Logger Modes and Test Case Results
Note This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.
There are two modes in which the DTM Logger can be working when it determines the test case result: auto mode or user mode.
Auto Mode
If auto mode is set, the test case results that the user provides might be overridden according to the previous traces. In this mode, one of the following types of test case results might be logged:
Passed. No error, assert, invalid parameter, break, warning, or bug traces occurred during the test case.
Warned. A warning trace occurred, but no error, assert, invalid parameter, break, or bug trace occurred during the test case.
Failed. An error, assert, invalid parameter, or break trace occurred, but no bug trace occurred during the test case.
Blocked. A bug trace occurred during the test case, or the user application declares the test case blocked.
Skipped. The user application declares the test case skipped.
Note DTM Logger tracks the test case results and provides a rollup of them if the following conditions are met:
The Logger is running under DTM.
The DTM Task is set to Rollup result to job.
In Task Failure Conditions, Declare task failure based on results from log is set to WTTLog.
User Mode
If user mode is set, DTM Logger will not override the test case result that the XxxEndTest function sets. This mode is used primarily for advanced users to enable better test result handling and for backward compatibility with existing user applications where only the XxxStartTest and XxxEndTest functions are called without any other traces.
To set Logger to user mode, add $LocalPub:WTTLogPFMode=user to the logger device string or pass /WTTLogPFMode:User from the application command line.
See Also
Getting Started with DTM Logger, Managing a Test Case
Build date: 9/14/2012