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UnifiedWriteFilter CSP

The table below shows the applicability of Windows:

Edition Windows 10 Windows 11
Home No No
Pro No No
Windows SE No No
Business Yes Yes
Enterprise Yes Yes
Education Yes Yes

The UnifiedWriteFilter (UWF) configuration service provider enables the IT administrator to remotely manage the UWF to help protect physical storage media including any writable storage type.

Note  The UnifiedWriteFilter CSP is only supported in Windows 10/11 Enterprise and Windows 10/11 Education.

The following example shows the UWF configuration service provider in tree format.

┃   ┣━━━FilterEnabled
┃   ┣━━━OverlayConsumption
┃   ┣━━━AvailableOverlaySpace
┃   ┣━━━CriticalOverlayThreshold
┃   ┣━━━SWAPFileSize
┃   ┣━━━WarningOverlayThreshold
┃   ┣━━━OverlayType
┃   ┣━━━OverlayFlags
┃   ┣━━━MaximumOverlaySize
┃   ┣━━━PersistDomainSecretKey
┃   ┣━━━PersistTSCAL
┃   ┣━━━RegistryExclusions
┃   ┃   ┗━━━[ExcludedRegistry]
┃   ┣━━━ServicingEnabled
┃   ┣━━━Volume
┃   ┃   ┗━━━[Volume]
┃   ┃       ┣━━━Protected
┃   ┃       ┣━━━BindByDriveLetter
┃   ┃       ┣━━━DriveLetter
┃   ┃       ┣━━━Exclusions
┃   ┃       ┃   ┗━━━[ExclusionPath]
┃   ┃       ┣━━━CommitFile
┃   ┃       ┗━━━CommitFileDeletion
┃   ┣━━━ShutdownPending
┃   ┣━━━CommitRegistry
┃   ┗━━━CommitRegistryDeletion
┃   ┣━━━FilterEnabled
┃   ┣━━━HORMEnabled
┃   ┣━━━OverlayType
┃   ┣━━━OverlayFlags
┃   ┣━━━MaximumOverlaySize
┃   ┣━━━PersistDomainSecretKey
┃   ┣━━━PersistTSCAL
┃   ┣━━━RegistryExclusions
┃   ┃   ┗━━━[ExcludedRegistry]
┃   ┣━━━ResetPersistentState
┃   ┣━━━ResetPersistentStateSavedMode
┃   ┣━━━ServicingEnabled
┃   ┣━━━SWAPFileSize
┃   ┗━━━Volume
┃       ┗━━━[Volume]
┃           ┣━━━Protected
┃           ┣━━━BindByDriveLetter
┃           ┣━━━DriveLetter
┃           ┗━━━Exclusions
┃               ┗━━━[ExclusionPath]

CurrentSession Required. Represents the current UWF configuration in the current session (power cycle).

CurrentSession/FilterEnabled Required. Indicates if UWF is enabled for the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/OverlayConsumption Required. The current size, in megabytes, of the UWF overlay.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/AvailableOverlaySpace Required. The amount of free space, in megabytes, available for the UWF overlay.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/CriticalOverlayThreshold Required. The critical threshold size, in megabytes. UWF sends a critical threshold notification event when the UWF overlay size reaches or exceeds this value.

The only supported operation is Get.


Required. Read-only CFG_DATATYPE_INTEGER property that contains non-zero (for example, 1) value if volume has overlay file created/used on it.

Future: Contains actual size of the file


Required. Read/Write CFG_DATATYPE_INTEGER property that contains non-zero (for example, 1) if volume has overlay created/used on it.

Setting the value

  • from zero to non-zero will lead to creation of the swapfile on that volume.
  • from non-zero to zero – not supported

To “move” swapfile to another volume, set the SwapfileSize property on that other volume's CSP note to non-zero.

Currently SwapfileSize shouldn't be relied for determining or controlling the overlay size,

CurrentSession/MaximumOverlaySize or NextSession/MaximumOverlaySize should be used for that purpose.

The overlay setting.


Only single swapfile is supported in current implementation and creating swapfile on specific volume will disable any other swapfile created on other volumes.

CurrentSession/WarningOverlayThreshold Required. The warning threshold size, in megabytes. UWF sends a warning threshold notification event when the UWF overlay size reaches or exceeds this value.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

CurrentSession/OverlayType Required. Indicates the type of overlay in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/MaximumOverlaySize Required. Indicates the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the overlay in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/PersisitDomainSecretKey Required. Indicates if the domain secret registry key is in the registry exclusion list. If the registry key isn't in the exclusion list, changes don't persist after a restart.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/PersistTSCAL Required. Indicates if the Terminal Server Client Access License (TSCAL) registry key is in the UWF registry exclusion list. If the registry key isn't in the exclusion list, changes don't persist after a restart.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/RegistryExclusions Required. The root node that contains all registry exclusions.

CurrentSession/RegistryExclusions/ExcludedRegistry Optional. A registry key in the registry exclusion list for UWF in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/ServicingEnabled Required. Indicates when servicing is enabled in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/Volume Required. The root node to contain all volumes protected by UWF in the current session.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume Optional. Represents a specific volume in the current session.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/Protected Required. Indicates if the volume is currently protected by UWF in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/BindByDriveLetter Required. Indicates the type of binding that the volume uses in the current session.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/DriveLetter Required. The drive letter of the volume. If the volume doesn't have a drive letter, this value is NULL.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/Exclusions Required. The root node that contains all file exclusions for the volume.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/Exclusions/ExclusionPath Optional. A string that contains the full path of the file or folder relative to the volume.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/CommitFile Required. This method commits changes from the overlay to the physical volume for a specified file on a volume protected by Unified Write Filter (UWF).

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

CurrentSession/Volume/Volume/CommitFileDeletion Required. This method deletes the specified file and commits the deletion to the physical volume.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

CurrentSession/ShutdownPending Required. This value is True if the system is pending on shutdown. Otherwise, it's False.

The only supported operation is Get.

CurrentSession/CommitRegistry Required. This method commits changes to the specified registry key and value.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

CurrentSession/CommitRegistryDeletion Required. This method deletes the specified registry key or registry value and commits the deletion.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

NextSession Required.

The root node that contains settings for the next UWF session (after a reboot).

NextSession/FilterEnabled Required. Boolean value that indicates if UWF is enabled for the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/HORMEnabled Added in Windows 10, version 1607. Required. Boolean value that indicates if Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) is enabled for the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/OverlayType Required. Indicates the type of overlay for the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/MaximumOverlaySize Required. Indicates the maximum cache size, in megabytes, of the overlay for the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/PersisitDomainSecretKey Required. Indicates if the domain secret registry key is in the registry exclusion list. If the registry key isn't in the exclusion list, changes don't persist after a restart.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/PersistTSCAL Required. Indicates if the Terminal Server Client Access License (TSCAL) registry key is in the UWF registry exclusion list. If the registry key isn't in the exclusion list, changes don't persist after a restart.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/RegistryExclusions Required. The root node that contains all registry exclusions for the next session.

Supported operations are Add, Delete, and Replace.

NextSession/RegistryExclusions/ExcludedRegistry Optional. A registry key in the registry exclusion list for UWF.

Supported operations are Add, Delete, Get, and Replace.

NextSession/ServicingEnabled Required. Indicates when to enable servicing.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/Volume Required. The root node that contains all volumes protected by UWF for the next session.

NextSession/Volume/Volume Optional. Represents a specific volume in the next session.

Supported operations are Add, Delete, and Replace.

NextSession/Volume/Volume/Protected Required. Indicates if the volume is currently protected by UWF in the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/Volume/Volume/BindByDriveLetter Required. Indicates the type of binding that the volume uses in the next session.

Supported operations are Get and Replace.

NextSession/Volume/Volume/DriveLetter The drive letter of the volume. If the volume doesn't have a drive letter, this value is NULL.

The only supported operation is Get.

NextSession/Volume/Volume/Exclusions Required. The root node that contains all file exclusions for this volume in the next session.

NextSession/Volume/Volume/Exclusions/ExclusionPath Optional. A string that contains the full path of the file or folder relative to the volume.

Supported operations are Add, Delete, Get, and Replace.

ResetSettings Required. Restores UWF settings to the original state that was captured at installation time.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

ShutdownSystem Required. Safely shuts down a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

RestartSystem Required. Safely restarts a system protected by UWF, even if the overlay is full.

Supported operations are Get and Execute.

Configuration service provider reference