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CameraPoseFinder Members

Kinect for Windows 1.8

The following table(s) list the members exposed by the CameraPoseFinder type.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field DefaultMinimumDistanceThreshold Default minimum distance threshold for capturing key frame poses for use by the CameraPoseFinder.ProcessFrame method.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Dispose Releases all resources used by this CameraPoseFinder.
Public Method FindCameraPose Retrieves the poses in the camera pose finder database that are most similar to the current camera input.
Public Method Static FusionCreateCameraPoseFinder Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the CameraPoseFinder class.
Public Method GetCameraPoseFinderParameters Retrieves the parameters used in this CameraPoseFinder.
Public Method GetStoredPoseCount Retrieves the number of frames that are currently stored in the camera pose finder database.
Public Method LoadCameraPoseFinderDatabase Loads a previously-saved camera pose finder database from disk.
Public Method ProcessFrame Adds the specified camera frame to the camera pose finder database if the frame differs enough from poses that already exist in the database.
Public Method ResetCameraPoseFinder Clears the CameraPoseFinder.
Public Method SaveCameraPoseFinderDatabase Saves the camera pose finder database to disk.

See Also


CameraPoseFinder Class
Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Fusion Namespace