Microsoft.HDInsight clusters

Bicep resource definition

The clusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters resource, add the following Bicep to your template.

resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters@2024-08-01-preview' = {
  identity: {
    type: 'string'
    userAssignedIdentities: {
      {customized property}: {
        tenantId: 'string'
  location: 'string'
  name: 'string'
  properties: {
    clusterDefinition: {
      blueprint: 'string'
      componentVersion: {
        {customized property}: 'string'
      configurations: any(...)
      kind: 'string'
    clusterVersion: 'string'
    computeIsolationProperties: {
      enableComputeIsolation: bool
      hostSku: 'string'
    computeProfile: {
      roles: [
          autoscale: {
            capacity: {
              maxInstanceCount: int
              minInstanceCount: int
            recurrence: {
              schedule: [
                  days: [
                  timeAndCapacity: {
                    maxInstanceCount: int
                    minInstanceCount: int
                    time: 'string'
              timeZone: 'string'
          dataDisksGroups: [
              disksPerNode: int
          encryptDataDisks: bool
          hardwareProfile: {
            vmSize: 'string'
          minInstanceCount: int
          name: 'string'
          osProfile: {
            linuxOperatingSystemProfile: {
              password: 'string'
              sshProfile: {
                publicKeys: [
                    certificateData: 'string'
              username: 'string'
          scriptActions: [
              name: 'string'
              parameters: 'string'
              uri: 'string'
          targetInstanceCount: int
          virtualNetworkProfile: {
            id: 'string'
            subnet: 'string'
          VMGroupName: 'string'
    diskEncryptionProperties: {
      encryptionAlgorithm: 'string'
      encryptionAtHost: bool
      keyName: 'string'
      keyVersion: 'string'
      msiResourceId: 'string'
      vaultUri: 'string'
    encryptionInTransitProperties: {
      isEncryptionInTransitEnabled: bool
    kafkaRestProperties: {
      clientGroupInfo: {
        groupId: 'string'
        groupName: 'string'
      configurationOverride: {
        {customized property}: 'string'
    minSupportedTlsVersion: 'string'
    networkProperties: {
      outboundDependenciesManagedType: 'string'
      privateLink: 'string'
      publicIpTag: {
        ipTagType: 'string'
        tag: 'string'
      resourceProviderConnection: 'string'
    osType: 'string'
    privateLinkConfigurations: [
        name: 'string'
        properties: {
          groupId: 'string'
          ipConfigurations: [
              name: 'string'
              properties: {
                primary: bool
                privateIPAddress: 'string'
                privateIPAllocationMethod: 'string'
                subnet: {
                  id: 'string'
    securityProfile: {
      aaddsResourceId: 'string'
      clusterUsersGroupDNs: [
      directoryType: 'string'
      domain: 'string'
      domainUsername: 'string'
      domainUserPassword: 'string'
      ldapsUrls: [
      msiResourceId: 'string'
      organizationalUnitDN: 'string'
    storageProfile: {
      storageaccounts: [
          container: 'string'
          enableSecureChannel: bool
          fileshare: 'string'
          fileSystem: 'string'
          isDefault: bool
          key: 'string'
          msiResourceId: 'string'
          name: 'string'
          resourceId: 'string'
          saskey: 'string'
    tier: 'string'
  tags: {
    {customized property}: 'string'
  zones: [

Property Values


Name Description Value
capacity Parameters for load-based autoscale AutoscaleCapacity
recurrence Parameters for schedule-based autoscale AutoscaleRecurrence


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int


Name Description Value
schedule Array of schedule-based autoscale rules AutoscaleSchedule[]
timeZone The time zone for the autoscale schedule times string


Name Description Value
days Days of the week for a schedule-based autoscale rule String array containing any of:
timeAndCapacity Time and capacity for a schedule-based autoscale rule AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int
time 24-hour time in the form xx:xx string


Name Description Value
groupId The AAD security group id. string
groupName The AAD security group name. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
clusterDefinition The cluster definition. ClusterDefinition
clusterVersion The version of the cluster. string
computeIsolationProperties The compute isolation properties. ComputeIsolationProperties
computeProfile The compute profile. ComputeProfile
diskEncryptionProperties The disk encryption properties. DiskEncryptionProperties
encryptionInTransitProperties The encryption-in-transit properties. EncryptionInTransitProperties
kafkaRestProperties The cluster kafka rest proxy configuration. KafkaRestProperties
minSupportedTlsVersion The minimal supported tls version. string
networkProperties The network properties. NetworkProperties
osType The type of operating system. 'Linux'
privateLinkConfigurations The private link configurations. PrivateLinkConfiguration[]
securityProfile The security profile. SecurityProfile
storageProfile The storage profile. StorageProfile
tier The cluster tier. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
blueprint The link to the blueprint. string
componentVersion The versions of different services in the cluster. ClusterDefinitionComponentVersion
configurations The cluster configurations. any
kind The type of cluster. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
type The type of identity used for the cluster. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user identities associated with the cluster. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'. ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
enableComputeIsolation The flag indicates whether enable compute isolation or not. bool
hostSku The host sku. string


Name Description Value
roles The list of roles in the cluster. Role[]


Name Description Value
disksPerNode The number of disks per node. int


Name Description Value
encryptionAlgorithm Algorithm identifier for encryption, default RSA-OAEP. 'RSA-OAEP'
encryptionAtHost Indicates whether or not resource disk encryption is enabled. bool
keyName Key name that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
keyVersion Specific key version that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
msiResourceId Resource ID of Managed Identity that is used to access the key vault. string
vaultUri Base key vault URI where the customers key is located eg. string


Name Description Value
isEncryptionInTransitEnabled Indicates whether or not inter cluster node communication is encrypted in transit. bool


Name Description Value
vmSize The size of the VM string


Name Description Value
name The name of private link IP configuration. string (required)
properties The private link ip configuration properties. IPConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
primary Indicates whether this IP configuration is primary for the corresponding NIC. bool
privateIPAddress The IP address. string
privateIPAllocationMethod The method that private IP address is allocated. 'dynamic'
subnet The subnet resource id. ResourceId


Name Description Value
ipTagType Gets or sets the ipTag type: Example FirstPartyUsage. string (required)
tag Gets or sets value of the IpTag associated with the public IP. Example HDInsight, SQL, Storage etc string (required)


Name Description Value
clientGroupInfo The information of AAD security group. ClientGroupInfo
configurationOverride The configurations that need to be overriden. KafkaRestPropertiesConfigurationOverride


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
password The password. string
sshProfile The SSH profile. SshProfile
username The username. string


Name Description Value
identity The identity of the cluster, if configured. ClusterIdentity
location The location of the cluster. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties The cluster create parameters. ClusterCreatePropertiesOrClusterGetProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
zones The availability zones. string[]


Name Description Value
outboundDependenciesManagedType A value to describe how the outbound dependencies of a HDInsight cluster are managed. 'Managed' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by the HDInsight service. 'External' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by a customer specific solution. 'External'
privateLink Indicates whether or not private link is enabled. 'Disabled'
publicIpTag Gets or sets the IP tag for the public IPs created along with the HDInsight Clusters. IpTag
resourceProviderConnection The direction for the resource provider connection. 'Inbound'


Name Description Value
linuxOperatingSystemProfile The Linux OS profile. LinuxOperatingSystemProfile


Name Description Value
name The name of private link configuration. string (required)
properties The private link configuration properties. PrivateLinkConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
groupId The HDInsight private linkable sub-resource name to apply the private link configuration to. For example, 'headnode', 'gateway', 'edgenode'. string (required)
ipConfigurations The IP configurations for the private link service. IPConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
id The azure resource id. string


Name Description Value
autoscale The autoscale configurations. Autoscale
dataDisksGroups The data disks groups for the role. DataDisksGroups[]
encryptDataDisks Indicates whether encrypt the data disks. bool
hardwareProfile The hardware profile. HardwareProfile
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster. int
name The name of the role. string
osProfile The operating system profile. OsProfile
scriptActions The list of script actions on the role. ScriptAction[]
targetInstanceCount The instance count of the cluster. int
virtualNetworkProfile The virtual network profile. VirtualNetworkProfile
VMGroupName The name of the virtual machine group. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the script action. string (required)
parameters The parameters for the script provided. string (required)
uri The URI to the script. string (required)


Name Description Value
aaddsResourceId The resource ID of the user's Azure Active Directory Domain Service. string
clusterUsersGroupDNs Optional. The Distinguished Names for cluster user groups string[]
directoryType The directory type. 'ActiveDirectory'
domain The organization's active directory domain. string
domainUsername The domain user account that will have admin privileges on the cluster. string
domainUserPassword The domain admin password. string
ldapsUrls The LDAPS protocol URLs to communicate with the Active Directory. string[]
msiResourceId User assigned identity that has permissions to read and create cluster-related artifacts in the user's AADDS. string
organizationalUnitDN The organizational unit within the Active Directory to place the cluster and service accounts. string


Name Description Value
publicKeys The list of SSH public keys. SshPublicKey[]


Name Description Value
certificateData The certificate for SSH. string


Name Description Value
container The container in the storage account, only to be specified for WASB storage accounts. string
enableSecureChannel Enable secure channel or not, it's an optional field. Default value is false when cluster version < 5.1 and true when cluster version >= 5.1 , bool
fileshare The file share name. string
fileSystem The filesystem, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
isDefault Whether or not the storage account is the default storage account. bool
key The storage account access key. string
msiResourceId The managed identity (MSI) that is allowed to access the storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
name The name of the storage account. string
resourceId The resource ID of storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
saskey The shared access signature key. string


Name Description Value
storageaccounts The list of storage accounts in the cluster. StorageAccount[]


Name Description Value
tenantId The tenant id of user assigned identity. string


Name Description Value
id The ID of the virtual network. string
subnet The name of the subnet. string

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Samples

The following Azure Quickstart templates contain Bicep samples for deploying this resource type.

Bicep File Description
Deploy a Linux-based HBase cluster in HDInsight This template allows you to create a Linux-based HBase cluster in Azure HDInsight.
Deploy a Spark cluster in Azure HDInsight This template allows you to create a Spark cluster in Azure HDInsight.
Deploy an Interative Hive cluster in HDInsight This template allows you to create an Interative Hive (LLAP) cluster in HDInsight and the dependent Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey
Deploy HDInsight cluster with Storage and SSH password This template allows you to create a Linux-based Hadoop cluster in HDInsight and the dependent Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey/
Deploy Kafka on HDInsight in a virtual network This template allows you to create an Azure Virtual Network and a Kafka on HDInsight cluster in the virtual network. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey/

ARM template resource definition

The clusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters resource, add the following JSON to your template.

  "type": "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters",
  "apiVersion": "2024-08-01-preview",
  "name": "string",
  "identity": {
    "type": "string",
    "userAssignedIdentities": {
      "{customized property}": {
        "tenantId": "string"
  "location": "string",
  "properties": {
    "clusterDefinition": {
      "blueprint": "string",
      "componentVersion": {
        "{customized property}": "string"
      "configurations": {},
      "kind": "string"
    "clusterVersion": "string",
    "computeIsolationProperties": {
      "enableComputeIsolation": "bool",
      "hostSku": "string"
    "computeProfile": {
      "roles": [
          "autoscale": {
            "capacity": {
              "maxInstanceCount": "int",
              "minInstanceCount": "int"
            "recurrence": {
              "schedule": [
                  "days": [ "string" ],
                  "timeAndCapacity": {
                    "maxInstanceCount": "int",
                    "minInstanceCount": "int",
                    "time": "string"
              "timeZone": "string"
          "dataDisksGroups": [
              "disksPerNode": "int"
          "encryptDataDisks": "bool",
          "hardwareProfile": {
            "vmSize": "string"
          "minInstanceCount": "int",
          "name": "string",
          "osProfile": {
            "linuxOperatingSystemProfile": {
              "password": "string",
              "sshProfile": {
                "publicKeys": [
                    "certificateData": "string"
              "username": "string"
          "scriptActions": [
              "name": "string",
              "parameters": "string",
              "uri": "string"
          "targetInstanceCount": "int",
          "virtualNetworkProfile": {
            "id": "string",
            "subnet": "string"
          "VMGroupName": "string"
    "diskEncryptionProperties": {
      "encryptionAlgorithm": "string",
      "encryptionAtHost": "bool",
      "keyName": "string",
      "keyVersion": "string",
      "msiResourceId": "string",
      "vaultUri": "string"
    "encryptionInTransitProperties": {
      "isEncryptionInTransitEnabled": "bool"
    "kafkaRestProperties": {
      "clientGroupInfo": {
        "groupId": "string",
        "groupName": "string"
      "configurationOverride": {
        "{customized property}": "string"
    "minSupportedTlsVersion": "string",
    "networkProperties": {
      "outboundDependenciesManagedType": "string",
      "privateLink": "string",
      "publicIpTag": {
        "ipTagType": "string",
        "tag": "string"
      "resourceProviderConnection": "string"
    "osType": "string",
    "privateLinkConfigurations": [
        "name": "string",
        "properties": {
          "groupId": "string",
          "ipConfigurations": [
              "name": "string",
              "properties": {
                "primary": "bool",
                "privateIPAddress": "string",
                "privateIPAllocationMethod": "string",
                "subnet": {
                  "id": "string"
    "securityProfile": {
      "aaddsResourceId": "string",
      "clusterUsersGroupDNs": [ "string" ],
      "directoryType": "string",
      "domain": "string",
      "domainUsername": "string",
      "domainUserPassword": "string",
      "ldapsUrls": [ "string" ],
      "msiResourceId": "string",
      "organizationalUnitDN": "string"
    "storageProfile": {
      "storageaccounts": [
          "container": "string",
          "enableSecureChannel": "bool",
          "fileshare": "string",
          "fileSystem": "string",
          "isDefault": "bool",
          "key": "string",
          "msiResourceId": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "resourceId": "string",
          "saskey": "string"
    "tier": "string"
  "tags": {
    "{customized property}": "string"
  "zones": [ "string" ]

Property Values


Name Description Value
capacity Parameters for load-based autoscale AutoscaleCapacity
recurrence Parameters for schedule-based autoscale AutoscaleRecurrence


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int


Name Description Value
schedule Array of schedule-based autoscale rules AutoscaleSchedule[]
timeZone The time zone for the autoscale schedule times string


Name Description Value
days Days of the week for a schedule-based autoscale rule String array containing any of:
timeAndCapacity Time and capacity for a schedule-based autoscale rule AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int
time 24-hour time in the form xx:xx string


Name Description Value
groupId The AAD security group id. string
groupName The AAD security group name. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
clusterDefinition The cluster definition. ClusterDefinition
clusterVersion The version of the cluster. string
computeIsolationProperties The compute isolation properties. ComputeIsolationProperties
computeProfile The compute profile. ComputeProfile
diskEncryptionProperties The disk encryption properties. DiskEncryptionProperties
encryptionInTransitProperties The encryption-in-transit properties. EncryptionInTransitProperties
kafkaRestProperties The cluster kafka rest proxy configuration. KafkaRestProperties
minSupportedTlsVersion The minimal supported tls version. string
networkProperties The network properties. NetworkProperties
osType The type of operating system. 'Linux'
privateLinkConfigurations The private link configurations. PrivateLinkConfiguration[]
securityProfile The security profile. SecurityProfile
storageProfile The storage profile. StorageProfile
tier The cluster tier. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
blueprint The link to the blueprint. string
componentVersion The versions of different services in the cluster. ClusterDefinitionComponentVersion
configurations The cluster configurations. any
kind The type of cluster. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
type The type of identity used for the cluster. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user identities associated with the cluster. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'. ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
enableComputeIsolation The flag indicates whether enable compute isolation or not. bool
hostSku The host sku. string


Name Description Value
roles The list of roles in the cluster. Role[]


Name Description Value
disksPerNode The number of disks per node. int


Name Description Value
encryptionAlgorithm Algorithm identifier for encryption, default RSA-OAEP. 'RSA-OAEP'
encryptionAtHost Indicates whether or not resource disk encryption is enabled. bool
keyName Key name that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
keyVersion Specific key version that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
msiResourceId Resource ID of Managed Identity that is used to access the key vault. string
vaultUri Base key vault URI where the customers key is located eg. string


Name Description Value
isEncryptionInTransitEnabled Indicates whether or not inter cluster node communication is encrypted in transit. bool


Name Description Value
vmSize The size of the VM string


Name Description Value
name The name of private link IP configuration. string (required)
properties The private link ip configuration properties. IPConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
primary Indicates whether this IP configuration is primary for the corresponding NIC. bool
privateIPAddress The IP address. string
privateIPAllocationMethod The method that private IP address is allocated. 'dynamic'
subnet The subnet resource id. ResourceId


Name Description Value
ipTagType Gets or sets the ipTag type: Example FirstPartyUsage. string (required)
tag Gets or sets value of the IpTag associated with the public IP. Example HDInsight, SQL, Storage etc string (required)


Name Description Value
clientGroupInfo The information of AAD security group. ClientGroupInfo
configurationOverride The configurations that need to be overriden. KafkaRestPropertiesConfigurationOverride


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
password The password. string
sshProfile The SSH profile. SshProfile
username The username. string


Name Description Value
apiVersion The api version '2024-08-01-preview'
identity The identity of the cluster, if configured. ClusterIdentity
location The location of the cluster. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties The cluster create parameters. ClusterCreatePropertiesOrClusterGetProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values. See Tags in templates
type The resource type 'Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters'
zones The availability zones. string[]


Name Description Value
outboundDependenciesManagedType A value to describe how the outbound dependencies of a HDInsight cluster are managed. 'Managed' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by the HDInsight service. 'External' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by a customer specific solution. 'External'
privateLink Indicates whether or not private link is enabled. 'Disabled'
publicIpTag Gets or sets the IP tag for the public IPs created along with the HDInsight Clusters. IpTag
resourceProviderConnection The direction for the resource provider connection. 'Inbound'


Name Description Value
linuxOperatingSystemProfile The Linux OS profile. LinuxOperatingSystemProfile


Name Description Value
name The name of private link configuration. string (required)
properties The private link configuration properties. PrivateLinkConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
groupId The HDInsight private linkable sub-resource name to apply the private link configuration to. For example, 'headnode', 'gateway', 'edgenode'. string (required)
ipConfigurations The IP configurations for the private link service. IPConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
id The azure resource id. string


Name Description Value
autoscale The autoscale configurations. Autoscale
dataDisksGroups The data disks groups for the role. DataDisksGroups[]
encryptDataDisks Indicates whether encrypt the data disks. bool
hardwareProfile The hardware profile. HardwareProfile
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster. int
name The name of the role. string
osProfile The operating system profile. OsProfile
scriptActions The list of script actions on the role. ScriptAction[]
targetInstanceCount The instance count of the cluster. int
virtualNetworkProfile The virtual network profile. VirtualNetworkProfile
VMGroupName The name of the virtual machine group. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the script action. string (required)
parameters The parameters for the script provided. string (required)
uri The URI to the script. string (required)


Name Description Value
aaddsResourceId The resource ID of the user's Azure Active Directory Domain Service. string
clusterUsersGroupDNs Optional. The Distinguished Names for cluster user groups string[]
directoryType The directory type. 'ActiveDirectory'
domain The organization's active directory domain. string
domainUsername The domain user account that will have admin privileges on the cluster. string
domainUserPassword The domain admin password. string
ldapsUrls The LDAPS protocol URLs to communicate with the Active Directory. string[]
msiResourceId User assigned identity that has permissions to read and create cluster-related artifacts in the user's AADDS. string
organizationalUnitDN The organizational unit within the Active Directory to place the cluster and service accounts. string


Name Description Value
publicKeys The list of SSH public keys. SshPublicKey[]


Name Description Value
certificateData The certificate for SSH. string


Name Description Value
container The container in the storage account, only to be specified for WASB storage accounts. string
enableSecureChannel Enable secure channel or not, it's an optional field. Default value is false when cluster version < 5.1 and true when cluster version >= 5.1 , bool
fileshare The file share name. string
fileSystem The filesystem, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
isDefault Whether or not the storage account is the default storage account. bool
key The storage account access key. string
msiResourceId The managed identity (MSI) that is allowed to access the storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
name The name of the storage account. string
resourceId The resource ID of storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
saskey The shared access signature key. string


Name Description Value
storageaccounts The list of storage accounts in the cluster. StorageAccount[]


Name Description Value
tenantId The tenant id of user assigned identity. string


Name Description Value
id The ID of the virtual network. string
subnet The name of the subnet. string

Usage Examples

Azure Quickstart Templates

The following Azure Quickstart templates deploy this resource type.

Template Description
Create HDInsight Linux Cluster and run a script action

Deploy to Azure
Template creates an HDInsight Linux cluster in a virtual network and then runs a custom script action on every node and sets environment var.
Creates an HDInsight cluster running ADAM

Deploy to Azure
Creates an HDInsight linux cluster running the genomics analysis platform ADAM
Creates an HDInsight cluster running Apache Spark 1.4.1

Deploy to Azure
Creates an HDInsight linux cluster running Apache Spark 1.4.1.
Deploy a HDInsight cluster and a SQL database

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a HDInsight cluster and a SQL Database for testing Sqoop.
Deploy a HDInsight cluster with an edge node

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster running Linux with an empty edge node. For more information, see /azure/hdinsight/hdinsight-apps-use-edge-node
Deploy a Linux-based HBase cluster in HDInsight

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Linux-based HBase cluster in Azure HDInsight.
Deploy a secure VNet and a HDInsight cluster within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight Hadoop cluster running Linux within the VNet.
Deploy a Spark cluster in a VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight Spark cluster within the VNet.
Deploy a Spark cluster in Azure HDInsight

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Spark cluster in Azure HDInsight.
Deploy a VNet, and a HBase cluster within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure VNet and an HDInsight HBase cluster running Linux within the VNet.
Deploy an Azure VNet and two HBase clusters within the VNet

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to configure an HBase environment with two HBase clusters within a VNet for configuring HBase replication.
Deploy an Interative Hive cluster in HDInsight

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Interative Hive (LLAP) cluster in HDInsight and the dependent Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey
Deploy an R-server HDInsight cluster

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster running Linux with R Server for HDInsight. This template also creates an Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username / password.
Deploy HBase replication with two VNets in one region

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to configure aN HBase environment with two HBase clusters within two VNets in the same region for configuring HBase replication.
Deploy HDInsight cluster + Confluent Schema Registry node

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster running Linux with a schema registry edge node. For more information, see /azure/hdinsight/hdinsight-apps-use-edge-node
Deploy HDInsight cluster with existing default storage

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Hadoop cluster in HDInsight. The cluster uses an existing storage account as the default storage accout.
Deploy HDInsight cluster with existing linked storage

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Hadoop cluster in HDInsight and the dependent default storage account. The template also links an existing storage account. The linked storage account usually contains the business data.
Deploy HDInsight cluster with Storage and SSH password

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Linux-based Hadoop cluster in HDInsight and the dependent Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey/
Deploy HDInsight on Linux (w/ Azure Storage, SSH key)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster running Linux. This template also creates an Azure Storage account. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username / public key.
Deploy HDInsight on new Data Lake Store and Storage

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to deploy a new Linux HDInsight cluster with new Data Lake Store and Storage accounts.
Deploy Kafka on HDInsight in a virtual network

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an Azure Virtual Network and a Kafka on HDInsight cluster in the virtual network. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username and password. For a template using SSH public key authentication, see /samples/azure/azure-quickstart-templates/hdinsight-linux-ssh-publickey/
Deploy Linux HBase cluster with enhanced writes in HDInsight

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a Linux-based HBase cluster with enhanced writes in Azure HDInsight.
HDInsight (Linux on existing Hive metastore, SSH, vnet)

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster running Linux, on an existing Hive metastore and virtual network. The SSH authentication method for the cluster is username / password.
HDInsight cluster with TLS version 1.2 or newer

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create a HDInsight cluster with TLS protocol enforced to 1.2 or newer.
HDInsight with custom Ambari + Hive Metastore DB in VNET

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight cluster in an existing virtual network with a new SQL DB that serves as both a custom Ambari DB and Hive Metastore. You must have an existing SQL Sever, storage account, and VNET.
HDInsight with Load-based Autoscale Enabled

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight Spark cluster with load-based Autoscale enabled.
HDInsight with schedule-based Autoscale Enabled

Deploy to Azure
This template allows you to create an HDInsight Spark cluster with schedule-based Autoscale enabled.

Terraform (AzAPI provider) resource definition

The clusters resource type can be deployed with operations that target:

  • Resource groups

For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.

Resource format

To create a Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters resource, add the following Terraform to your template.

resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
  type = "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters@2024-08-01-preview"
  name = "string"
  identity = {
    type = "string"
    userAssignedIdentities = {
      {customized property} = {
        tenantId = "string"
  location = "string"
  tags = {
    {customized property} = "string"
  zones = [
  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      clusterDefinition = {
        blueprint = "string"
        componentVersion = {
          {customized property} = "string"
        configurations = ?
        kind = "string"
      clusterVersion = "string"
      computeIsolationProperties = {
        enableComputeIsolation = bool
        hostSku = "string"
      computeProfile = {
        roles = [
            autoscale = {
              capacity = {
                maxInstanceCount = int
                minInstanceCount = int
              recurrence = {
                schedule = [
                    days = [
                    timeAndCapacity = {
                      maxInstanceCount = int
                      minInstanceCount = int
                      time = "string"
                timeZone = "string"
            dataDisksGroups = [
                disksPerNode = int
            encryptDataDisks = bool
            hardwareProfile = {
              vmSize = "string"
            minInstanceCount = int
            name = "string"
            osProfile = {
              linuxOperatingSystemProfile = {
                password = "string"
                sshProfile = {
                  publicKeys = [
                      certificateData = "string"
                username = "string"
            scriptActions = [
                name = "string"
                parameters = "string"
                uri = "string"
            targetInstanceCount = int
            virtualNetworkProfile = {
              id = "string"
              subnet = "string"
            VMGroupName = "string"
      diskEncryptionProperties = {
        encryptionAlgorithm = "string"
        encryptionAtHost = bool
        keyName = "string"
        keyVersion = "string"
        msiResourceId = "string"
        vaultUri = "string"
      encryptionInTransitProperties = {
        isEncryptionInTransitEnabled = bool
      kafkaRestProperties = {
        clientGroupInfo = {
          groupId = "string"
          groupName = "string"
        configurationOverride = {
          {customized property} = "string"
      minSupportedTlsVersion = "string"
      networkProperties = {
        outboundDependenciesManagedType = "string"
        privateLink = "string"
        publicIpTag = {
          ipTagType = "string"
          tag = "string"
        resourceProviderConnection = "string"
      osType = "string"
      privateLinkConfigurations = [
          name = "string"
          properties = {
            groupId = "string"
            ipConfigurations = [
                name = "string"
                properties = {
                  primary = bool
                  privateIPAddress = "string"
                  privateIPAllocationMethod = "string"
                  subnet = {
                    id = "string"
      securityProfile = {
        aaddsResourceId = "string"
        clusterUsersGroupDNs = [
        directoryType = "string"
        domain = "string"
        domainUsername = "string"
        domainUserPassword = "string"
        ldapsUrls = [
        msiResourceId = "string"
        organizationalUnitDN = "string"
      storageProfile = {
        storageaccounts = [
            container = "string"
            enableSecureChannel = bool
            fileshare = "string"
            fileSystem = "string"
            isDefault = bool
            key = "string"
            msiResourceId = "string"
            name = "string"
            resourceId = "string"
            saskey = "string"
      tier = "string"

Property Values


Name Description Value
capacity Parameters for load-based autoscale AutoscaleCapacity
recurrence Parameters for schedule-based autoscale AutoscaleRecurrence


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int


Name Description Value
schedule Array of schedule-based autoscale rules AutoscaleSchedule[]
timeZone The time zone for the autoscale schedule times string


Name Description Value
days Days of the week for a schedule-based autoscale rule String array containing any of:
timeAndCapacity Time and capacity for a schedule-based autoscale rule AutoscaleTimeAndCapacity


Name Description Value
maxInstanceCount The maximum instance count of the cluster int
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster int
time 24-hour time in the form xx:xx string


Name Description Value
groupId The AAD security group id. string
groupName The AAD security group name. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
clusterDefinition The cluster definition. ClusterDefinition
clusterVersion The version of the cluster. string
computeIsolationProperties The compute isolation properties. ComputeIsolationProperties
computeProfile The compute profile. ComputeProfile
diskEncryptionProperties The disk encryption properties. DiskEncryptionProperties
encryptionInTransitProperties The encryption-in-transit properties. EncryptionInTransitProperties
kafkaRestProperties The cluster kafka rest proxy configuration. KafkaRestProperties
minSupportedTlsVersion The minimal supported tls version. string
networkProperties The network properties. NetworkProperties
osType The type of operating system. 'Linux'
privateLinkConfigurations The private link configurations. PrivateLinkConfiguration[]
securityProfile The security profile. SecurityProfile
storageProfile The storage profile. StorageProfile
tier The cluster tier. 'Premium'


Name Description Value
blueprint The link to the blueprint. string
componentVersion The versions of different services in the cluster. ClusterDefinitionComponentVersion
configurations The cluster configurations. any
kind The type of cluster. string


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
type The type of identity used for the cluster. The type 'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned' includes both an implicitly created identity and a set of user assigned identities. 'None'
'SystemAssigned, UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities The list of user identities associated with the cluster. The user identity dictionary key references will be ARM resource ids in the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'. ClusterIdentityUserAssignedIdentities


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
enableComputeIsolation The flag indicates whether enable compute isolation or not. bool
hostSku The host sku. string


Name Description Value
roles The list of roles in the cluster. Role[]


Name Description Value
disksPerNode The number of disks per node. int


Name Description Value
encryptionAlgorithm Algorithm identifier for encryption, default RSA-OAEP. 'RSA-OAEP'
encryptionAtHost Indicates whether or not resource disk encryption is enabled. bool
keyName Key name that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
keyVersion Specific key version that is used for enabling disk encryption. string
msiResourceId Resource ID of Managed Identity that is used to access the key vault. string
vaultUri Base key vault URI where the customers key is located eg. string


Name Description Value
isEncryptionInTransitEnabled Indicates whether or not inter cluster node communication is encrypted in transit. bool


Name Description Value
vmSize The size of the VM string


Name Description Value
name The name of private link IP configuration. string (required)
properties The private link ip configuration properties. IPConfigurationProperties


Name Description Value
primary Indicates whether this IP configuration is primary for the corresponding NIC. bool
privateIPAddress The IP address. string
privateIPAllocationMethod The method that private IP address is allocated. 'dynamic'
subnet The subnet resource id. ResourceId


Name Description Value
ipTagType Gets or sets the ipTag type: Example FirstPartyUsage. string (required)
tag Gets or sets value of the IpTag associated with the public IP. Example HDInsight, SQL, Storage etc string (required)


Name Description Value
clientGroupInfo The information of AAD security group. ClientGroupInfo
configurationOverride The configurations that need to be overriden. KafkaRestPropertiesConfigurationOverride


Name Description Value


Name Description Value
password The password. string
sshProfile The SSH profile. SshProfile
username The username. string


Name Description Value
identity The identity of the cluster, if configured. ClusterIdentity
location The location of the cluster. string
name The resource name string (required)
properties The cluster create parameters. ClusterCreatePropertiesOrClusterGetProperties
tags Resource tags Dictionary of tag names and values.
type The resource type "Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters@2024-08-01-preview"
zones The availability zones. string[]


Name Description Value
outboundDependenciesManagedType A value to describe how the outbound dependencies of a HDInsight cluster are managed. 'Managed' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by the HDInsight service. 'External' means that the outbound dependencies are managed by a customer specific solution. 'External'
privateLink Indicates whether or not private link is enabled. 'Disabled'
publicIpTag Gets or sets the IP tag for the public IPs created along with the HDInsight Clusters. IpTag
resourceProviderConnection The direction for the resource provider connection. 'Inbound'


Name Description Value
linuxOperatingSystemProfile The Linux OS profile. LinuxOperatingSystemProfile


Name Description Value
name The name of private link configuration. string (required)
properties The private link configuration properties. PrivateLinkConfigurationProperties (required)


Name Description Value
groupId The HDInsight private linkable sub-resource name to apply the private link configuration to. For example, 'headnode', 'gateway', 'edgenode'. string (required)
ipConfigurations The IP configurations for the private link service. IPConfiguration[] (required)


Name Description Value
id The azure resource id. string


Name Description Value
autoscale The autoscale configurations. Autoscale
dataDisksGroups The data disks groups for the role. DataDisksGroups[]
encryptDataDisks Indicates whether encrypt the data disks. bool
hardwareProfile The hardware profile. HardwareProfile
minInstanceCount The minimum instance count of the cluster. int
name The name of the role. string
osProfile The operating system profile. OsProfile
scriptActions The list of script actions on the role. ScriptAction[]
targetInstanceCount The instance count of the cluster. int
virtualNetworkProfile The virtual network profile. VirtualNetworkProfile
VMGroupName The name of the virtual machine group. string


Name Description Value
name The name of the script action. string (required)
parameters The parameters for the script provided. string (required)
uri The URI to the script. string (required)


Name Description Value
aaddsResourceId The resource ID of the user's Azure Active Directory Domain Service. string
clusterUsersGroupDNs Optional. The Distinguished Names for cluster user groups string[]
directoryType The directory type. 'ActiveDirectory'
domain The organization's active directory domain. string
domainUsername The domain user account that will have admin privileges on the cluster. string
domainUserPassword The domain admin password. string
ldapsUrls The LDAPS protocol URLs to communicate with the Active Directory. string[]
msiResourceId User assigned identity that has permissions to read and create cluster-related artifacts in the user's AADDS. string
organizationalUnitDN The organizational unit within the Active Directory to place the cluster and service accounts. string


Name Description Value
publicKeys The list of SSH public keys. SshPublicKey[]


Name Description Value
certificateData The certificate for SSH. string


Name Description Value
container The container in the storage account, only to be specified for WASB storage accounts. string
enableSecureChannel Enable secure channel or not, it's an optional field. Default value is false when cluster version < 5.1 and true when cluster version >= 5.1 , bool
fileshare The file share name. string
fileSystem The filesystem, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
isDefault Whether or not the storage account is the default storage account. bool
key The storage account access key. string
msiResourceId The managed identity (MSI) that is allowed to access the storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
name The name of the storage account. string
resourceId The resource ID of storage account, only to be specified for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2. string
saskey The shared access signature key. string


Name Description Value
storageaccounts The list of storage accounts in the cluster. StorageAccount[]


Name Description Value
tenantId The tenant id of user assigned identity. string


Name Description Value
id The ID of the virtual network. string
subnet The name of the subnet. string