject
Name | Description |
CMFCRibbonPanel::CMFCRibbonPanel | Constructs and initializes a CMFCRibbonPanel object. |
Name | Description |
CMFCRibbonPanel::Add | Adds a ribbon element to the panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::AddSeparator | Adds a separator to the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::AddToolBar | Adds a toolbar to the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::FindByData | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::FindByID | Returns an element identified by a specified command ID. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetCaptionHeight | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetCount | Returns the number of elements in the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetData | Returns the user-defined data associated with the panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetDefaultButton | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetDroppedDown | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetElement | Returns the ribbon element located at a specified index. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetElements | Retrieves all elements that are contained in the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetElementsByID | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetFocused | Returns a focused element. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetGalleryRect | Returns a bounding rectangle of Gallery element. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetHighlighted | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetIndex | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetItemIDsList | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetName | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetParentButton | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetParentCategory | Returns the parent category of the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetParentMenuBar | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetPreferedMenuLocation | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetPressed | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetRect | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::GetVisibleElements | Obtains an array of visible elements. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::HasElement | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::HitTest | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::HitTestEx | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::Insert | Inserts a ribbon element at the given position. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::InsertSeparator | Inserts a separator at the given position. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsCenterColumnVert | Specifies whether all panel elements should be centered (aligned) vertically, by column. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsCollapsed | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsHighlighted | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsJustifyColumns | Specifies whether all panel columns have the same width. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsMainPanel | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::IsMenuMode | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::MakeGalleryItemVisible | Scrolls the gallery to make the specified Ribbon element visible. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::OnKey | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::RecalcWidths | |
CMFCRibbonPanel::Remove | Removes and optionally deletes an element located at the specified index. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::RemoveAll | Removes all elements from the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::Replace | Replaces one element with another based on their respective index values. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::ReplaceByID | Replaces one element with another based on a specified command ID. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetCenterColumnVert | Orders the panel to align elements vertically, by column. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetData | Associates user-defined data with the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetElementMenu | Assigns a popup menu to the element that has the given command ID. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetElementRTC | Adds a ribbon element specified by the provided runtime class information to the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetElementRTCByID | Adds a ribbon element specified by the provided runtime class information to the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetFocused | Sets focus to the specified Ribbon element. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetJustifyColumns | Enables or disables column justification. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::SetKeys | Sets the keyboard shortcut that displays the ribbon panel. |
CMFCRibbonPanel::ShowPopup |
Ribbon panels are logical groupings of related tasks that you create within ribbon categories. As the size of the ribbon changes, the panel layout automatically adjusts to display as many elements as possible.
You can get a ribbon panels that is contained in a ribbon category by calling the CMFCRibbonCategory::GetPanel method.
The following example demonstrates how to configure a CMFCRibbonPanel
object by using various methods in the CMFCRibbonPanel
class. The example shows how to set the keyboard shortcut that displays the ribbon panel, align elements in the panel vertically by column, and enable column justification. This code snippet is part of the MS Office 2007 Demo sample.
// CMFCRibbonCategory* pCategory
// CMFCToolBarImages m_PanelImages
CMFCRibbonPanel *pPanelClipboard = pCategory->AddPanel(_T("Clipboard"), m_PanelImages.ExtractIcon(1));
Header: afxRibbonPanel.h
Appends the specified ribbon element to the array of ribbon elements that is contained in the ribbon panel.
virtual void Add(CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem);
[in, out] Pointer to a ribbon element.
Adds a separator to the ribbon panel.
virtual void AddSeparator();
Call this method to add a separator to the ribbon panel. The separator will be added next to the ribbon element that was added by the previous call to CMFCRibbonPanel::Add. To insert a separator at a given position, call CMFCRibbonPanel::InsertSeparator.
Adds a toolbar to the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup* AddToolBar(
UINT uiToolbarResID,
UINT uiColdResID = 0,
UINT uiHotResID = 0,
UINT uiDisabledResID = 0);
[in] Specifies the resource ID of the toolbar to add.
[in] Specifies the resource ID of the toolbar's cold images.
[in] Specifies the resource ID of the toolbar's hot images.
[in] Specifies the resource ID of the toolbar's disabled images.
Call this method to add a toolbar to the ribbon panel. The toolbar will be added next to the ribbon element added by the previous call to CMFCRibbonPanel::Add.
For more information about toolbars, hot images, cold images, and disabled images, see CMFCToolBar Class.
Constructs and initializes a CMFCRibbonPanel object.
LPCTSTR lpszName = NULL,
HICON hIcon = NULL);
CMFCRibbonPanel(CMFCRibbonGallery* pPaletteButton);
[in] The name of the ribbon panel.
[in] Handle to the icon of the default button for the ribbon panel.
[in] Pointer to a ribbon gallery for the ribbon panel.
Retrieves the ribbon element that is associated with the specified data.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* FindByData(DWORD_PTR dwData) const;
[in] The data associated with a ribbon element.
Pointer to a ribbon element if the method was successful; otherwise NULL.
Retrieves the ribbon element that is identified by the specified command ID.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* FindByID(UINT uiCmdID) const;
[in] The command ID of a ribbon element.
The ribbon element that is identified by the specified command ID; otherwise NULL if no ribbon element is identified with the specified command ID.
Retrieves the height of a caption for the ribbon panel.
int GetCaptionHeight() const;
The height, in pixels, of a caption for the ribbon panel.
Retrieves the number of ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
int GetCount() const;
The number of ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
Returns the user-defined data associated with the panel.
DWORD_PTR GetData() const;
The user-defined data associated with the panel.
Retrieves the default button for the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonButton& GetDefaultButton();
The default button for the ribbon panel.
The default button is displayed when a ribbon panel has insufficient space to display its ribbon elements.
Retrieves a pointer to a ribbon element if its pop-up menu is dropped down.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetDroppedDown() const;
Pointer to the ribbon element that has its pop-up menu dropped down; otherwise NULL if no ribbon element has its pop-up menu dropped down.
Only ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel are tested.
Returns the ribbon element located at a specified index.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetElement(int nIndex) const;
[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the element to retrieve.
A valid pointer to the base ribbon element located at position nIndex in the ribbon panel, or NULL if there is no element at the specified index.
Retrieves all ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
void GetElements(CArray<CMFCRibbonBaseElement*, CMFCRibbonBaseElement*>& arElements);
[out] An array to fill with all the ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
Adds ribbon elements that have the specified command ID to the specified array.
void GetElementsByID(
CArray<CMFCRibbonBaseElement*, CMFCRibbonBaseElement*>& arElements);
[in] Command ID for a ribbon element.
[in] Array of ribbon elements.
Only ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel are tested.
Retrieves the ribbon element that is highlighted on the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetHighlighted() const;
Pointer to the ribbon element that is highlighted on the ribbon panel.
Retrieves the zero-based index of the specified ribbon element from the array of ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
virtual int GetIndex(CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem) const;
[in] Pointer to a ribbon element.
Zero-based index of the specified ribbon element if the method was successful; otherwise -1.
Retrieves the command IDs for all ribbon elements in the ribbon panel.
void GetItemIDsList(CList<UINT, UINT>& lstItems) const;
[out] The list of command IDs for ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel.
Retrieves the name of the ribbon panel.
LPCTSTR GetName() const;
The name of the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetParentButton() const;
Returns the parent category of the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonCategory* GetParentCategory() const;
A pointer to the ribbon category that contains this ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonPanelMenuBar* GetParentMenuBar() const;
Retrieves the preferred display rectangle for the pop-up menu of the ribbon panel.
virtual BOOL GetPreferedMenuLocation(CRect& rect);
[out] This parameter is not used.
Always returns FALSE.
This method always returns FALSE. Override this method to retrieve the preferred display rectangle for the pop-up menu of the ribbon panel.
Retrieves a pointer to a ribbon element on the ribbon panel if the user currently presses it.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetPressed() const;
A pointer to a ribbon element if the user currently presses it; otherwise NULL.
Retrieves the display rectangle for the ribbon panel.
const CRect& GetRect() const;
The display rectangle for the ribbon panel.
Indicates whether the ribbon panel contains the specified ribbon element.
BOOL HasElement(const CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem) const;
[in] Pointer to a ribbon element.
TRUE if the ribbon panel contains the specified ribbon element; otherwise FALSE.
Sets the highlight color for the selected ribbon panel and for the ribbon element specified by the point.
virtual void Highlight(
BOOL bHighlight,
CPoint point);
[in] TRUE to highlight the ribbon panel; FALSE to unhighlight the ribbon panel.
[in] The x and y coordinates of the pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the window.
Retrieves a ribbon element if the specified point is located in it.
virtual CMFCRibbonBaseElement* HitTest(
CPoint point,
BOOL bCheckPanelCaption = FALSE);
[in] The x and y coordinates of the pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the window.
[in] TRUE to test the ribbon panel caption; otherwise FALSE.
Pointer to a ribbon element if the specified point is located in it; otherwise NULL.
Only ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel are tested.
Retrieves the zero-based index of the ribbon element that has the specified point located in it.
virtual int HitTestEx(CPoint point) const;
[in] The x and y coordinates of the pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the window.
The zero-based index of the ribbon element that has the specified point located in it; otherwise -1.
Only ribbon elements that are contained in the ribbon panel are tested.
Inserts the specified ribbon element at the specified position in the array of ribbon elements that is contained in the ribbon panel.
virtual BOOL Insert(
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem,
int nIndex);
[in, out] Pointer to a ribbon element.
[in] Zero-based value, ranging from -1 to the number of ribbon elements that are contained in the array.
TRUE if the ribbon element was inserted successfully; otherwise FALSE.
If the value of nIndex is -1, or if nIndex equals the number of ribbon elements in the array, the specified ribbon element is added to the end of the array. If the value of nIndex is out of range, the method will fail.
Inserts a separator at the given position.
virtual BOOL InsertSeparator(int nIndex);
[in] Specifies the zero-based index where the separator is inserted.
TRUE if the separator has been inserted successfully; otherwise, FALSE.
Call this method to insert a separator at the position specified by nIndex. To insert a separator next to the most recently added ribbon element, call CMFCRibbonPanel::AddSeparator.
Indicates whether the vertical positions of ribbon elements are centered within their display rectangle.
BOOL IsCenterColumnVert() const;
TRUE if the vertical positions of ribbon elements are centered within their display rectangle; otherwise FALSE.
Indicates whether the display size of the ribbon panel is minimized in the horizontal direction.
BOOL IsCollapsed() const;
TRUE if the display size of the ribbon panel is minimized in the horizontal direction; otherwise FALSE.
When a ribbon panel is collapsed, it only displays its default button, its name, and a drop-down arrow.
Indicates whether the display of the ribbon panel is highlighted.
BOOL IsHighlighted() const;
TRUE if the display of the ribbon panel is highlighted; otherwise FALSE.
The display of a ribbon panel is highlighted when the pointer is over it.
Indicates whether the display dimensions of ribbon elements that are in the same column in the ribbon panel are set to the same width.
BOOL IsJustifyColumns() const;
TRUE if the display dimensions of ribbon elements that are in the same column in the ribbon panel are set to the same width; otherwise FALSE.
Indicates whether the ribbon panel is the main ribbon panel.
virtual BOOL IsMainPanel() const;
Always returns FALSE.
This method always returns FALSE. Override this method to indicate whether the ribbon panel is the main ribbon panel.
The main ribbon panel is displayed when the user selects the application button.
BOOL IsMenuMode() const;
virtual BOOL OnKey(UINT nChar);
[in] nChar
Recalculates the width of each display layout configuration for the ribbon panel.
virtual void RecalcWidths(
int nHeight);
[in] Pointer to a device context for the ribbon panel.
[in] The height of the ribbon panel.
A ribbon panel changes its layout configuration as the available width changes.
Removes and optionally deletes an element located at the specified index.
BOOL Remove(
int nIndex,
BOOL bDelete = TRUE);
[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the element that is removed from the ribbon panel.
[in] TRUE to delete the element being removed; otherwise, FALSE.
TRUE if the element has been removed and deleted (if bDelete is TRUE); FALSE if the element was not removed or if there is no ribbon element located at nIndex.
Call this method to remove an element from the ribbon panel.
Deletes all ribbon elements from the ribbon panel.
void RemoveAll();
All ribbon elements are deleted from the ribbon panel and destroyed.
Replaces one element with another based on their index value.
BOOL Replace(
int nIndex,
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem);
[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the element to replace.
[in, out] A valid pointer to the element that replaces the original element.
TRUE if the original ribbon element has been replaced successfully by the new ribbon element; FALSE if the ribbon element was not replaced or if there is no element at the specified index.
To replace a ribbon element by command ID, call CMFCRibbonPanel::ReplaceByID.
Replaces one element with another based on a specified command ID.
BOOL ReplaceByID(
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem);
[in] Specifies the command ID of the element to replace.
[in, out] A valid pointer to the element that will replace the original element.
TRUE if the original ribbon element has been replaced successfully by the new ribbon element; FALSE if the ribbon element was not replaced or if no element with the specified command ID actually exists.
To replace a ribbon element based on position, call CMFCRibbonPanel::Replace.
Enables or disables the centering of the vertical positions of ribbon elements within their display rectangle.
void SetCenterColumnVert(BOOL bSet = TRUE);
[in] TRUE to center the vertical positions of ribbon elements within their display rectangle; FALSE to disable this feature.
Associates user-defined data with the ribbon panel.
void SetData(DWORD_PTR dwData);
[in] Specifies the user-defined data to set.
Call this method to associate user-defined data with the ribbon panel.
Assigns a popup menu to the element that has the given command ID.
BOOL SetElementMenu(
HMENU hMenu,
BOOL bIsDefautCommand = FALSE,
BOOL bRightAlign = FALSE);
BOOL SetElementMenu(
UINT uiMenuResID,
BOOL bIsDefautCommand = FALSE,
BOOL bRightAlign = FALSE);
[in] Specifies the command ID of the ribbon element where the menu is added.
[in] Specifies the handle to the Windows menu to add to the ribbon panel.
[in] TRUE to specify that the command associated with the ribbon element should be executed if the ribbon element is clicked. In this case, the menu is only opened when the user clicks the arrow next to the ribbon element. FALSE to specify that the command associated with the ribbon element should not be executed if the ribbon element is clicked. In this case, the popup menu appears regardless of where the user clicks on the element.
[in] TRUE to specify that the popup menu is right-aligned; otherwise, FALSE.
[in] Specifies the resource ID of the menu to add to the ribbon panel.
TRUE if the menu has been assigned to the ribbon element; otherwise, FALSE.
Call this method to assign a popup menu to the ribbon element that has the given command ID.
Adds the ribbon element that is specified by the provided runtime class information to the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* SetElementRTC(
int nIndex,
CRuntimeClass* pRTC);
[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the ribbon element to add.
[in, out] A pointer to the runtime class information for the ribbon element that is added to the ribbon panel.
The ribbon element that was created by using the specified runtime class information.
If you want to add a custom element (for example, a color button) to the ribbon panel, you must specify the custom element's runtime class information. The ribbon stores this information, creates the custom element, and replaces an existing element that is located (identified by) the specified command ID. The ribbon then returns a pointer to the newly created element.
Adds a ribbon element that is specified by the provided runtime class information to the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* SetElementRTCByID(
CRuntimeClass* pRTC);
[in] Specifies the command ID of the ribbon element to add.
[in, out] A pointer to the runtime class information associated with the ribbon element that is added to the ribbon panel.
The ribbon element that was created by using the specified runtime class information.
If you want to add a custom element (for example, a color button) to the ribbon panel, you must specify the custom element's runtime class information. The ribbon stores this information, creates the custom element, and replaces an existing element located by the specified command ID. It then returns a pointer to the newly created element.
The following example shows how to use the SetElementRTCByID
// Load and add toolbar with standard buttons. This toolbar
// should display a custom color button with id ID_CHAR_COLOR:
CMFCRibbonColorButton* pColorButton =
RUNTIME_CLASS (CMFCRibbonColorButton));
// SetElementRTCByID sets runtime class and returns a pointer
// to the newly created custom button,
which can be set up immediately:
RGB (0,
Enables or disables the adjustment of the width of ribbon elements in the same column.
void SetJustifyColumns(BOOL bSet = TRUE);
[in] TRUE to adjust the width of ribbon elements in the same column to the width of the largest ribbon element in the column; FALSE to disable this width adjustment.
When this feature is enabled in a ribbon panel, the widths of ribbon elements in the same column are adjusted to the width of the largest ribbon element in the same column.
Sets the keytip for the default button of the ribbon panel.
void SetKeys(LPCTSTR lpszKeys);
[in] The keytip for the default button of the ribbon panel.
The default button is displayed when a ribbon panel has insufficient space to display its ribbon elements.
Creates and displays a pop-up menu for the ribbon panel.
CMFCRibbonPanelMenu* ShowPopup(CMFCRibbonDefaultPanelButton* pButton = NULL);
[in] Pointer to the default button for the ribbon panel.
Pointer to the pop-up menu for the ribbon panel if the method was successful; otherwise NULL.
The pop-up menu for the ribbon panel is only available when the display of the ribbon panel is collapsed.
Sets focus to the specified Ribbon element.
void SetFocused(CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pNewFocus);
A pointer to a Ribbon element that receives focus.
Scrolls the gallery to make the specified Ribbon element visible.
void MakeGalleryItemVisible(CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pItem);
A pointer to a Ribbon element to show.
Indicates whether the parent ribbon has Windows 7 look (small rectangular application button).
BOOL IsWindows7Look() const;
TRUE if the parent ribbon has Windows 7 look; otherwise FALSE.
Retrieves an array of visible elements.
void GetVisibleElements(
CMFCRibbonBaseElement*>& arElements);
When the function returns, this parameter contains an array of visible elements.
Returns a bounding rectangle of a Gallery element.
CRect GetGalleryRect();
Size and position of the Gallery element within this panel.
Returns a focused element.
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* GetFocused() const;
A pointer to a focused element or NULL.
Hierarchy Chart
CObject Class
CMFCRibbonCategory Class
CMFCRibbonBaseElement Class