Permission reference


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This article provides an overview of the Power Platform API granular permissions. These permissions will be initially available for registering client applications in Microsoft Entra and may become available in security role form in the future.

Naming convention

Permissions in Power Platform API are named in the following manner: {namespace}.{resourceType}.{action}, where:

  • namespace is the logical grouping of resources and functionality

  • resourceType is the specific resource type on which the permission is defined and must be unique across the resource type's namespace and

  • action is named per the table below

    HTTP Method Path Structure Action Name(s)
    GET or HEAD Any Read
    DELETE Any Delete
    PATCH Any Update
    PUT Any Create and Update
    POST /{namespace}/.../{resourceType} Create
    POST /{namespace}/.../{resourceType}/{resourceId}/{action} {action}

Defined permissions

The following table is a list of the currently defined permissions in Power Platform API:

Name Display name Description
AiFlows.Ai.Execute Execute AI-related operations (like Generate) on AI flow Allows you to execute AI-related operations (like Generate) on AI flows.
AiFlows.Ai.Read AI-related read operations on AI flow Allows you to do AI-related read operations on AI flows.
AiFlows.Ai.Write AI-related write operations on AI flow Allows you to do AI-related write operations on AI flows.
AiFlows.Connections.Read Read AI Flow connection Allows reading of AI flow connections.
AiFlows.Runs.Execute Perform actions on AI flow run Allows you to perform actions on AI flow runs.
AiFlows.Runs.Read Read Copilot flow run Allows reading AI flow runs.
AiFlows.Runs.Write Write AI flow run Allows writing AI flow runs.
AiFlows.Workflows.Execute Perform actions (like activate) AI flow Allows you to perform actions (like activate) on AI flows.
AiFlows.Workflows.Read Read AI flow Allows reading AI flows.
AiFlows.Workflows.Write Write AI flow Allows writing AI flows.
AiTools.Prompt.Invoke Invoke AI prompts Allows invoking of AI prompts.
AiTools.Prompt.Read Read AI prompts Allows reading of AI prompts.
AiTools.Prompt.Write Read and write AI prompts Allows reading and writing of AI prompts.
Analytics.AdvisorActions.Execute Analytics.AdvisorActions.Execute Allows user to execute advisor actions.
Analytics.AdvisorRecommendations.Read Analytics.AdvisorRecommendations.Read Allows uses to read advisor reccomendations.
AppManagement.ApplicationPackages.Install Install application packages Allows installing application packages.
AppManagement.ApplicationPackages.Read Read application packages Allows reading application packages.
CopilotFlows.CloudFlows.ChatAssistant Cloud flows chat assistant Allows cloud flows chat assistant.
CopilotFlows.Connections.Read Read Copilot flow connection Allows reading copilot flow connections.
CopilotFlows.Runs.Cancel Cancel Copilot flow run Allows cancelling Copilot flow runs.
CopilotFlows.Runs.Create Create Copilot flow run Allows creating Copilot flow runs.
CopilotFlows.Runs.Read Read Copilot flow run Allows reading Copilot flow runs.
CopilotFlows.Runs.Resume Resume Copilot flow run Allows resuming Copilot flow runs.
CopilotFlows.Workflows.Activate Activate Copilot flows Allows activating Copilot flows.
CopilotFlows.Workflows.Generate Generate Copilot flow suggestion Allows generating Copilot flow suggestions.
CopilotFlows.Workflows.Read Read Copilot flow Allows reading Copilot flows.
CopilotStudio.Copilots.Invoke Allows invoking Copilots Allows interacting with authenticated Copilots hosted by Copilot Studio.
EnvironmentManagement.Environments.Read Read environments Allows reading of environments.
EnvironmentManagement.Groups.Read Read environment groups Allows reading of environment groups.
EnvironmentManagement.Groups.ReadWrite Read and write environment groups Allows reading and writing of environment groups.
EnvironmentManagement.Settings.Read Read environment management settings Allows reading of environment management settings.
EnvironmentManagement.Settings.ReadWrite Update environment management settings Allows update of environment management settings.
Licensing.Allocations.Read Read currency allocations Allows reading of currency allocations.
Licensing.Allocations.ReadWrite Read and write currency allocations Allows reading and writing of currency allocations.
Licensing.BillingPolicies.Read Read billing policies Allows reading of billing policies.
Licensing.BillingPolicies.ReadWrite Read and write billing policies Read and write billing policies.
Licensing.IsvContracts.Read Read ISV contracts Allows reading of ISV contracts.
Licensing.IsvContracts.ReadWrite Read and write ISV contracts Allows reading and writing ISV contracts.
PowerApps.Apps.Play Play Power Apps Allows playing of Power Apps.
PowerApps.Apps.Read Read Power App Allows reading of Power Apps.
PowerPages.Websites.Read Read Power Pages websites Allows reading of Power Pages websites.
PowerPages.Websites.Write Write Power Pages websites Allows writing of Power Pages websites.