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Steve Clayton


ISV’s and Azure

Why should an independent software vendor (ISV) care about cloud computing? The answer is simple:...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/14/2009 is back

I missed this first time out….more cool work from the Bing team to fuse together Bing and Twitter to...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/14/2009

I’m Speaking at TEDx Liverpool…and bringing Microsoft Surface

I’m always a sucker for speaking gigs in Liverpool as I get to go home and see the family but there...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/14/2009

Windows Azure Platform: Business Model Announced

Today at our Worldwide Partner Conference we announced the business plan and pricing for the Windows...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/14/2009

Windows 7 RTM – Not Yet

Straight from the horses mouth - Windows 7 has not hit RTM…yet. Despite all of the hoopla and some...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/14/2009

Office 2010 brings Office to the browser

See What's New in Microsoft Web Applications 2010 Okay so this is hardly news now as it was all over...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/13/2009

Traffic in the Cloud with Azure, Bing Maps, DeepZoom

A very nice mashup of Bing Maps, DeepZoom and traffic cameras that uses Azure to do the background...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/12/2009

Bristol vs. Banksy: Worth the wait

I popped down to Bristol yesterday to check out the Banksy exhibition at Bristol City Museum – aptly...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/12/2009

Microsoft back at the top of UK Superbrands

I noticed the 2009/10 Superbrands results today. They’re as much a surprise to me as they probably...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/12/2009

Sobees bDule – Silverlight 3 Twitter client

This new Twitter client from Sobees (it’s called bDule) almost passed me by until I saw a Tweet from...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/11/2009

Chalkbot at the Tour de France

Chalkbot is a project from Nike and Lance Armstrong’s Livestrong foundation. The Tour De France is...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/10/2009

Thank Bing It’s Friday

The image from the UK version of Bing today….I wish I was heading there this Friday. Note to Bing –...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/10/2009

Every job is now temporary

My friend Katie Ledger has finished up her book and it’s coming soon – available for pre-order from...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/10/2009

Office 2010: The Movie (RIP Clippy)

What’s going on in Redmond….we’re having an advertising frenzy right now with Bing ads, IE8 ads...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/10/2009

Imagine Cup moves on to Poland

I haven’t quite figured out how yet but I’m going to find a way to be at the Imagine Cup next year...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

Trek Bike by Damien Hirst

Regular readers will know I’ve been following the Trek bike designs of Lance Armstrong and have been...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

Microsoft’s interoperable cloud

A busy week for Azure and more to come next week at Worldwide Partner Conference. Meantime, Mary-Jo...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

Field Notes Goodness

Whilst National Express gets customer service woefully wrong, Field Notes gets it just right. Not...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

National Express #fail

National Express seem perfectly capable of sending me email about their problems but not replying to...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

SQL Services is now SQL Azure

  Renaming SQL Services to SQL Azure makes total sense to me – it starts to make it very...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/09/2009

New Laptop Hunters Ad from Microsoft

  Everyone has been concentrating on the IE and Bing ads but I’ve been keeping a beady eye on...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/08/2009

Tweetmeme Plugin Updated

  My buddy Scott Lovegrove has updated his excellent Tweetmeme plugin for Windows Live Writer....

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/08/2009

Twitter Infoporn

An interesting view of the impact of Twitter on the creation and circulation of news. From the blog...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/07/2009

TREK Art Bike

  Marc Newson + Lance Armstrong + Trek = cool via SLAMXHYPE tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/07/2009

IE8 Accelerators and Tesco by Microsoft UK

  My evangelist chums here in the UK have been busy for a little while producing some great...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/07/2009

Under the (Microsoft) Surface

  A new cartoon from Hugh…I’m sure the folks in the Microsoft Surface team will like this...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/07/2009

Microsoft’s Subscription Enrollment for Schools

Microsoft’s education offerings are not something I spend that much time thinking about – largely as...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/06/2009

New, Large Format iPod

Modelled by Sir Paul Smith – a birthday present to him from Jonathan Ive. tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/06/2009

Remixing Hardware = Radiohead

  Big Ideas (don't get any) This may not appeal to everyone and to be honest I’m still not a...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/06/2009


Weird…I was reading a piece in The Sunday Times this morning about the return of Lance Armstrong to...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/05/2009

Feedly To Replace My Google Reader?

Sadly for my employer it’s stuff like Feedly that will keep Firefox installed on my machine (albeit...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/03/2009

Citroen GT leaps from Playstation to the road

  I noticed my pal Jason just blogged this too the Citroën GT has made an impressive move off...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/03/2009

Microsoft Maren – On The Fly Arabic Translation Utility

I love stuff like this….smart, innovative use of technology to make people’s lives easier. The...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/02/2009

TweetCraft – A Twitter Client for WoW

    Very cool - TweetCraft is an in-game Twitter client for World of Warcraft :)...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/02/2009

Get Your Photography in front of millions with

Larry Larsen just posted about a Facebook contest from the Bing team that gives you the opportunity...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/02/2009

Bing Getting Realtime With Twitter

Nice move by the Bing team – they’ve started to index Twitter, albeit a small corner of the...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/02/2009

The Coolest Resume/CV

How’s this for a CV/resume? Brilliant….hat tip to @IA tweetmeme_url =...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/01/2009

COBOL Reaches 50

COBOL - Common Business-Oriented Language was the only programming I was ever any good at…even then...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 07/01/2009

Steve McQueen vs. Lewis Hamilton

Courtesy of LimitedHype….absolutely brilliant…apart from the missing finger of Steve of course :)...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009

Kutcher Loves Bing

The dude who was first to hit a million followers on Twitter is a Bing fan. Ashton Kutcher….gracias....

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009 gets 7’ed

Now that pretty much all the news is out there in terms of Windows 7 availability and pricing it’s...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009

Le Tour Du Clayton Video

Final evidence in video format of my recent 250 mile ride from St Malo to Ile De Re. Back on the...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009

Two More Microsoft Mega Datacenters next month

Our Global Foundation Services team posted on their blog yesterday about two more mega data centers...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009

User Experience Infographic

Cool graphic from the team at IA – with a blog post to soon follow I’m sure. Click the image for the...

Author: stevecla01 Date: 06/30/2009

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