Unsuppress Run Custom Report Warnings
Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Analytics Platform System (PDW)
There are two warning dialog boxes for custom reports. This topic describes how to unsuppress the display of these boxes in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio.
By default, the Run Custom Reports dialog box appears before a custom report runs. If you select the Please don't show this warning again check box, the dialog box will no longer appear. Also by default, the Run Custom Reports dialog box appears when you open a custom report and then click a link to open another custom report. This dialog box displays the fill path to the drill-through custom report file. If you select the Please don't show this warning again check box, the dialog box will no longer appear.
Connect to
<server>\<share or drive>\Documents and Settings\<UserProfile>\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Shell\reports.xml
.Right-click reports.xml, and then click Edit.
Change <SuppressWarning>true</SuppressWarning> to <SuppressWarning>false</SuppressWarning>.
Restart SQL Server Management Studio.
Connect to
<server>\<share or drive>\Documents and Settings\<UserProfile>\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Shell\reports.xml
.Right-click reports.xml, and click Edit.
Change <SuppressDrillthroughWarning>true</SuppressDrillthroughWarning>to <\SuppressDrillthroughWarning>false</SuppressDrillthroughWarning>.
Restart SQL Server Management Studio.
Custom Reports in Management Studio
Add a Custom Report to Management Studio
Use Custom Reports with Object Explorer Node Properties