M3 Sweatt's blog
Thoughts on time, technology, products and services at Microsoft
Your questions: how does the AT&T 8525 PPC phone compare to the Apple iPhone?
A quick post as I run off to lunch... a question I received yesterday from a friend as I was doing...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/28/2007
Old news: Free Retrofit for Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
I missed this article last week. We have an Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel, and one that has taken a...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/28/2007
News: Acer to buy Gateway
Jason Dean reports in today's today's WSJournal that Acer is buying Gateway... "Taiwan's Acer Inc....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/27/2007
Seattle Times' article on the post-Gates era, plus ThinkWeek and the need for "more cowbell"
Benjamin J. Romano has an insightful article in today's Seattle Times on the preparations "for the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/26/2007
What I've read this week... er, this past month
A sunny day and expecting more sun this weekend. Here are a few articles from the reading file and...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/24/2007
Helpful tips and links on managing e-mail in Outlook, courtesy of the Crabby Office Lady
Last month I wrote a post on recommended strategies for managing email with Outlook. I get a lot of...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/24/2007
Of interest: Windows Live on Nokia mobile phones
Yesterday, Microsoft and Nokia announced a deal to get Windows Live services onto Series 60 handsets...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/23/2007
Of interest: Live Labs' Photosynth images from the latest Endeavour Space Shuttle mission
Of interest: Benjamin J. Romano posts on the Seattle Times blog that Microsoft Photosynth was used...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/22/2007
MTV loses its Urge, enthusiastic for Rhapsody
First off, if you're in Washington State, check to see if it's time to go and vote in your county...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/21/2007
New Apple iMac cabling, PC cable messes and solutions, part two
A number of people have left some great comments on the blog re: my post on how Apple compares the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/21/2007
Xbox 360 repairs are complete: our first unit comes home
It's returned home. Our Xbox 360 that suffered from a severe case of the dreaded three red flashing...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/19/2007
The Apple iMac vs. Windows PC cable mess: what's real?
There is an amusing image on Apple's web site that compares the cable mess that apparently doesn't...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/18/2007
Your DST Questions: Will update KB 933360 be released for WSUS deployment as an Update Rollup?
(cross posted from...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/18/2007
The Customer Experience is Not a Commodity
Jennifer Laycock is the Editor of Search Engine Guide, a site that helps small business owners get...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/18/2007
ACSI report: Apple's customer satisfaction falls nearly 5 percent; Microsoft fell, too
The latest customer satisfaction numbers are out from the ACSI customer satisfaction study. Ouch....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/16/2007
Of interest: Guy Kawasaki's Visit to Trek Bikes
Of interest... Guy Kawasaki's Visit to Trek: Two Guys in a Barn... "The Discovery Channel Team...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/16/2007
Some laser printers shouldn't be used in a closed area, study says
I don't like the smell of laser toner, and it turns out that it could be more than just annoying. In...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/15/2007
Seth Godin (briefly) on the 'it' retailer: The Apple Store
Seth Godin writes yesterday about his recent trip to the Soho Apple Store and how it is really, an...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/14/2007
Make your customers feel like they are your top priority
Crystal Dupré is publisher of The Meridian Star in Meridian, MS, and wrote an op-ed piece for the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/13/2007
"Don't just bring me a problem..." Get solutions too through Windows Problem Reports and Solutions
Rats. I hate it when an app crashes on my PC, especially when it's caused by an issue with Windows...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/12/2007
Yes, there is $10 DSL... but "the user experience is not... really state of the art"
An interesting article at on Web Pro News and how nobody wants AT&T' $10 DSL. (The low-priced...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2007
Xbox 360 #2 is going in for repairs
Our second Xbox 360 is going in for repairs... nearly a month after the last one. I'm beginning to...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2007
How to reset the display settings of the Xbox 360 console
This evening whilst trying to set up Dance Dance Revolution for our boys and their friends, we ran...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/11/2007
Of interest: a new blog on the perfect customer experience
Here's an interesting new blog: The Perfect Customer Experience, by Dale Wolf of The Cx Institute, a...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/10/2007
Windows Live SkyDrive open beta announced today
As noted in several places (by now ;) an update to Windows Live Folders was announced, renamed...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/09/2007
You can grow or buy: Blockbuster is buying Movielink for digital movie downloads
Netflix chose to develop and offer video on demand (and even hired Anthony Wood, CEO of ReplayTV)....
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/09/2007
Studios leaking torrents of an upcoming sitcom: what does Anne Sweeney think about this?
I like it when a meeting ends early and up pops an IM on Office Communicator from a friend in media...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2007
Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack Previews Released, and I'm looking forward to both
A quick break for lunch and I saw this come across the news... Windows Vista, Windows XP Service...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/08/2007
Of interest: Virgin America kicks off their business in the States
Dan Reed of USA Today (that venerable daily) that Virgin America kicks off their business in the...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/07/2007
MCP asks: Will you upgrade to Vista or are you waiting for "Windows 7"?
A quick post between meetings... in their current poll MCPmag.com asks readers (IT managers and...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/07/2007
It's official: Microsoft lowers the retail price on Xbox 360 consoles
As previously speculated, MSNBC reports that Microsoft will cut the retail price on the Xbox 360 by...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/07/2007
Links: Navy's Blue Angels flying over Seattle for Seafair
My wife and I took our boys to see the US Navy's Blue Angels fly over Lake Washington this afternoon...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/04/2007
Of interest: Now request available hotfixes for KB articles via the web... no phone calls required
As noted, customers can usually request hotfixes for issues via their support contact or by placing...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/04/2007
Seattle Times: a look at some of the best and worst in customer service
Today in the Seattle Times, Charles Bermant writes about the best and worst in customer service. He...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/04/2007
InsideMicrosoft speculates on a drop in the street prices on the Xbox 360 in the States
Of interest... the InsideMicrosoft blog news channel says that there's drop coming in the street...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/04/2007
HBR on Companies and the Customers Who Hate Them
A quick note and a thanks to the folks for the fwd of this article from Harvard Business Online on...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/03/2007
Of interest: ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley talked with Satya Nadella about Windows Live Search
Of interest: ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley spoke with Satya Nadella, in charge of the Search &...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 08/01/2007
Seth Godin's talk at Google on "All Marketers are Liars"
Earlier this year, Seth Godin spoke at part of the Authors@Google series, talking about his book...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/30/2007
Marc Benioff says "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That makes Google my best friend."
An article of interest on CRM Buyer.com from Rich Tehrani of Customer Interaction Solutions. He...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/29/2007
Article: PC World on Best Products for Streaming Audio and Video
In MSN Tech & Gadgets (love that subsite) there's an informative post from by PC World columnist...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/29/2007
Facebook is fixed... well, my profile, at least
As I mentioned earlier about my listing on Facebook, the good folks there have fixed the "invalid...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/27/2007
Friday Humour: Spinal Tap's set from Live Earth
Yes, I am a Spinal Tap fan for many years. I've had the pleasure of seeing the band perform live in...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/27/2007
Of interest: Xbox 360 HD DVD Player Moves to $179, plus free HD DVDs... is that enough?
How did I miss this announcement yesterday? (No, not the nearly $1B that SharePoint Server sales...
Author: M3 Sweatt Date: 07/27/2007