Partner GUID

Your development organization is assigned a partner GUID when it signs up as a Nuance Healthcare partner. This partner GUID never changes.

When a Dragon Medical SpeechKit session is initialized, this partner GUID must be passed to Dragon Medical SpeechKit to identify the license to be used.

Data protection

Any partner with a valid partner GUID and organization token can use the speech recognition functionality. Usage is billed to the account that's associated with the license.

This means that the partner GUID shouldn't be visible to end users. As it's a constant, it can be compiled into your application binaries and not be visible to anybody outside of your development organization.


End users should only be required to enter their user name, not the partner GUID or organization token.

Revoking a partner GUID

If your partner GUID is used by unauthorized personnel, it can be revoked; contact Nuance and ask for a new partner GUID to be issued to your development organization.

As this would also mean significant effort to install new licenses (linked to the new partner GUID) at all your customer sites, it should be avoided.

A customer-specific organization token provides a second layer of protection that can be easily revoked. Therefore, if an unauthorized person gains access to your partner GUID, it's better to revoke the organization token used by this person.