Set up your organization

Start by registering at the Nuance Healthcare Development Platform:

When your registration is approved, Nuance creates your development organization in the Dragon Medical system; you have 90 days' access for testing and evaluation purposes. If you then enter into a financial agreement with Nuance you'll be able to set up your production organizations.

Evaluation phase

At the start of your evaluation phase you receive a welcome letter containing the following information:

These credentials enable you to access your development organization as an organization administrator.

  • An organization token and a partner GUID.

Dragon Medical SpeechKit integrations pass these identifiers to the Dragon Medical system when users sign in. For more information on how to configure your app with these identifiers, see the SDK help for your specific SDK.

US and international data centers

For apps deployed in the US, your development and production organizations are served from US data centers. The following speech recognition languages are available for testing:

en-US, es-ES

For apps deployed outside the US, your development organization is served from the UK data center and your production organization is served from the international data center corresponding to your region. The following speech recognition languages are available for testing purposes only:

da-DK, de-CH, de-DE, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US, es-ES, fi-FI, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, sv-SV


This list is subject to change; for more information, contact your Nuance representative.

Dragon Medical SpeechKit is configured to connect to the US data center out of the box. To connect to the UK data center, you need to set the server URL in your integration. The method to do this depends on your SDK; for example:

  • Android: Session.getSharedSession().setServerURL("");

  • Browser: NUSA_ServerURL=""; and NUSA_ResourceURL="<release channel>/scripts/Nuance.SpeechAnywhere.js";

  • .NET: Session.SharedSession.ServiceURL="";

  • iOS: [[NUSASession sharedSession] setServerURL: @""];

To support international deployments, we recommend that you make the server URL configurable in your app.

For more information, see the SDK help delivered with your Dragon Medical SpeechKit edition.

Speech recognition licenses

During the evaluation phase, your development organization has four speech recognition licenses. To use the Dragon Medical system, you need a speech recognition license assigned to at least one user account in NMC. By default, when a new user logs in to a Dragon Medical SpeechKit app, the Dragon Medical system automatically creates a new speech recognition user in NMC and assigns that user a speech recognition license; this is referred to as provisioning. For more information on managing user accounts, see Users.

To view your licenses, sign in to NMC and select Licensing > View Licenses. Your organization's licenses are in Account mode and the number of available licenses is displayed.

If you want another user to use speech recognition but have no available licenses, revoke the license of one of the existing users. Right-click your organization on the License Summary screen and select Revoke licenses.

Production system

When you enter a financial agreement with Nuance you can set up your system for production usage. Your original development organization's licenses are extended indefinitely and you can create production organizations for your customers.

Development organization

Use your original development organization for testing purposes only. Production usage should never occur using your development organization token.

Test users in production organizations contribute to your monthly invoice.

Production organizations

US organizations: For apps deployed in the US, your development and production organizations are served from US data centers. When you log in to NMC as the administrator for your original development organization, you can create new organizations for production usage.

International organizations: For apps deployed outside the US, your development organization is served from the UK data center and your production organization is served from the international data center corresponding to your region. You'll receive a user name and password to sign in to the required NMC instance as an administrator. You can then create new organizations for production usage.

Each organization you create in this way automatically receives the following:

  • Organization token: Your customers' Dragon Medical SpeechKit apps must pass the new organization token to the Dragon Medical system to identify the corresponding production organization. Your original partner GUID from your welcome letter remains valid for your production organizations.
  • Speech recognition license: Your production organizations' licenses are in Enterprise mode. There's no limit to the number of users that can be assigned a license, but the number of used licenses is always displayed as zero.
  • NMC administrator user name and password: These credentials provide access rights only to the corresponding production organization. (Your NMC administrator for your original development organization has elevated rights and can manage all of your production organizations.)

Each production organization is treated as a separate entity for billing purposes. Plan your organizations carefully. Decide which customers or facilities need to have a separate organization for your billing strategy.

For more information on creating organizations, see Organizations and sites.

For more information on languages supported by international data centers for production use, contact your Nuance representative.