Introducing my assistant...
- Anonymous
July 30, 2005
lol Do you get those MS books at a discount, they are gr8 but v. expensive? P.S. Am I the only one who posts comments? - Anonymous
August 02, 2005
Now I know your secret ( Use the Hamster to secure your Password/Phrase) how much storage space does it have. ;-} - Anonymous
August 03, 2005
Melville> Argh - secret's out!
It's actually a very young Guinea Pig & he's has a seemingly infinite storage capacity - for food! - Anonymous
August 05, 2005
Think the books are actually food for the poor guinea pig ;-). Ah well maybe someone got confused when they asked for guinee pigs for the Vista Beta program. - Anonymous
August 05, 2005
Andy> LOL. I can't believe I hadn't thought of Guinea Pigs in that sense.