pac env
Work with your Dataverse organization.
With pac cli version 1.32, the pac org
command was changed to pac env
. org
will continue to work, but we recommend using env
going forward.
Command | Description |
pac env fetch | Performs FetchXML query against Dataverse |
pac env list | Lists all of the Dataverse organizations the user has access to |
pac env list-settings | List environment settings |
pac env select | Select default organization for current authentication profile. |
pac env update-settings | Update environment settings |
pac env who | Displays information about the current Dataverse organization. |
Performs FetchXML query against Dataverse
Specifies the target Dataverse. The value may be a Guid or absolute https URL. When not specified, the active organization selected for the current auth profile will be used.
FetchXML query to run
File with FetchXML query to run
Lists all of the Dataverse organizations the user has access to
pac env list --filter myenv
The filter parameter is a regular expression based filter.
Show only environments containing filter criteria.
List environment settings
C:\Users\you>pac env list-settings --filter number
Connected as
Setting Value
currentbulkoperationnumber 1,000
currentcampaignnumber 1,000
currentcasenumber 1
currentcategorynumber 1,000
currentcontractnumber 1,000
currentimportsequencenumber 1
currentinvoicenumber 1,000
currentkanumber 1,000
currentkbnumber 1,000
currentordernumber 1,000
currentparsedtablenumber 1
currentquotenumber 1,000
maximumtrackingnumber 999
nexttrackingnumber 0
numberformat us
numbergroupformat 3
numberseparator ,
recurrencedefaultnumberofoccurrences 10
showweeknumber No
timezoneruleversionnumber 0
versionnumber 19,810,412
Specifies the target Dataverse. The value may be a Guid or absolute https URL. When not specified, the active organization selected for the current auth profile will be used.
Show only settings containing filter criteria
Each environment has an Organization table with a single row that stores settings for the environment.
Unless you apply the --filter
parameter, this command returns all the columns from the first and only row of the organization entity type.
Use the pac env update-settings command to change the values for some of these settings.
Learn more about reading and updating environment settings
Select default organization for current authentication profile.
The following examples show the use of the pac env select command.
This example shows how to select an env by using an environment URL.
pac env select --environment ""
This example shows how to select an env by using an environment ID.
pac env select --environment 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Default environment (ID, url, unique name, or partial name).
Update environment settings
Name of the setting to update
Specifies the target Dataverse. The value may be a Guid or absolute https URL. When not specified, the active organization selected for the current auth profile will be used.
Value to which setting should be updated to
The pac env list-settings command returns all the columns from the first and only row of the organization entity type. Use pac env update-settings
to change those settings.
Learn more about reading and updating environment settings
Displays information about the current Dataverse organization.
Specifies the target Dataverse. The value may be a Guid or absolute https URL. When not specified, the active organization selected for the current auth profile will be used.
Returns the output of the command as a JSON formatted string.
Microsoft Power Platform CLI Command Groups
Microsoft Power Platform CLI overview