Authentication (preview)
The new and improved Power Platform admin center is now in public preview! We designed the new admin center to be easier to use, with task-oriented navigation that helps you achieve specific outcomes faster. We'll be publishing new and updated documentation as the new Power Platform admin center moves to general availability.
This article provides an overview of the Microsoft Entra setup for calling Power Platform API (preview). To access resources available via Power Platform API, you must get a bearer token from Microsoft Entra and send it as a header along with each request. Depending on the identity type you're supporting (user vs service principal) there are different flows to obtain this bearer token, as described in this article.
The following steps are required to obtain a bearer token with the correct permissions:
- Create an application registration in your Microsoft Entra tenant
- Configure API permissions
- Configure Public Client (optional)
- Configure Certificates and Secrets (optional)
- Request an access token
Step 1. Create an application registration
Navigate to the Microsoft Entra app registration page and create a new registration. Give the application a name, and ensure the Single tenant option is selected. You can skip the redirect URI setup.
Step 2. Configure API permissions
Within your new app registration, navigate to the Manage - API Permissions tab. Under the Configure permissions section, select Add a Permission. On the dialog window that opens, select the APIs my organization uses tab, and then search for Power Platform API. You might see several entries with a name similar to this, so ensure you use the one with the GUID 8578e004-a5c6-46e7-913e-12f58912df43.
If you don't see Power Platform API showing up in the list when searching by GUID, it's possible that you still have access to it but the visibility isn't refreshed. To force a refresh, run the following PowerShell script:
#Install the Microsoft Entra the module
Install-Module AzureAD
New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId 8578e004-a5c6-46e7-913e-12f58912df43 -DisplayName "Power Platform API"
From here, you must select the permissions you require. These are grouped by Namespaces . Within a namespace, you see resource types and actions for example AppManagement.ApplicationPackages.Read which give read permissions for application packages. For more information, see our Permission reference article.
Power Platform API makes use of delegated permissions only at this time. For applications that run with a user context, you request delegated permissions using the scope parameter. These permissions delegate the privileges of the signed-in user to your application, allowing it to act as the user when calling Power Platform API endpoints.
For service principal identities, application permissions are not used. Instead service principals are treated as Power Platform Administrators today and must be registered by following PowerShell - Create service principal.
After the required permissions are added to the application, select Grant admin consent to complete the setup. This is necessary for instances where you want to allow users to access your app right away, instead of requiring an interactive consent experience. If you can support interactive consent, we recommend following the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
Step 3. Configure Public Client (optional)
If your app requires reading and writing resources on behalf of a user, you must enable the Public Client setting. This is the only way that Microsoft Entra ID accepts username and password properties in the body of your token request. Also note, that if you plan to use this feature, it doesn't work for accounts that have multifactor authentication enabled.
To enable, visit the Manage - Authentication tab. Under the Advanced Settings section, set the Public Client switch to Yes.
Step 4. Configure Certificates and Secrets (optional)
If your app requires reading and writing resources as itself - also known as a Service Principal, there are two ways to authenticate. To use certificates, navigate to the Manage - Certificates and secrets tab. Under the Certificates section, upload an x509 certificate that you can use to authenticate. The other way is to use the Secrets section to generate a client secret. Save the secret in a safe location for use with your automation needs. The certificate or secret options allow you to authenticate with Microsoft Entra and receive a token for this client, of which you pass along to either the REST APIs or PowerShell cmdlets.
Step 5. Request an access token
There are two ways to obtain an access bearer token. One is for username and password and the other is for Service Principals.
Username and password flow
Be sure to read the Public Client section above. Then, send a POST request via HTTP to Microsoft Entra ID with a username and password payload.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
The above example contains placeholders that you can retrieve from your client application in Microsoft Entra ID. You receive a response that can be used to make subsequent calls to Power Platform API.
"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "",
"expires_in": 4747,
"ext_expires_in": 4747,
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJu..."
Use the access_token value in subsequent calls to the Power Platform API with the Authorization HTTP header.
Service principal flow
Be sure to read the Certificates and Secrets section above. Then, send a POST request via HTTP to Microsoft Entra ID with a client secret payload. This is often referred to as service principal authentication.
This can only be used after you have registered this client application ID with Microsoft Power Platform following either the related PowerShell or REST documentation.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
The above example contains placeholders that you can retrieve from your client application in Microsoft Entra ID. You receive a response that can be used to make subsequent calls to Power Platform API.
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"ext_expires_in": 3599,
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1..."
Use the access_token value in subsequent calls to the Power Platform API with the Authorization HTTP header. As noted above, the Service Principal flow doesn't use application permissions and is instead, for now, treated as a Power Platform Administrator for all calls that they make.
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