Microsoft Monetize – Change log history tool

The Change Log, also known as the Microsoft Monetize History tool, serve as a centralized hub to review and manage changes made to the platform that impacts revenue performance. It provides immediate visibility into platform-wide modifications, thus helping you to troubleshoot issues. The tool offers insights into minor and substantial changes made to the platform across multiple dimensions that would help monitor business performance by tracking edits made to the following objects:

  • Creative
  • Placements
  • Placement Group
  • Line Item
  • Orders
  • Deal
  • Advertiser
  • Publisher
  • Conversion Pixel
  • Universal Pixel

The tool supports key features, such as:

  • Review user modifications to the platform that impact revenue.
  • Troubleshoot issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Compare old and new object changes with filter options to view specific modifications.

Access the Change log history tool

You can access the Change Log history in one of the following ways:

  1. Line Item and Order Details pane
    • Locate the Line Item Details pane
      To access the Line item Details’ screen:
      • Navigate to Advertisers > Line Items from the left pane.
      • Select a Line Item that you want to check the Change log history for.
      • Select the History tab on the right pane.
      • From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate date range and users.
      • This displays a list of all field changes, showing old and new values, along with the user and the last modified date or time.
      • With the above platform wide insights, you can either revert, edit, or delete the changes to the object that is impacting revenue performance accordingly.
    • Locate the Insertion Order Details screen
      To access the Insertion Order screen:
      • Navigate to Advertisers > Orders from the left pane
      • Select an Insertion Order that you want to check the Change log history for.
      • Select the History tab on the right pane.
      • From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate date range and users.
      • This displays a list of all field changes, showing old and new values, along with the user and the last modified date or time.
      • With the above platform wide insights, you can either revert, edit, or delete the changes to the object that is impacting revenue performance accordingly.
  2. History icon
    Select the History button on the lower-left pane to access the Change log history
    • In the search bar, select up to five objects by name or ID to analyze their change history and select Next.
    • You can apply filters by user, object type, and date range to refine the results.
    • This displays a list of all field changes, showing old and new values, along with the user and the last modified date or time. From the top-right corner, you can sort these results by either the latest or the most recent entries.
    • Use platform-wide insights to revert, edit, or delete changes affecting revenue performance.
    • Select the Go to object settings button on the Change Log results screen to navigate to the object. Edit, revert, or delete changes as needed to maintain optimal platform performance.


Users can view only the objects for which they have the necessary permissions.