Advertiser service
The Advertiser service lets networks add, modify, and view the advertisers that interact with Xandr. Direct marketers rarely use the Advertiser service because they have only one advertiser (themselves).
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | |
View all of your advertisers. |
GET | |
View a specific advertiser. |
GET | |
View a specific advertiser. |
GET |,2,3 |
View multiple advertisers by ID using a comma-separated list. |
GET | |
Search for advertisers with IDs or names containing certain characters. |
GET | |
Find out which fields you can filter and sort by. |
POST | |
Add a new advertiser. |
PUT | |
Modify an existing advertiser. |
PUT | |
Modify an existing advertiser. |
Delete an advertiser. Note: Deleting an advertiser will delete all of its child insertion orders, line items, campaigns, creatives, conversion pixels, and segments. The deletions are permanent and cannot be reverted. Although deleted objects continue to be available in reporting, you will no longer have visibility into their specific settings, such as revenue budget for line items, cost budget, and targeting for campaigns. |
Field | Type | Description |
allow_safety_pacing |
boolean | Admin-only. If true , spend per minute is limited to a maximum of 1% of the lifetime budget and 5% of the daily budget. |
audience_size_check_state |
enum | The state of the audience size validation check. We use an external service provided by Yield Analytics to confirm that the audience size meets our criteria for the Netflix Deal Defined Line Item targeting. Possible values: - passed - failed - in_progress - unchecked Note: This field is visible only for the Netflix Deal Defined Line Item. |
audience_size_check_last_run |
timestamp | Timestamp of the last time the audience size validation check was done, which is when the status changed to passed or failed .Note: This field is visible only for the Netflix Deal Defined Line Item. |
billing_address1 |
string (100) | For reference. |
billing_address2 |
string (100) | For reference. |
billing_city |
string (100) | For reference. |
billing_country |
string (100) | For reference. |
billing_internal_user |
array | For reference. This is a list of people (strings) who work at this advertiser. |
billing_name |
string (50) | For reference. Value may be a maximum of 50 characters. |
billing_phone |
string (20) | For reference. |
billing_state |
string (100) | For reference. |
billing_zip |
string (25) | For reference. |
code |
string (100) | A custom code for the advertiser. Xandr will assign a unique ID, but advertisers may use their own ID system. Either "code" or the Xandr-assigned ID will be allowed fields in other services. |
legal_entity_name |
string (255) | Represents the legal entity on whose behalf the advertisement is being displayed and who is covering the cost of the advertiser's ad. This field is used in bid responses in order to comply with the European Union Digital Services Act (DSA). |
competitive_brands |
array | An array of brand IDs. Creatives associated with the brands in this array will not serve together in /mtj auctions. The classic example of competing brands is Coke vs. Pepsi. For more information about the brands in our system, see the Brand Service. |
competitive_categories |
array | An array of category IDs. Creatives associated with the categories in this array will not serve together in /mtj auctions, e.g., "Dating" and "Education" . For more information about the categories that we apply to creatives (and brands), see the Category Service. |
control_pct |
double | The percentage of users in the control group for this advertiser. This must be expressed as a number between 0 and 1 , inclusive. These users will be shown a control creative in order to gauge effectiveness of other creatives. For more information, see Test and Control Targeting (Standard Line Item) in the UI documentation. |
daily_budget |
double | The daily budget for the advertiser. (See lifetime_budget below.) |
daily_budget_imps |
int | The daily impression budget for the advertiser. (See lifetime_budget below.) |
default_brand |
object | Information about the default brand. See Default Brand below for more details. Default: null |
default_brand_id |
int | The internal ID of the default brand for all creatives of this advertiser. The brand for each creative will be checked during the auditing process. |
default_category |
object | This feature is not functioning at this time. It will be used in future development. |
default_currency |
string (3) | The default currency to be used for the advertiser. This will be a three-letter code that you can retrieve from the read-only Currency Service. See Currency Support in the UI documentation for details about the concept. Note: As a best practice, align currency to the billing currency in order to achieve the best possible local currency experience. Default: Member's default currency |
enable_pacing |
boolean | If true , then spending will be paced for this advertiser over the course of the day. |
enable_political_io_by_default |
boolean | Possible values: 0 or 1 .If set to true , insertion orders created for this advertiser using the UI will have political advertising enabled by default. This does not affect insertion orders created using the API.Default: 1 (true) |
id |
int | The ID of the Advertiser. Read Only Required On: PUT Default: auto-incremented number |
is_malicious |
boolean | Admin-only. If true , the advertiser's status will be set to inactive. Xandr administrators will set this field to true for advertisers determined to be directing users to malicious landing pages. Users will not be able to set the advertiser's status back to active until a Xandr administrator sets the is_malicious field back to false .Default: false |
is_mediated |
boolean | Admin-only. If true , the advertiser will not be displayed in the UI. Xandr administrators can set this field to true when the Advertiser is associated with a mediated bid.Default: false |
is_running_political_ads |
boolean | Possible values: 0 or 1 .Declares whether or not this advertiser conducts political advertising (defined as advertising related to an election, ballot initiative, or political candidate, in the United States). If an existing advertiser already has insertion orders with political advertising enabled, you will not be able to set is_running_political_ads to false .Default: 0 (false) |
labels |
array | The optional labels applied to the advertiser. Currently, three labels are available for advertisers: - "Salesperson" - "Account Manager" - "Advertiser Type" . See Labels below for more details.Note: You can report on advertiser labels with the Network Analytics report. For example, if you use the "Salesperson" label to specify the name of the salesperson responsible for each advertiser, you can run the Network Analytics report filtered by "salesperson_for_advertiser" to focus on the advertisers that a particular salesperson is responsible for or grouped by "salesperson_for_advertiser" to rank the performance of your salespeople. |
last_modified |
timestamp | Timestamp of the last time this advertiser was modified. |
lifetime_budget |
double | You can set all of the budget parameters at the advertiser level as well as the campaign and media buy levels. Budgets at the advertiser level will apply to all traffic for your advertiser. This is a dollar (media cost) budget. |
lifetime_budget_imps |
int | The lifetime impression budget for the advertiser. (See lifetime_budget above.) |
name |
string (255) | The name of the advertiser. Required On: POST |
object_stats |
object | The number of total, active, and inactive insertion orders, line items, campaigns, and creatives under the advertiser, as well as the number of creatives with particular audit statuses. To include this object in a GET response, pass object_stats=true in the query string.Read Only. |
partner_fees |
array | An array of partner fees applied to this advertiser. You can create, attach, view, or remove partner fees with the Partner Fee Service. |
profile_id |
int | You can set an optional profile_id at the advertiser, line item, campaign and creative levels. A profile is a generic set of rules for targeting inventory. A profile set at the advertiser level will apply to all traffic for your advertiser, so you will probably want to keep this profile very broad. Ad calls must pass all profile targeting at any level. See the Profile Service for details. |
remarketing_segment_id |
int | A segment is marked as "remarketing" for reporting and filtering purposes only. If you mark a segment as remarketing in the UI, it will show up here. Or you can add segment IDs here, and they will be marked as remarketing for reporting purposes. |
state |
enum | The state of the advertiser. Possible values: "active" or "inactive" .Default: "active" |
stats |
object | The stats object has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead. |
timezone |
enum | The timezone of the advertiser. See API Timezones for details and accepted values. For details on how to make the advertiser timezone "trickle down" to child objects, see Timezone for Dependent Objects below. Default: "EST5EDT" , or the member's timezone. |
thirdparty_pixels |
array | An array of third-party pixels associated with the advertiser. You can automatically attach these pixels to all creatives owned by this advertiser using the Third-party Pixel service or attach them individually at the creative level using the Creative Service. Read Only. Default: null |
time_format |
enum | The format in which you would like to see times displayed in the UI. Possible values: "12-hour" or "24-hour" .Default: "12-hour" |
use_insertion_orders |
boolean | If true , the use of insertion orders which contain collections of line items, will be enabled for this advertiser. You will not be able to create insertion orders, if this field is set to "false" . See the Insertion Order Service for details.CAUTION: Pre-existing line items If you set this field to true and have already created line items prior to enabling this setting, those line items will stop spending. To allow those line items to continue spending, create an insertion order (using the Insertion Order Service) and associate the line items with the insertion order (using the Line Item Service). All newly created line items will require an insertion order.Note: When the advertiser has associated insertion orders, you will not be able to update the value of "use_insertion_orders" to false .Default: true |
The thirdparty_pixels
array contains fields in the table below. These fields are read-only. To update or create third-party pixels and/or attach third-party pixels to all creatives owned by the advertiser, use the Third-party Pixel service. To attach third-party pixels to individual creatives, use the Creative Service.
Field | Type | Description |
active |
boolean | The current status of the pixel (true = active ).Read Only. |
audit_statu s |
string | Audit status of the pixel. Read Only. |
id |
int | The pixel's ID. Read Only. |
name |
string | The full name of the pixel. Read Only. |
The stats
object has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead.
You can use the read-only Label Service to view all possible labels for advertisers, insertion orders, line items, campaigns, and publishers. This service allows you to view the labels that is already applied to your objects.
Field | Type (Length) | Description |
id |
int | The ID of the label. Possible values: 1 (Salesperson) 3 (Account Manager) 12 (Advertiser Type). |
name |
enum | The name of the label. Possible values: - "Salesperson" - "Account Manager" - "Advertiser Type" .Read Only. |
value |
string (100) | The value assigned to the label. For example, for the "Salesperson" label, this could be a name such as "Michael Sellers" . |
You can request a certain number of objects through these fields:
"count": 8,
"start_element": null,
"num_elements": null
Field | Type | Description |
count |
int | How many objects are in this service? For example, 8 advertisers. |
num_elements |
int | How many elements to return? For example, start at object # 4 and return 3 objects, or # 4, 5, 6. |
start_element |
int | The number at which to start counting. |
Field | Type | Description |
category_id |
int | The ID of the brand's category. |
id |
int | The brand's ID. |
name |
string | The name of the brand. |
When you change an advertiser's timezone, you can choose whether or not to make the change "trickle down" to child objects (campaigns, line items, and creatives). To do this, you should pass set_child_timezone=true
in the query string of the URL during your request to create or update the timezone.
For example:
$ curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @advertiser '
- If
, then timezone on all child objects is set to the Advertiser's timezone. Note that any timezone settings on lower-level objects (e.g., Insertion orders, Line Items, Campaigns) will be overridden with the Advertiser's timezone. - If
, timezone is only set on the advertiser.
$ cat advertiser.json
"name":"Advertiser B",
"legal_entity_name":"Toyota UK",
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST --data-binary @advertiser.json ''
$ cat advertiser_update
"name":"Advertiser B",
"legal_entity_name":"Toyota UK",
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT --data-binary @advertiser_update ''
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
"response": {
"status": "OK",
"advertisers": [
"id": 51,
"code": null,
"name": "Advertiser B",
"legal_entity_name":"Toyota France",
"state": "active",
"default_brand_id": 0,
"remarketing_segment_id": null,
"lifetime_budget": null,
"lifetime_budget_imps": null,
"daily_budget": null,
"daily_budget_imps": null,
"enable_pacing": true,
"profile_id": null,
"thirdparty_pixels": [
"name":"sample pixel",
"name":"another sample pixel",
"control_pct": 0,
"timezone": "EST5EDT",
"last_modified": "2010-08-03 23:07:02",
"stats": null,
"billing_internal_user": null,
"billing_address1": "123 Happy Street",
"billing_address2": "",
"billing_city": "New York",
"billing_state": "NY",
"billing_country": "US",
"billing_zip": "10011",
"default_category": null,
"default_currency": "USD",
"labels": null,
"use_insertion_orders": false,
"time_format": "12-hour",
"default_brand": null,
"is_malicious": false
"id": 493,
"code": null,
"name": "Cheese Club",
"legal_entity_name":"Toyota Germany",
"state": "active",
"default_brand_id": 0,
"remarketing_segment_id": 11111,
"lifetime_budget": null,
"lifetime_budget_imps": null,
"daily_budget": null,
"daily_budget_imps": null,
"enable_pacing": true,
"profile_id": null,
"control_pct": 0,
"timezone": "EST5EDT",
"last_modified": "2010-09-15 21:02:37",
"stats": null,
"billing_internal_user": null,
"billing_address1": null,
"billing_address2": null,
"billing_city": null,
"billing_state": null,
"billing_country": null,
"billing_zip": null,
"default_category": null,
"default_currency": "USD",
"labels": null,
"use_insertion_orders": false,
"time_format": "12-hour",
"default_brand": null,
"is_malicious": false
"count": 5,
"start_element": null,
"num_elements": null,
"dbg_info": {
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
"name":"Advertiser A",
"legal_entity_name":"Toyota UK",
"last_modified":"2010-05-06 20:21:56",