Microsoft.Insights webtests 2020-10-05-preview

Bicep resource definition

The webtests resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Insights/webtests resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.Insights/webtests@2020-10-05-preview' = {
  kind: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    Configuration: {
      WebTest: 'string'
    Description: 'string'
    Enabled: bool
    Frequency: int
    Kind: 'string'
    Locations: [
        Id: 'string'
    Name: 'string'
    Request: {
      FollowRedirects: bool
      Headers: [
          key: 'string'
          value: 'string'
      HttpVerb: 'string'
      ParseDependentRequests: bool
      RequestBody: 'string'
      RequestUrl: 'string'
    RetryEnabled: bool
    SyntheticMonitorId: 'string'
    Timeout: int
    ValidationRules: {
      ContentValidation: {
        ContentMatch: 'string'
        IgnoreCase: bool
        PassIfTextFound: bool
      ExpectedHttpStatusCode: int
      IgnoreHttpsStatusCode: bool
      SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck: int
      SSLCheck: bool
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'

Property Values


Name Description Value
key The name of the header. string
value The value of the header. string


Name Description Value
kind The kind of WebTest that this web test watches. Choices are ping and multistep. 'multistep'
location Resource location string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties Metadata describing a web test for an Azure resource. WebTestProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates


Name Description Value
Id Location ID for the WebTest to run from. string


Name Description Value
Configuration An XML configuration specification for a WebTest. WebTestPropertiesConfiguration
Description User defined description for this WebTest. string
Enabled Is the test actively being monitored. bool
Frequency Interval in seconds between test runs for this WebTest. Default value is 300. int
Kind The kind of web test this is, valid choices are ping, multistep, basic, and standard. 'basic'
'standard' (required)
Locations A list of where to physically run the tests from to give global coverage for accessibility of your application. WebTestGeolocation[] (required)
Name User defined name if this WebTest. string (required)
Request The collection of request properties WebTestPropertiesRequest
RetryEnabled Allow for retries should this WebTest fail. bool
SyntheticMonitorId Unique ID of this WebTest. This is typically the same value as the Name field. string (required)
Timeout Seconds until this WebTest will timeout and fail. Default value is 30. int
ValidationRules The collection of validation rule properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRules


Name Description Value
WebTest The XML specification of a WebTest to run against an application. string


Name Description Value
FollowRedirects Follow redirects for this web test. bool
Headers List of headers and their values to add to the WebTest call. HeaderField[]
HttpVerb Http verb to use for this web test. string
ParseDependentRequests Parse Dependent request for this WebTest. bool
RequestBody Base64 encoded string body to send with this web test. string
RequestUrl Url location to test. string


Name Description Value
ContentValidation The collection of content validation properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRulesContentValidation
ExpectedHttpStatusCode Validate that the WebTest returns the http status code provided. int
IgnoreHttpsStatusCode When set, validation will ignore the status code. bool
SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck A number of days to check still remain before the the existing SSL cert expires. Value must be positive and the SSLCheck must be set to true. int
SSLCheck Checks to see if the SSL cert is still valid. bool


Name Description Value
ContentMatch Content to look for in the return of the WebTest. Must not be null or empty. string
IgnoreCase When set, this value makes the ContentMatch validation case insensitive. bool
PassIfTextFound When true, validation will pass if there is a match for the ContentMatch string. If false, validation will fail if there is a match bool


Name Description Value

Usage Examples

Azure Verified Modules

The following Azure Verified Modules can be used to deploy this resource type.

Module Description
Web Test AVM Resource Module for Web Test

ARM template resource definition

The webtests resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Insights/webtests resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.Insights/webtests",
  "apiVersion": "2020-10-05-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "kind": "string",
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "Configuration": {
      "WebTest": "string"
    "Description": "string",
    "Enabled": "bool",
    "Frequency": "int",
    "Kind": "string",
    "Locations": [
        "Id": "string"
    "Name": "string",
    "Request": {
      "FollowRedirects": "bool",
      "Headers": [
          "key": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "HttpVerb": "string",
      "ParseDependentRequests": "bool",
      "RequestBody": "string",
      "RequestUrl": "string"
    "RetryEnabled": "bool",
    "SyntheticMonitorId": "string",
    "Timeout": "int",
    "ValidationRules": {
      "ContentValidation": {
        "ContentMatch": "string",
        "IgnoreCase": "bool",
        "PassIfTextFound": "bool"
      "ExpectedHttpStatusCode": "int",
      "IgnoreHttpsStatusCode": "bool",
      "SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck": "int",
      "SSLCheck": "bool"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
key The name of the header. string
value The value of the header. string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2020-10-05-preview'
kind The kind of WebTest that this web test watches. Choices are ping and multistep. 'multistep'
location Resource location string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties Metadata describing a web test for an Azure resource. WebTestProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.Insights/webtests'


Name Description Value
Id Location ID for the WebTest to run from. string


Name Description Value
Configuration An XML configuration specification for a WebTest. WebTestPropertiesConfiguration
Description User defined description for this WebTest. string
Enabled Is the test actively being monitored. bool
Frequency Interval in seconds between test runs for this WebTest. Default value is 300. int
Kind The kind of web test this is, valid choices are ping, multistep, basic, and standard. 'basic'
'standard' (required)
Locations A list of where to physically run the tests from to give global coverage for accessibility of your application. WebTestGeolocation[] (required)
Name User defined name if this WebTest. string (required)
Request The collection of request properties WebTestPropertiesRequest
RetryEnabled Allow for retries should this WebTest fail. bool
SyntheticMonitorId Unique ID of this WebTest. This is typically the same value as the Name field. string (required)
Timeout Seconds until this WebTest will timeout and fail. Default value is 30. int
ValidationRules The collection of validation rule properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRules


Name Description Value
WebTest The XML specification of a WebTest to run against an application. string


Name Description Value
FollowRedirects Follow redirects for this web test. bool
Headers List of headers and their values to add to the WebTest call. HeaderField[]
HttpVerb Http verb to use for this web test. string
ParseDependentRequests Parse Dependent request for this WebTest. bool
RequestBody Base64 encoded string body to send with this web test. string
RequestUrl Url location to test. string


Name Description Value
ContentValidation The collection of content validation properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRulesContentValidation
ExpectedHttpStatusCode Validate that the WebTest returns the http status code provided. int
IgnoreHttpsStatusCode When set, validation will ignore the status code. bool
SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck A number of days to check still remain before the the existing SSL cert expires. Value must be positive and the SSLCheck must be set to true. int
SSLCheck Checks to see if the SSL cert is still valid. bool


Name Description Value
ContentMatch Content to look for in the return of the WebTest. Must not be null or empty. string
IgnoreCase When set, this value makes the ContentMatch validation case insensitive. bool
PassIfTextFound When true, validation will pass if there is a match for the ContentMatch string. If false, validation will fail if there is a match bool


Name Description Value

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Dynamic Web Test Creation

Deploy to Azure
Create any number of App Insights web (ping) tests.
Metric alert rule for an availability test

Deploy to Azure
This template creates an Application Insights availability test along with a metric alert rule that monitors it.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The webtests resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.Insights/webtests resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.Insights/webtests@2020-10-05-preview"
  name = "string"
  kind = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      Configuration = {
        WebTest = "string"
      Description = "string"
      Enabled = bool
      Frequency = int
      Kind = "string"
      Locations = [
          Id = "string"
      Name = "string"
      Request = {
        FollowRedirects = bool
        Headers = [
            key = "string"
            value = "string"
        HttpVerb = "string"
        ParseDependentRequests = bool
        RequestBody = "string"
        RequestUrl = "string"
      RetryEnabled = bool
      SyntheticMonitorId = "string"
      Timeout = int
      ValidationRules = {
        ContentValidation = {
          ContentMatch = "string"
          IgnoreCase = bool
          PassIfTextFound = bool
        ExpectedHttpStatusCode = int
        IgnoreHttpsStatusCode = bool
        SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck = int
        SSLCheck = bool

Property Values


Name Description Value
key The name of the header. string
value The value of the header. string


Name Description Value
kind The kind of WebTest that this web test watches. Choices are ping and multistep. 'multistep'
location Resource location string (required)
name The resource name string (required)
properties Metadata describing a web test for an Azure resource. WebTestProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.Insights/webtests@2020-10-05-preview"


Name Description Value
Id Location ID for the WebTest to run from. string


Name Description Value
Configuration An XML configuration specification for a WebTest. WebTestPropertiesConfiguration
Description User defined description for this WebTest. string
Enabled Is the test actively being monitored. bool
Frequency Interval in seconds between test runs for this WebTest. Default value is 300. int
Kind The kind of web test this is, valid choices are ping, multistep, basic, and standard. 'basic'
'standard' (required)
Locations A list of where to physically run the tests from to give global coverage for accessibility of your application. WebTestGeolocation[] (required)
Name User defined name if this WebTest. string (required)
Request The collection of request properties WebTestPropertiesRequest
RetryEnabled Allow for retries should this WebTest fail. bool
SyntheticMonitorId Unique ID of this WebTest. This is typically the same value as the Name field. string (required)
Timeout Seconds until this WebTest will timeout and fail. Default value is 30. int
ValidationRules The collection of validation rule properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRules


Name Description Value
WebTest The XML specification of a WebTest to run against an application. string


Name Description Value
FollowRedirects Follow redirects for this web test. bool
Headers List of headers and their values to add to the WebTest call. HeaderField[]
HttpVerb Http verb to use for this web test. string
ParseDependentRequests Parse Dependent request for this WebTest. bool
RequestBody Base64 encoded string body to send with this web test. string
RequestUrl Url location to test. string


Name Description Value
ContentValidation The collection of content validation properties WebTestPropertiesValidationRulesContentValidation
ExpectedHttpStatusCode Validate that the WebTest returns the http status code provided. int
IgnoreHttpsStatusCode When set, validation will ignore the status code. bool
SSLCertRemainingLifetimeCheck A number of days to check still remain before the the existing SSL cert expires. Value must be positive and the SSLCheck must be set to true. int
SSLCheck Checks to see if the SSL cert is still valid. bool


Name Description Value
ContentMatch Content to look for in the return of the WebTest. Must not be null or empty. string
IgnoreCase When set, this value makes the ContentMatch validation case insensitive. bool
PassIfTextFound When true, validation will pass if there is a match for the ContentMatch string. If false, validation will fail if there is a match bool


Name Description Value