Are ITPROs in the UK familiar with the Term "BlackHat"?
I'm sure you're probably familiar with the term ITPro but just incase you're not then it means people who are paid for Technical work on Information systems.
Is the term "BlackHat" familiar to ITPros in the UK? Please hit the "Feedback" button for this post and let me know what you think.
- Anonymous
February 28, 2005
Well I am...BlackHat, WhiteHat and GreyHat...I don't know how widespread the term is though but I'd guess most developers will be familiar with it... - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
I wear a pink hat wink - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
My first question to an 'IT Pro' would be to ask him if he's familiar with the term 'uptime'. - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
I don't believe so. If memory serves me right - a blackHat is usually a hacker (An IT Pro) with malicious intent - I could be wrong - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
I've heard this term used but not much. - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
Yup... - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
BlackHat as in blackhat hacker / whitehat hacker? Sure we've heard of it. Blackhat is the bad guy, whitehat is the good guy but to the media they are all the same thing, bad :(
Si - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
SimonT - that's what I meant. Personally I don't expect general ITPros to be familiar with the term "BlackHat" - judging by the feedback I that seems to be the concensus. - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
I assume you are using the term in the sense of a not-so-nice hacker, a hacker with black intentions on your data.
f course, you could be referring simply to an undertaker, and professional wearer of black hats... :-) - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
Thomas> I was refering to malicious individuals who steal data and / or deny access to the legitimate use of data.
With the post I was trying to poll opinion rather than ask if those viewing the post knew what I meant by the term. - Anonymous
February 28, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 01, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 01, 2005
Andy> I was approached by a member of the team who wanted to use the term "Blackhat" in a message to ITPros. I agree that those who work with security technology certainly should know the term. I wanted to get a poll of your views as to whether general ITPros (rather than security folk) were aware of the term. - Anonymous
March 01, 2005
I didn't think you could work as an ITPro and not work with Security Technology these days.. :) - Anonymous
March 01, 2005
Andy> If only that was true! There are those that work with security and those that have an idea of what they're doing ;-( - Anonymous
March 02, 2005
Yes, I'm familiar with this term. Personally I wear a white hat, but I'm learning as much as I can about black hat techniques.
I've heard that these terms date from very old cowboy movies, where the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.
Not that I'd compare the computer industry to a cowboy movie. - Anonymous
March 25, 2005
I am familiar with the term, along with Grey and White