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KinectAudioSource Members

Kinect for Windows 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the KinectAudioSource type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutomaticGainControlEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that enables/disables automatic gain control. The default value is false (no automatic gain control).
Public Property BeamAngle Gets the beam angle (in degrees), which is the direction the sensor is set for listening. The values are: {-50, -40, -30, -20, -10, 0, +10, +20, +30, +40, +50}.
Public Property BeamAngleMode Gets or sets the beam angle mode, which determines how the beam angle is updated. The default value is BeamAngleMode.Automatic.
Public Property EchoCancellationMode Gets or sets the echo cancellation and suppression mode. The default value is EchoCancellationMode.None.
Public Property EchoCancellationSpeakerIndex Gets or sets the index of the audio source that produced a sound so that echo cancellation can be performed. The default value is determined by the operating system.
Public Property ManualBeamAngle Gets or sets the beam angle (in degrees) manually by the user, which is the direction the sensor is set for listening.
Public Property Static MaxBeamAngle Gets the maximum possible angle for the KinectAudioSource.BeamAngle property.
Public Property Static MaxSoundSourceAngle Gets the maximum possible angle for the KinectAudioSource.SoundSourceAngle property.
Public Property Static MinBeamAngle Gets the minimum possible angle for the KinectAudioSource.BeamAngle property.
Public Property Static MinSoundSourceAngle Gets the minimum possible angle for the KinectAudioSource.SoundSourceAngle property.
Public Property NoiseSuppression Gets or sets a Boolean value that enables/disables noise suppression. The default is true.
Public Property SoundSourceAngle Gets the sound source angle (in degrees), which is the direction that sound is arriving from a sound source. The range is [-50, +50].
Public Property SoundSourceAngleConfidence Gets the confidence in the audio source location estimate; the range is [0.0, 1.0], where 1 is the highest possible confidence.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Start Overloaded. Methods to start capturing audio data streamed out of a sensor.
Public Method Stop Stops capturing audio data and closes the audio stream.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event BeamAngleChanged This event fires when the BeamAngle property changes.
Public Event SoundSourceAngleChanged This event fires when the SoundSourceAngle property changes.

See Also


KinectAudioSource Class
Microsoft.Kinect Namespace