Managing a Test Case
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
A test case is a set of traces that are grouped by a defined context. A test case begins when the XxxStartTest function or method is called and ends when the XxxEndTest function or method is called.
Note Context changes within the XxxStartTest and XxxEndTest events have a global effect regardless of the device handle that is passed to these functions. Therefore, make certain that your code has matching XxxStartTest and XxxEndTest function calls.
To manage a test case by using C
Mark the beginning of the test case by calling the WTTLogStartTest function or the WTTLogStartTestEx function.
Trace application errors.
Mark the end of the test case by calling the WTTLogEndTest function or the WTTLogEndTestEx function.
To manage a test case by using C++
Mark the beginning of the test case by calling the CWTTLogger::StartTest method or the CWTTLogger::StartTestEx method.
Trace application errors.
Mark the end of the test case by calling the CWTTLogger::EndTest method or the CWTTLogger::EndTestEx method.
To manage a test case by using COM
Mark the beginning of the test case by calling the IWTTLog::StartTest method or the IWTTLog::StartTestEx method.
Trace application errors.
Mark the end of the test case by calling the IWTTLog::EndTest method or the IWTTLog::EndTestEx method.
To manage a test case by using .NET
Mark the beginning of the test case by calling the WttLogger.StartTest method.
Trace application errors.
Mark the end of the test case by calling the WTTLogger.EndTest method.
This section includes:
Logger Modes and Test Case Results
Selective Roll Up of Test Case Results
See Also
Getting Started with DTM Logger, Code Samples for DTM Logger
Build date: 9/14/2012