Organization token
When a Dragon Medical license is installed in the Nuance Management Center, it must be associated with an organization token.
When a Dragon Medical SpeechKit session is initialized, this organization token must be passed to Dragon Medical SpeechKit to identify the license to be used.
The organization token is associated with a specific license; it must be configurable in your app. Each customer requires a separate organization token.
Data protection
Any partner with a valid partner GUID and organization token can use the speech recognition functionality. Usage is billed to the account that's associated with the license.
This means that the organization token shouldn't be visible to end users. It should be entered in your app by an administrator. Once it's entered, it should be made available to the components that initialize a Dragon Medical SpeechKit session without any action by your end users.
End users should only be required to enter their user name, not the organization token or partner GUID.
Revoking an organization token
If your organization token is used by unauthorized personnel, it can be revoked; in the Nuance Management Center, associate a new organization token with the license. Once this is done, the old organization token no longer grants access to speech recognition functionality.