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James O'Neill's blog

Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.

I came upon an example of how Flash can be used well at In response to my...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/05/2006

At the community leaders day I was telling one of the attendees that my sister was a Professor of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/02/2006

Serendipity is at it again. A week ago I was looking at art in Paris. My mate Barry from MCS in the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/02/2006

I blogged about Open search in IE before; I just noticed this on technorati. I’ll wonder out loud...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/01/2006

So, as you must have read by now, last week we released a trinity of beta 2 products. Windows Server...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/01/2006

Sometime in the course of yesterday afternoon (UK time) Adobe changed something on their web site....

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/01/2006

One good thing about getting BBC news as an RSS feed in Outlook, is headlines like “Microsoft Debuts...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/31/2006

John Howard – who did this job before moving to the Virtualization group in Redmond - told me to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/24/2006

More details here. I've been saying for some time now: wait for beta 2 it is a big improvement over...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/24/2006

Regular readers (if I have any) will know that RSS is one of my interests. So I noticed Robert...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/23/2006

Vista feels different even before you log on. The logon process itself has changed: fast user...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/22/2006

Microsoft is a better place to work than it was last week. I was out of the country on Friday. My...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/19/2006

You get some idea how important vista is going to be when a web-site update makes the BBC news site....

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/19/2006

Talking about cost of ownership on its own is nuts. There, I’ve come out and said it. There are two...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/19/2006

In my post last Friday I mentioned installing Groove and the Mind Genius Mind mapping software which...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/15/2006

This post, and the last one were made from Word 2007 Beta. I don’t mean typed and spell checked in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/12/2006

Unexpectedly a new-ish laptop came my way on Wednesday. Pre-installed on it were newer builds of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/12/2006

I've had several requests for this week's "Let's look at vista" slide deck. The slides are in the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/12/2006

The following dates from 2002 when I was working a with Sharepoint Portal Server 2001. We used to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/10/2006

So, last week I was talking about "getting the search you want" this morning I was looking for some...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/09/2006

It was a pleasant surprise to get a mention from Robert Scoble, for my "RSS in 90 lines of code",...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/09/2006

One of the nice things about the new job is I get to walk round and bump into people I haven't...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/08/2006

I know - platfrom folks shouldn't do code. But yesterday I wrote my first "proper" program in nearly...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/05/2006

You may have heard claims about how Vista can help you save electricity. It has 3 features which...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/04/2006

I guess people who worked for Microsoft a few years ago must have some idea what it's like to be...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/03/2006

I want an Xbox 360. Someone gave me an original Xbox and the games still impresses me. When I got...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/02/2006

Back in the 1990s when I was working for a Microsoft partner I read Douglas Coupland's novel...

Author: James ONeill Date: 05/02/2006

I remember the year hen 3 versions of Internet explorer were released. That was before I came to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/29/2006

The volume of web content is overwhelming. And it keeps changing - we could spend all day just...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/25/2006

VUE and Prometric are now taking bookings for the beta of Exam 262 "Microsoft® Office Live...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/24/2006

Well me actually ... I'm presenting on Let’s take a look at Windows Vista At Microsoft in Reading on...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/23/2006

If you use Live Communications Server and have a Windows Mobile device you need to have a look at...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/22/2006

I found out that that my boss did a video for Channel 9 when she was last in Redmond. It's quite...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/19/2006

Apple's "Boot camp" software has created a big stir, hasn't it? Apple is a leader in industrial...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/18/2006

I've been on holiday for a few days. Before I went, I met a visiting school group. I was asked to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/18/2006

Last week I posted about an advance notice of announcement that is was due that this week - it was...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/04/2006

First off I'm doomed unless I change the rules of the game. I just read in Eileen's post about the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/04/2006

After a week in the job I'll still feeling a little bit of culture shock between working in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/03/2006

Most weeks, one or other of the photography forums I visit will contain one of the following...

Author: James ONeill Date: 04/03/2006

Yesterday was my second day in the new job and I joined a group of Microsoft Most Valued...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/29/2006

In yesterday's post I said "I’ve got an interest in how we communicate – and how sometimes we say a...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/28/2006

If you want demographic information: I'm English, male, married (2 small children), born in the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 03/27/2006
