Remove validation on contact and customer for cases in Customer Service

When you create or update a case record for a customer and contact, out of the box, the contact record must be associated with the customer record. However, based on your business requirements, you might need to select a contact record that doesn't belong to the customer organization. To meet your business needs, you can customize the case form to remove the form validation and thereby allow an unrelated contact be linked with the case.

Remove the validation on contact and customer for a case

Perform the following steps to disable the validation on contacts and customers:

  1. Go to the Power Apps portal.
  2. Select the required environment, select Solutions in the left pane.
  3. On the Solutions page, select Default Solution.
  4. On the top right, select All, and then select Environment variable in the list.
  5. Select the ellipses for msdyn_IncidentShouldValidatePrimaryContact, and then select Edit.
  6. On the flyout menu that appears, select New value, enter the number 0, and select Save.

Now, when customer service representatives (service representatives or representatives) are creating or updating a case, they can select contacts who are not part of the customer organization.

Overview of Customer Service workspace
Create a case
Environment variables in Power Apps