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Windows Defender Enumerations

Enumerations used by apps when calling to request scans, signature updates, or information from Windows Defender.

Enumeration Description
MPCALLBACK_TYPE Possible callback types.
MPCOMPONENT_ID Possible components for the malware protection manager.
MPDETECTION_ORIGIN Detection origin.
MPDETECTION_STATE The state of the currently detected threat.
MPEXECUTION_STATUS Possible threat execution status.
MP_HASH_TYPE Possible hash types.
MPNOTIFY Possible callback notifications.
MP_PERSISTENCE_LIMIT_TYPE Persistence limit type.
MP_REMOVAL_REASON FastPath signature removal reason.
MPRESOLVED_REASON Possible reasons for a remediation failure being resolved.
MPSCAN_TYPE Type of scan performed.
MP_SIGNATURE_TYPE Possible signature types.
MPSOURCE Possible category of source.
MPSTATUS_FLAG Possible overall product status bit flags.
MPTHREAT_ACTION Possible threat actions.
MPTHREAT_CATEGORY Possible threat categories.
MPTHREAT_DETECTION Possible known bad threat detection types.
MPTHREAT_SEVERITY Possible threat severities.
MPTHREAT_STATUS Possible threat status.
MPTHREAT_TYPE Possible threat types.