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Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.Fusion Namespace

Contains managed classes for Kinect Fusion.


Name Description
Public Class CameraParameters This class is used to store the intrinsic camera parameters. These parameters describe the optical system of the camera lens and sensor.
Public Class CameraPoseFinder Encapsulates camera pose finder creation, updating, and pose-finding functions.
Public Class CameraPoseFinderParameters Defines the number of poses and feature sample locations used by the CameraPoseFinder class.
Public Class ColorMesh Provides access to the vertices, normals, triangle indexes, and vertex colors of the mesh that is created when meshing a ColorReconstruction volume.
Public Class ColorReconstruction Encapsulates reconstruction volume creation, updating, and meshing functions with color.
Public Class FusionColorImageFrame A frame used specifically for 32bit RGBA-based images. It provides access to the dimensions, format and pixel data for a frame.
Public Class FusionDepthProcessor The FusionDepthProcessor class encapsulates all operations on depth processing.
Public Class FusionFloatImageFrame A frame used specifically for float-based images. It provides access to the dimensions, format and pixel data for a depth frame.
Public Class FusionImageFrame Contains a Fusion Image Frame.
Public Class FusionPointCloudImageFrame A frame used specifically for float-based point cloud images. It provides access to the dimensions, format and pixel data for a depth frame.
Public Class MatchCandidates Used by the CameraPoseFinder.FindCameraPose method to provide access to the matched camera poses and their similarity measurements.
Public Class Mesh The Mesh object is created when meshing a Reconstruction volume. This provides access to the vertices, normals and triangle indexes of the mesh.
Public Class Reconstruction Reconstruction encapsulates reconstruction volume creation updating and meshing functions.
Public Class ReconstructionParameters Contains the parameters for a KinectFusion reconstruction.


Name Description
Public Structure Vector3 Vector3 is a 3-element vector, typically used for storing 3D points or normals.


Name Description
Public Enumeration FusionImageType The Kinect Fusion image types.
Public Enumeration HRESULT The HRESULT definition which is used in Kinect Fusion.
Public Enumeration ReconstructionProcessor The Reconstruction Processor type.