FAQ on managing cases

This article provides answers to frequently asked questions about managing cases.


How can I create a case when the contact isn't linked to the customer organization?

Out of the box, customer service representatives (service representatives or representatives) can't create a case because the contact isn't associated with the customer organization. However, you can customize case forms and remove the validation on contact and allow unrelated contacts to be linked with the case.

Why can I use only few columns to search in the Case view?

To search on columns of your choice, make sure that the quick find search is configured for the required search parameters. More information: Use quick find search.

Why do representatives get permission errors when they try to access, create, delete, or update a case?

If the role assigned to representatives is missing security privileges, permission errors are displayed when they perform case actions. For example, the following error is displayed when a representative tries to access a case, and the role assigned to the representative is missing read privileges:

Principal user (Id= <GUID>, type=8, roleCount=5, privilegeCount=465, accessMode=0), is missing prvReadincident privilege (Id=<GUID>) on OTC=112 for entity 'incident'. context.Caller=<GUID>

To resolve the error, ensure that role assigned to the representative has read access to the case entity. More information, see: Security roles and privileges. You can also refer to the out-of-the-box Customer Service Representative role before you create custom roles or modify permissions of roles assigned to representatives. More information: Roles and personas

Why do I see a warning when I add and save case attributes that a child case must inherit from the parent case?

If you see a warning once you select the case attributes that a child case must inherit from the parent case, it means that you haven't selected any of the mandatory attributes. You must select all of the mandatory fields whose values the child case will inherit. Select the mandatory case attributes whose values the child case inherits. Case Title and Customer are mandatory attributes. More information: Define settings for parent and child caseschan

FAQ on resolving cases

Why can't I see Billable time, Remarks, or Total time fields on the case resolution dialog box?

As part of April 2023 wave, by default, representatives see the minimal case resolution dialog. The minimal case resolution dialog displays the Resolution Type and Resolution only. You can disable the minimal case resolution dialog and switch to the legacy experience. More information: Disable the minimal case resolution dialog.


  • You can revert to the legacy case resolution dialog only if the Case settings > Other settings > Resolve case dialog is set to Standard dialog in Customer Service admin center.
  • If Resolve case dialog is set to Customizable dialog or Quick create dialog, to add Duration, Billable Time, Total Time and other customizations, perform the steps in Add or remove fields from the case resolution dialog.

Can I update cases after they're resolved or canceled?

Yes, representatives can update the case description or other information after the case has been resolved or canceled. You must configure and run flows in Power Automate or an API to update the case without having to reopen the case records. More information: Allow updates for resolved and canceled cases.

Why isn't the billable time automatically updated on the case resolution dialog?

Billable time is the amount of time the representative spent on the case and can be billed to the customer. The application automatically calculates and displays the Billable Time value on the case resolution dialog, only if the Total Time field is also available on the dialog. If Total Time isn't displayed, representatives have to manually add the billable time. More information: Add or remove fields from the case resolution dialog.

Can I customize the case resolution dialog?

Yes. More information: Modify the case resolution dialog.

Why can't I see the custom value I added to Case resolution type field in the case resolution dialog?

Make sure that you've added the custom value to both the Case and Case Resolution entity for the custom value to be displayed on the case resolution dialog. More information: Add custom values to the case resolution dialog.

Why can't I set the Case Status field on a case to Resolved?

A case is resolved only when you select Resolve case on the command bar. You can't set the value of the Case Status field to Resolved. More information: Resolve a case.

Why do I see errors when I try to resolve a case?

Resolve a case isn't supported if Regarding field is configured in Case resolution dialog, and representatives will see errors if they try to resolve the case.

Enhanced case experience

I used the form selector on the Enhanced full case form to navigate to another form. Why can't I go back to the enhanced form?

Starting Feb 1 2024, the Enhanced case form is available in the form selector by default as an early access feature.

If you haven't opted in to the early access feature, you won't be able to navigate to Enhanced case form using form selector since the ShowInFormSelector option in Enhanced full case form is set to False. Set ShowInFormSelector to True through FormXML, to see the Enhanced full case form option in the form selector and navigate back to it.

When I navigate from the enhanced case form to another form and change the customer information, why isn't the customer details pane refreshed automatically?

The customer details pane is available only for the enhanced case form. When you switch to any other form from the enhanced case form, the pane isn't automatically refreshed or closed. You need to close it manually.

Why are representatives seeing the Enhanced case form when they create a case even if I haven't enabled Enhanced case experience?

If the Enhanced full case form has a higher form order than the default case form, representatives might see the enhanced full case form even if you haven't enabled the enhanced case experience. If you'd like representatives to see the default case experience, set the form order of the enhanced form lower than the default form. More information: Control access to model-driven app forms.

Why do my existing cases open in the default case form when I've enabled the enhanced case experience?

You must set the Enhanced full case form as the default form for your representatives to see the enhanced full case form when they open an existing case. More information: Control access to model-driven app forms.

Resolve form issues

How can I resolve the discrepancies in the number of buttons displayed on the command bar and ribbon issues in my case form?

If representatives see buttons being hidden or extra buttons displayed on the form, you can use the Command Checker tool to troubleshoot the issue and also see what command runs when a button is clicked.

You can follow the steps in Troubleshooting ribbon issues in Power Apps to resolve ribbon issues.

How can I identify and resolve form issues effectively?

Form issues occur because of business rules, JavaScript, form events, or client APIs. Monitor is a tool that can help you debug and diagnose problems, and can also help identify whether the issue experienced is designed out-of-the-box or due to a customization. More information: Use Monitor to troubleshoot model-driven app form behavior.

Why does the Responsible Contact Id field show null/blank when I refresh the browser or open the record in a new tab?

Responsible Contact Id is a deprecated field. With the recent platform enhancements, deprecated attributes aren't populated when a form loads in a new tab. More information: ResponsibleContactId lookup attribute is deprecated