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The TechEd Challenge - It's still not too late to enter if you've not done so - a sneak preview of what you could win!



Have you entered the Tech Ed Challenge yet?

If not, why not?  Just by entering you could win a ticket to TechEd Europe, that's right, just by completing a form and downloading one of the products, you are entered into the draw.  If you download/sign up for all three then you've got three times the chance of winning.

If you then go on to write a blog article you could win a FULLY FUNDED Trip to TechEd!  That's Flights, Accommodation & Meals.  T&Cs can be found here:

A little more details on what you could be winning:


  • Hotel - We have picked the "Speakers Hotel" for our accommodation.  You could be having breakfast with Mark Russinovich or Jeff Woosley.  I can't name the hotel at the moment but these pictures may give it away:

There are only a few weeks left to enter this fantastic competition:

Step 1 - Register for the competition

Step 2 - Download or Register for the 3 products (remember you have a higher chance if you do all three)

Step 3 - Submit a blog article - this doesn't have to be published on a web site, instructions can be found during registration

Good Luck - I look forward to meeting some of you in Madrid!

Dan @danpi