Microsoft Monetize - View the SMW grid for Insertion orders

The Insertion Order screen on the Seller Monitoring Workflow (SMW) grid displays settings for a specific Insertion order, essential metrics, and performance visualizations.

Locate the Insertion order screen

To access the Insertion Order screen:

  • Navigate to Advertisers > Orders from the left pane
  • Select an Insertion Order whose details you want to view.
  • The SMW grid for the Insertion Order details will be displayed.
  • The screen contains the following sections:
    • Settings: It provides basic information about the Insertions order such as budgeting, billing, supply strategy, and reporting labels. See View Insertion Order Settings for more information.
    • Edit: It helps you edit an Insertion order.
    • Line Items: It provides a list of the Line items currently associated with the Insertion order.
    • Associated Objects: It provides a list of associated objects with the Insertion order. See View Child Object Details for more information.

View Insertion order settings

The settings that display here are read-only and can be edited by selecting Edit at the top of the Insertion Order Details screen. For more information, see Create an Insertion Order.

Setting Description
Associated Line Items Displays a list of the Line items currently associated with the Insertion order.
Budgeting Displays budget and fee information associated with the insertion order.
Billing Displays billing code and any billing periods set up on the insertion order.
Teams Displays the teams that has been associated with the insertion orders.
Reporting Labels Indicates whether a Trafficker, Sales Representative, and Insertion Order Type has been associated with the advertiser. If so, these labels can be used when running reports. For example, if a salesperson is associated with the insertion order, the report will be grouped by salesperson across insertion orders.
Comments Displays comments entered for the line item.
Supply Strategy Displays the insertion order's inventory type targeting, inventory lists, and viewability standard.
Frequency & Recency Displays frequency and recency caps applied to the insertion order.

View child object details

To view child object details:

  1. Select the Associated Objects menu on the top right corner of the SMW grid.
  2. Select the appropriate object category such as Creatives or Inventory Lists.

View Change log history

To view Change log history for the Insertion order:

  1. Select the History tab on the right pane.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate date range and users.
  3. This displays a list of all field changes, showing old and new values, along with the user and the last modified date or time. For more information, see Change Log History Tool.