Excel.Interfaces.RangeData interface
An interface describing the data returned by calling range.toJSON()
address | Specifies the range reference in A1-style. Address value contains the sheet reference (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B4"). |
address |
Represents the range reference for the specified range in the language of the user. |
cell |
Specifies the number of cells in the range. This API will return -1 if the cell count exceeds 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647). |
column |
Specifies the total number of columns in the range. |
column |
Specifies the column number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed. |
format | Returns a format object, encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties. |
formulas | Represents the formula in A1-style notation. If a cell has no formula, its value is returned instead. |
formulas |
Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale. For example, the English "=SUM(A1, 1.5)" formula would become "=SUMME(A1; 1,5)" in German. If a cell has no formula, its value is returned instead. |
number |
Represents Excel's number format code for the given range. For more information about Excel number formatting, see Number format codes. |
row |
Returns the total number of rows in the range. |
row |
Returns the row number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed. |
text | Text values of the specified range. The text value will not depend on the cell width. The number sign (#) substitution that happens in the Excel UI will not affect the text value returned by the API. |
values | Represents the raw values of the specified range. The data returned could be a string, number, or boolean. Cells that contain an error will return the error string. If the returned value starts with a plus ("+"), minus ("-"), or equal sign ("="), Excel interprets this value as a formula. |
value |
Specifies the type of data in each cell. |
Specifies the range reference in A1-style. Address value contains the sheet reference (e.g., "Sheet1!A1:B4").
address?: string;
Property Value
Represents the range reference for the specified range in the language of the user.
addressLocal?: string;
Property Value
Specifies the number of cells in the range. This API will return -1 if the cell count exceeds 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647).
cellCount?: number;
Property Value
Specifies the total number of columns in the range.
columnCount?: number;
Property Value
Specifies the column number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed.
columnIndex?: number;
Property Value
Returns a format object, encapsulating the range's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties.
format?: Excel.Interfaces.RangeFormatData;
Property Value
Represents the formula in A1-style notation. If a cell has no formula, its value is returned instead.
formulas?: any[][];
Property Value
Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale. For example, the English "=SUM(A1, 1.5)" formula would become "=SUMME(A1; 1,5)" in German. If a cell has no formula, its value is returned instead.
formulasLocal?: any[][];
Property Value
Represents Excel's number format code for the given range. For more information about Excel number formatting, see Number format codes.
numberFormat?: any[][];
Property Value
Returns the total number of rows in the range.
rowCount?: number;
Property Value
Returns the row number of the first cell in the range. Zero-indexed.
rowIndex?: number;
Property Value
Text values of the specified range. The text value will not depend on the cell width. The number sign (#) substitution that happens in the Excel UI will not affect the text value returned by the API.
text?: string[][];
Property Value
Represents the raw values of the specified range. The data returned could be a string, number, or boolean. Cells that contain an error will return the error string. If the returned value starts with a plus ("+"), minus ("-"), or equal sign ("="), Excel interprets this value as a formula.
values?: any[][];
Property Value
Specifies the type of data in each cell.
valueTypes?: Excel.RangeValueType[][];
Property Value
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