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Create a new node pool to an existing cluster.


New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName <String>
                   -name <String>
                  [-count <int>]
                  [-osType <String>]
                  [-vmSize <VmSize>]
                  [-taints <Taint>]
                  [-maxPodCount <int>]


Create a new node pool to an existing cluster.


Create a new node pool with default parameters

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name nodepool1

Create a Linux node pool

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name linuxnodepool -osType linux

Create a Windows node pool

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name windowsnodepool -osType Windows -osSku Windows2022

Create a node pool with custom VM size

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name nodepool1 -vmSize Standard_A2_v2

Create a node pool with taints

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name nodepool1 -taints sku=gpu:NoSchedule

Create a node pool with max pod count

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name nodepool1 -maxPodCount 100

Disable the horizontal autoscaler on a new node pool

This parameter will be ignored if the horizontal autoscaler is not enabled on the cluster.

New-AksHciNodePool -clusterName mycluster -name nodepool1 -disableAutoscaler



The name of the existing Kubernetes cluster.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The name of your node pool. The node pool name must not be the same as another existing node pool.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The node count of your node pool. Defaults to 1.

Type: System.Int32
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The OS type of the nodes in your node pool. Defaults to Linux.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Linux
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The VM size of the nodes in your node pool. Defaults to Standard_K8S3_v1. To get the available VM sizes, use the Get-AksHciVmSize command.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: Standard_K8S3_v1
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The node taints for the node pool. You can't change the node taints after the node pool is created.

Type: System.String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


The maximum number of pods deployable to a node. This number needs to be greater than 50.

Type: System.Int32
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: 110
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


Disable the horizontal autoscaler for this node pool. Only valid if the horizontal autoscaler is enabled for the cluster.

Type: Parameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

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AksHci PowerShell Reference