.png) |
Achievement |
Describes a single achievement, including the achievement name, description, picture, and whether it has been achieved by the currently signed in gamer. |
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AchievementCollection |
Collection holding the achievements belonging to a signed-in gamer. |
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AvatarAnimation |
Provides methods and properties for animating an avatar using standard animations (for example, celebrate). |
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AvatarDescription |
Provides access to the methods and properties of the description data for an avatar. |
.png) |
AvatarRenderer |
Provides properties and methods for rendering a standard avatar. |
.png) |
FriendCollection |
Represents the complete friends list of a local gamer. |
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FriendGamer |
Provides the presence information of a friend of the local gamer. |
.png) |
GameDefaults |
Describes a gamer's preferred settings. |
.png) |
Gamer |
Abstract base class for types that represent game players (profiles that have an associated gamertag). The concrete types SignedInGamer and NetworkGamer derive from this. |
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GamerCollection |
Represents a collection of gamers. This collection cannot be modified and is updated automatically during the call to Update. |
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GamerPresence |
Provides properties to set the rich presence state for a locally signed-in gamer profile. |
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GamerPrivilegeException |
Thrown if a gamer services or multiplayer API is called without a valid, signed-in profile. |
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GamerPrivileges |
Describes what operations a gamer is allowed to perform. |
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GamerProfile |
Profile settings describing information about a gamer such as the gamer's motto, reputation, and gamer picture. This data is accessible for both locally signed in profiles and remote gamers that you are playing with in a multiplayer session. |
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GamerServicesComponent |
Wraps the functionality of the GamerServicesDispatcher. |
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GamerServicesDispatcher |
Implements the Windows-specific portion of a GamerServicesDispatcher class. |
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GamerServicesNotAvailableException |
Thrown if the gamer services system cannot be successfully initialized. |
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GameUpdateRequiredException |
The exception thrown when a game (title) update is required in order to use Xbox LIVE. |
.png) |
Guide |
Provides access to the Guide user interface. |
.png) |
GuideAlreadyVisibleException |
Thrown if an attmept is made to display a component of the Guide user interface when a Guide component is already displayed. |
.png) |
InviteAcceptedEventArgs |
Represents the arguments passed to an InviteAccepted event. |
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LeaderboardEntry |
Class representing a single row of a leaderboard, holding all the information a specific gamer has uploaded to the board. |
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LeaderboardReader |
Reads data from leaderboards. |
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LeaderboardWriter |
Records leaderboard data for players in a NetworkSession. |
.png) |
NetworkException |
Thrown if there is a network communication failure. |
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NetworkNotAvailableException |
Thrown if a network connection is unavailable. |
.png) |
PropertyDictionary |
Holds a set of properties used to define presence states or leaderboard column values. |
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SignedInEventArgs |
Represents the arguments passed to a SignedIn event. |
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SignedInGamer |
Represents a gamer (a profile that has an associated gamertag) on the local system. |
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SignedInGamerCollection |
Represents a collection of gamers on the local system. |
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SignedInGamerExtensions |
Provides additional services to Gamer Services for Xbox LIVE. |
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SignedOutEventArgs |
Represents the arguments passed to a SignedOut event. |