RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Function
Retrieves all security principals (users, teams, or organizations) that have access to, and access rights for, the specified record because it was shared with them.
Parameters allow for data to be passed to the function.
Name | Type | Nullable | Unicode | Description |
crmbaseentity | False | True | The record for which security principals (users, teams, or organizations) have access. |
Type | Nullable | Description |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse | False | Contains the response of the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess function. |
Use the RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess function with these entity types:
Name | Display name | Description |
account | Account | Business that represents a customer or potential customer. The company that is billed in business transactions. |
activityfileattachment | Activity File Attachment | Attachment entity with data stored in file type attribute |
adx_invitation | Invitation | Send invitations to existing contacts or email addresses and assign them to web roles upon redemption. |
adx_inviteredemption | Invite Redemption | Holds information about the redemption of an invite. |
adx_portalcomment | Portal Comment | An activity which is used to share information between the user and the customer on the portal. |
adx_setting | Setting | |
aiplugin | AIPlugin | AIPlugins component |
aipluginauth | AIPluginAuth | Entity to store AIPlugin Auth Information |
aipluginconversationstarter | AI Plugin Conversation Starter | Conversation Starters for AI Plugins. |
aipluginconversationstartermapping | AI Plugin Conversation Starter Mapping | AIPlugins component |
aipluginexternalschema | AIPluginExternalSchema | AIPluginExternalSchemas component |
aipluginexternalschemaproperty | AIPluginExternalSchemaProperty | AIPluginExternalSchemaProperties component |
aiplugingovernance | AI Plugin Governance | |
aiplugingovernanceext | AI Plugin Governance Extended | |
aiplugininstance | AIPluginInstance | AI Plugin Instances Component |
aipluginoperation | AIPluginOperation | AIPluginOperations component |
aipluginoperationparameter | AIPluginOperationParameter | Parameter overrides for AI Operation |
aipluginoperationresponsetemplate | AIPluginOperationResponseTemplate | Content for the AI Plugin Operation Response Template |
aipluginusersetting | AIPluginUserSetting | |
annotation | Note | Note that is attached to one or more objects, including other notes. |
appointment | Appointment | Commitment representing a time interval with start/end times and duration. |
bot | Copilot | Represents a copilot created in Copilot Studio. |
botcomponent | Copilot component | Holds key authoring components of a Copilot such a topics, entities, variables, etc. |
botcomponentcollection | Copilot component collection | |
canvasapp | Canvas App | An application built through a canvas-based editing experience. |
card | Card | Card |
category | Category | Entity for categorizing records to make it easier for your customers to find them on portals and through search. |
certificatecredential | CertificateCredential | Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
chat | Teams chat | For internal use only. Entity which stores association data of Dynamics 365 records with Microsoft Teams chat |
connection | Connection | Relationship between two entities. |
connectioninstance | Connection Instance | |
connectionreference | Connection Reference | |
connector | Connector | Connector Entity to support Solutioning Integration |
contact | Contact | Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague. |
conversationtranscript | ConversationTranscript | Contains the transcripts of conversations between participants such as customers, Virtual Agents or Human agents. |
copilotglossaryterm | CopilotGlossaryTerm | CopilotGlossaryTerm Component |
copilotsynonyms | CopilotSynonyms | CopilotSynonyms Component |
credential | Credential | |
customapi | Custom API | Entity that defines a custom API |
datalakefolder | Data Lake Folder | A folder is a place to store data in Azure Data Lake. |
desktopflowbinary | Desktop Flow Binary | |
desktopflowmodule | Desktop Flow Module | |
duplicaterule | Duplicate Detection Rule | Rule used to identify potential duplicates. |
dvfilesearch | DVFileSearch | DVFileSearches Component |
dvfilesearchattribute | DVFileSearchAttribute | |
dvfilesearchentity | DVFileSearchEntity | DVFileSearchEntities component. |
dvtablesearch | DVTableSearch | DVTableSearches component |
dvtablesearchattribute | DVTableSearchAttribute | DVTableSearchAttribute component |
dvtablesearchentity | DVTableSearchEntity | DVTableSearchEntities component |
Activity that is delivered using email protocols. | ||
emailserverprofile | Email Server Profile | Holds the Email Server Profiles of an organization |
environmentvariabledefinition | Environment Variable Definition | Contains information about the settable variable: its type, default value, and etc. |
exportedexcel | Exported Excel | A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests. |
exportsolutionupload | ExportSolutionUpload | |
fabricaiskill | Fabric AISkill | AISkills published from Fabric. |
fax | Fax | Activity that tracks call outcome and number of pages for a fax and optionally stores an electronic copy of the document. |
featurecontrolsetting | FeatureControlSetting | featurecontrolsetting |
federatedknowledgeconfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeConfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeConfigurations component |
federatedknowledgeentityconfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfiguration | FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfigurations component |
feedback | Feedback | Feedback and rating. |
flowcapacityassignment | Flow Capacity Assignment | Capacity assignment for usage in Power Automate |
flowcredentialapplication | Flow Credential Application | |
flowevent | Flow Event | Entity to store the events that happen during usage of Power Automate. |
flowmachine | Flow Machine | |
flowmachinegroup | Flow Machine Group | |
flowmachineimage | Flow Machine Image | |
flowmachineimageversion | Flow Machine Image Version | |
flowmachinenetwork | Flow Machine Network | |
flowsession | Flow Session | Entity to store the information that is generated when a Power Automate Desktop flow runs. |
fxexpression | FxExpression | |
goal | Goal | Target objective for a user or a team for a specified time period. |
goalrollupquery | Rollup Query | Query that is used to filter the results of the goal rollup. |
governanceconfiguration | Governance Configuration | |
import | Data Import | Status and ownership information for an import job. |
importfile | Import Source File | File name of file used for import. |
importmap | Data Map | Data map used in import. |
keyvaultreference | Key Vault Reference | Contains data that refers to an Azure Key Vault containing credentials used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
knowledgearticle | Knowledge Article | Organizational knowledge for internal and external use. |
knowledgebaserecord | Knowledge Base Record | Metadata of knowledge base (KB) articles associated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 entities. |
letter | Letter | Activity that tracks the delivery of a letter. The activity can contain the electronic copy of the letter. |
mailbox | Mailbox | |
mailmergetemplate | Mail Merge Template | Template for a mail merge document that contains the standard attributes of that document. |
managedidentity | Managed Identity | Contains data to represent an Azure Active Directory Application used to connect to secure web-hosted resources. |
msdyn_aibdataset | AI Builder Dataset | |
msdyn_aibdatasetfile | AI Builder Dataset File | |
msdyn_aibdatasetrecord | AI Builder Dataset Record | |
msdyn_aibdatasetscontainer | AI Builder Datasets Container | |
msdyn_aibfeedbackloop | AI Builder Feedback Loop | |
msdyn_aibfile | AI Builder File | |
msdyn_aibfileattacheddata | AI Builder File Attached Data | |
msdyn_aievent | AI Event | |
msdyn_aifptrainingdocument | AI Form Processing Document | |
msdyn_aimodel | AI Model | |
msdyn_aiodimage | AI Object Detection Image | |
msdyn_aiodlabel | AI Object Detection Label | |
msdyn_aiodtrainingboundingbox | AI Object Detection Bounding Box | |
msdyn_aiodtrainingimage | AI Object Detection Image Mapping | |
msdyn_aitemplate | AI Template | |
msdyn_analysiscomponent | Analysis Component | |
msdyn_analysisjob | Analysis Job | |
msdyn_analysisoverride | Analysis Override | |
msdyn_analysisresult | Analysis Result | |
msdyn_analysisresultdetail | Analysis Result Detail | |
msdyn_apirequestcache | API Request Cache | |
msdyn_apirequestfolder | API Request Folder | |
msdyn_copilotinteractions | Copilot Interactions | Data table of previous copilot interactions. |
msdyn_customcontrolextendedsettings | Custom Control Extended Setting | |
msdyn_dataflow | Dataflow | |
msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolder | Dataflow DatalakeFolder | |
msdyn_dataflowconnectionreference | Dataflow Connection Reference | Intersecting table between Dataflow and Connection Reference |
msdyn_dataflowrefreshhistory | DataflowRefreshHistory | |
msdyn_dataflowtemplate | Dataflow Template | An entity to store information about dataflow templates |
msdyn_dmsrequest | Data Movement Service Request | Table for Data Movement Service Requests |
msdyn_dmsrequeststatus | Data Movement Service Request Status | Table for Data Movement Service Request Status |
msdyn_dmssyncrequest | DMS Sync Request | An entity to save DMS sync requests. |
msdyn_dmssyncstatus | DMS Sync Status | An entity to save DMS sync statuses. |
msdyn_entitylinkchatconfiguration | Entity link chat configuration | |
msdyn_entityrefreshhistory | EntityRefreshHistory | |
msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle | Favorite knowledge article | Entity for favorite knowledge articles |
msdyn_federatedarticle | Knowledge Federated Article | |
msdyn_fileupload | File Upload | |
msdyn_flow_actionapprovalmodel | Action Approval Model | The action approval model data attached to an action approval. |
msdyn_flow_approval | Approval | An approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalrequest | Approval Request | An individual request for approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalresponse | Approval Response | An individual response to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_approvalstep | Approval Step | |
msdyn_flow_awaitallactionapprovalmodel | Await All Action Approval Model | The await all action approval model data attached to an action approval. |
msdyn_flow_awaitallapprovalmodel | Await All Approval Model | The await all approval model data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_basicapprovalmodel | Basic Approval Model Data | The basic approval model data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_flow_flowapproval | Flow Approval | Microsoft Flow data attached to an approval. |
msdyn_formmapping | Form Mapping | |
msdyn_function | Function | |
msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestbatch | |
msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | msdyn_historicalcaseharvestrun | |
msdyn_integratedsearchprovider | Integrated search provider | Ingest and search files, documents, or articles from data sources outside of your current Dynamics 365 organization with a unified ranking. |
msdyn_kalanguagesetting | Knowledge article language setting | Allows you to select default language for knowledge authoring. |
msdyn_kbattachment | Knowledge Article Attachment | |
msdyn_kmfederatedsearchconfig | Search provider | |
msdyn_knowledgearticleimage | Knowledge Article Image | |
msdyn_knowledgearticletemplate | Knowledge Article Template | Organizational Knowledge Article Template for Internal and external creation of Knowledge Articles. |
msdyn_knowledgeassetconfiguration | Knowledge Asset Configuration | Knowledge asset configurations for data sources configured in knowledge hub. |
msdyn_knowledgeharvestjobrecord | Knowledge Harvest Job Record | Tracking entity record used to trigger the harvesting process for knowledge articles |
msdyn_knowledgeinteractioninsight | Knowledge Interaction Insight | Knowledge Interaction Insight |
msdyn_knowledgemanagementsetting | Knowledge Management Setting | Setup knowledge management for your organization. |
msdyn_knowledgepersonalfilter | Knowledge search personal filter config | Allows you to configure and manage personal filter settings. |
msdyn_knowledgesearchfilter | Knowledge search filter | Allows you to configure and manage filter settings. |
msdyn_knowledgesearchinsight | Knowledge Search Insight | Knowledge Search Insight |
msdyn_mobileapp | Mobile App | Mobile App |
msdyn_pmanalysishistory | PM Analysis History | |
msdyn_pmbusinessruleautomationconfig | PM Business Rule Automation Config | |
msdyn_pmcalendar | PM Calendar | |
msdyn_pmcalendarversion | PM Calendar Version | |
msdyn_pminferredtask | PM Inferred Task | |
msdyn_pmprocessextendedmetadataversion | PM Process Extended Metadata Version | |
msdyn_pmprocesstemplate | PM Process Template | |
msdyn_pmprocessusersettings | PM Process User Settings | |
msdyn_pmprocessversion | PM Process Version | |
msdyn_pmrecording | PM Recording | |
msdyn_pmsimulation | PM Simulation | |
msdyn_pmtemplate | PM Template | |
msdyn_pmview | PM View | |
msdyn_richtextfile | Rich Text Attachment | Image or file attached to a rich text field |
msdyn_salesforcestructuredobject | Salesforce Structured Object | Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured Object. |
msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig | Salesforce Structured QnA Config | Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured QnA Config. |
msdyn_schedule | Schedule | Generic refresh schedule |
msdyn_serviceconfiguration | Service Configuration | |
msdyn_slakpi | SLA KPI | |
msdyn_solutionhealthrule | Solution Health Rule | |
msdyn_solutionhealthruleargument | Solution Health Rule Argument | |
msdyn_virtualtablecolumncandidate | Virtual Table Column Candidate | |
msdynce_botcontent | BotContent | |
msfp_alert | Customer Voice alert | |
msfp_alertrule | Customer Voice alert rule | |
msfp_emailtemplate | Customer Voice survey email template | Template for an email message that contains the survey invitation link. |
msfp_fileresponse | Customer Voice file response | Response to a file upload question. |
msfp_localizedemailtemplate | Customer Voice localized survey email template | Stores localized data for email templates. |
msfp_project | Customer Voice project | Set of surveys to collect feedback. |
msfp_question | Customer Voice survey question | Question in a survey to collect feedback. |
msfp_questionresponse | Customer Voice survey question response | Response to a question in a survey. |
msfp_satisfactionmetric | Customer Voice satisfaction metric | Satisfaction metric defined for a project. |
msfp_survey | Customer Voice survey | Set of questions to collect feedback. |
msfp_surveyinvite | Customer Voice survey invite | Activity that tracks a survey invitation sent to a person. |
msfp_surveyreminder | Customer Voice survey reminder | Email reminders for surveys created in Customer Voice. |
msfp_surveyresponse | Customer Voice survey response | Response to a survey. |
msfp_unsubscribedrecipient | Customer Voice unsubscribed recipient | Email address of an unsubscribed respondent. |
mspcat_catalogsubmissionfiles | Catalog Submission Files | Files associated with the package that will be used as part of the submission to the catalog system. |
mspcat_packagestore | Package Submission Store | Manages submissions to the Catalog and provisioning |
personaldocumenttemplate | Personal Document Template | Used to store Personal Document Templates in database in binary format. |
phonecall | Phone Call | Activity to track a telephone call. |
plannerbusinessscenario | Planner Business Scenario | For internal use only. The Business Scenario record to be created in Planner. |
plannersyncaction | Planner Sync Action | The Planner Sync Action to be executed. |
plugin | Plug-in | |
powerbidataset | Power BI Dataset | |
powerbidatasetapdx | powerbidatasetapdx | PowerBI Dataset appendix entity - for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerbimashupparameter | Power BI Mashup Parameter | |
powerbireport | Power BI Report | |
powerbireportapdx | powerbireportapdx | PowerBI Report appendix entity for unmanaged technical attributes |
powerfxrule | PowerfxRule | |
powerpagecomponent | Site Component | |
powerpagesite | Site | |
powerpagesitelanguage | Site Language | |
powerpagesitepublished | Power Pages Site Published | |
powerpagesmanagedidentity | PowerPagesManagedIdentity | |
powerpagesscanreport | Power Pages Scan Report | Power Pages Scan Report |
privilegecheckerrun | Privilege Checker Run | Entity to keep track of privilege checker tool runs. Parent entity of privilege checker log. |
processsession | Process Session | Information that is generated when a dialog is run. Every time that you run a dialog, a dialog session is created. |
processstageparameter | ProcessStageParameter | |
queue | Queue | A list of records that require action, such as accounts, activities, and cases. |
recurringappointmentmaster | Recurring Appointment | The Master appointment of a recurring appointment series. |
report | Report | Data summary in an easy-to-read layout. |
retaineddataexcel | RetainedData Excel | A Place holder entity to save excel file for each exportretaineddata custom api requests. |
retentionconfig | RetentionConfig | Holds retention policies for a table. |
retentionfailuredetail | RetentionFailureDetail | Retention failure details. |
retentionoperation | RetentionOperation | Retention policy execution details. |
retentionsuccessdetail | RetentionSuccessDetail | Retention Success details. |
sharepointdocumentlocation | Document Location | Document libraries or folders on a SharePoint server from where documents can be managed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
sharepointsite | SharePoint Site | SharePoint site from where documents can be managed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
sideloadedaiplugin | SideloadedAIPlugin | Sideloaded AIPlugins metadata. |
sla | SLA | Contains information about the tracked service-level KPIs for cases that belong to different customers. |
slakpiinstance | SLA KPI Instance | Service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance that is tracked for an individual case |
socialactivity | Social Activity | For internal use only. |
socialprofile | Social Profile | This entity is used to store social profile information of its associated account and contacts on different social channels. |
solutioncomponentbatchconfiguration | Solution Component Batch Configuration | |
stagesolutionupload | StageSolutionUpload | |
synapsedatabase | Synapse Database | This entity represents an external Synapse database and its associated datalake folder link. |
task | Task | Generic activity representing work needed to be done. |
template | Email Template | Template for an email message that contains the standard attributes of an email message. |
userform | User Dashboard | User-owned dashboards. |
userquery | Saved View | Saved database query that is owned by a user. |
userqueryvisualization | User Chart | Chart attached to an entity. |
workflow | Process | Set of logical rules that define the steps necessary to automate a specific business process, task, or set of actions to be performed. |
workflowbinary | Workflow Binary | |
workqueue | Work Queue | |
workqueueitem | Work Queue Item |