Manage a public IP address with Azure Bastion
Public IP addresses are available in two SKUs; standard, and basic. The selection of SKU determines the features of the IP address. The SKU determines the resources that the IP address can be associated with.
Azure Bastion is deployed to provide secure management connectivity to virtual machines in a virtual network. Azure Bastion Service enables you to securely and seamlessly RDP & SSH to the VMs in your virtual network. Azure Bastion enables connections without exposing a public IP on the VM. Connections are made directly from the Azure portal, without the need of an extra client/agent or piece of software. Azure Bastion supports standard SKU public IP addresses.
An Azure Bastion host requires a public IP address for its configuration.
In this article, you learn how to create an Azure Bastion host using an existing public IP in your subscription. Azure Bastion doesn't support the change of the public IP address after creation. Azure Bastion supports assigning an IP address within an IP prefix range but not assigning the IP prefix range itself.
Hourly pricing starts from the moment that Bastion is deployed, regardless of outbound data usage. For more information, see Pricing and SKUs. If you're deploying Bastion as part of a tutorial or test, we recommend that you delete this resource after you finish using it.
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create one for free.
- One standard SKU public IP address in your subscription. The IP address can't be associated with any resources. For more information on creating a standard SKU public IP address, see Create a public IP - Azure portal.
- For the purposes of the examples in this article, name the new public IP address myStandardPublicIP.
In this section, you create an Azure Bastion host. You select the IP address you created in the prerequisites as the public IP for bastion host.
Sign in to the Azure portal.
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter Bastion.
In the search results, select Bastion.
Select + Create.
In Create a bastion, enter or select the following information.
Setting Value Project details Subscription Select your subscription Resource group Select Create new.
Enter myResourceGroup in Name.
Select OK.Instance details Name Enter myBastionHost. Region Select (US) West US 2. Availability zone Leave the default of None. Tier Select Basic. Instance size Leave the default of 2. Configure virtual networks Virtual network Select Create new.
Enter myVNet in Name.
Leave the default address space of
Leave the default subnet of
In the text box under the default subnet, enter AzureBastionSubnet.
In address range, enter
Select OK.Subnet Select AzureBastionSubnet. Public IP address Public IP address Select Use existing. Choose public IP address Select myStandardPublicIP. Select the Review + create tab, or select the blue Review + create button.
Select Create.
For more information on Azure Bastion, see What is Azure Bastion?
Azure Bastion doesn't support the changing of the public IP address after creation.
- There isn't a requirement for a separate public IP on the virtual machine when connecting via Azure Bastion. Traffic is first routed to the public IP of Bastion. Bastion then routes RDP or SSH connections to the private IP address associated with the virtual machine.
- Public IPv6 addresses aren't supported for Azure Bastion at this time.
In this article, you learned how to create an Azure Bastion and use an existing public IP.
- For more information about Azure Bastion, see What is Azure Bastion?
- To learn more about public IP addresses in Azure, see Public IP addresses.