Eric Gunnerson's Compendium
Term of the day: Inbox Camping
Inbox Camping Process of repeatedly checking your email to see if there is something new to check up...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/06/2004
Extreme Programming Chat
Jay mentions that Ron Jeffries is doing an Extreme Programming Chat
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/05/2004
MVPs are here!
The Microsoft MVP Global Summit started yesterday. I had hoped to make it to the opening party last...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/05/2004
My presentation today
This morning I presented at a community review for my manager, my second level, my third level, and...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/02/2004
How a bug becomes a fix...
Anonymous Corporate Coder wrote a comment on my ZBB post, asking what set of bugs ZBB relates to. I...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/02/2004
A new career choice
Let's see: Never been convicted of a felony US born 40 years or older Resident for the last 40...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/02/2004
I'm 28 today...
On my post about “particular boats and funicular goats”, Steve properly surmized that it...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/02/2004
Acronym of the day: ZBB
ZBB = Zero Bug Bounce As we start moving from the writing code phase into the fixing bugs phase, the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/01/2004
User focus on the C# Language Design Team
Rick writes an interesting article Rick is a really sharp guy who became a usability engineer by an...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/01/2004
I Love this
From /.
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/01/2004
Work/Life Balance
Every year, Microsoft does a widespread poll to determine how people view their work environment,...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/31/2004
Particular boats and Funicular goats
Your task: 1) Figure out what this reference is 2) Figure out why it's an appropriate one
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/31/2004
Using for purposes other than disposable objects...
Doug asks: re: A lock statement with timeout... I've done this trick before to deal with common...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/28/2004
Enumerators and boxing..
Jeroen asked: While we're on the subject of boxing, why doesn't foreach do the same optimization as...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/28/2004
A lock statement with timeout...
Ian Griffiths comes up with an interesting way to use IDisposable and the “using“...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/24/2004
C# Featurette #1 - Reference and Value type Constraints
We've spent a lot of time talking about the major features of the C# language, but there are a...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/24/2004
Adding Emptiness to the DateTime class
I got an interesting email from a customer today, asking for my opinion on how to deal with the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/23/2004
Speed of direct calls vs interfaces vs delegates vs virtuals
I've gotten a couple of follow-up questions on my column on dynamic dispatch asking why there are...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/19/2004
Arrays with non-zero upper and lower bounds...
In the comments to my post on zero and one based arrays, several people mentioned that they wanted...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/18/2004
Timing your C# code
I've gotten a couple of emails on my recent column telling me that they couldn't replicate my...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/18/2004
What's wrong with this code redux...
Thanks to all for their comments on “what's wrong with this code”. I will confess to...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/18/2004
Who does Microsoft talk to when they have questions?
In the comments to my “What's coming up in C# beyond Whidbey”, RichB makes the following...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/16/2004
What's wrong with this code?
TechEd is rapidly approaching, and I'm signed up to do a “C# Best Practices” kind of...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/16/2004
Performance Quiz
Rico presents a very interesting performance quiz on writing string values:
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/16/2004
C# and Unit Testing chat on Thursday
Jim Newkirk, one of the authors of NUnit and lately of the Microsoft PAG group, will be joining the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/16/2004
Anson talks about implementing interfaces in the IDE in Whidbey
Anson talks about implementing interfaces in the IDE in Whidbey. Anson is the PM who used to own the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/16/2004
Commenters: Please ask off-topic questions on my "Suggest a topic" link
I really appreciate the comments that people leave on my posts, and the comments are often more...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/12/2004
What's coming up for C# beyond Whidbey?
Diego asks, Now that C# 2.0 is almost here, I'd like to know about features that were left out from...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/11/2004
Why do delegate arguments have to match exactly?
Michael asks, Why do delegate arguments have to match exactly, when creating a delegate using...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/11/2004
The virtues of "One Note"
Derek said that I should write about the virtues of OneNote, which is, in his words, “one...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/11/2004
Fewer blog posts here, more on the C# FAQ
I've decided that rather than put FAQ answers here, I'm going to put them on the C# FAQ instead....
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/11/2004
Bruce Eckel - Generics Aren't
Bruce has an interesting discussion entitled “Generics Aren't”. It's primarily about the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/11/2004
The VS7 debugger doesn't work. What can I do?
Min provides a new link to his excellent document on debugging the debugger.
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/09/2004
Why doesn't C# support default parameters?
A post in the new C# FAQ Blog. The items will be showing up on the C# dev center in the near...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/07/2004
New Column - different methods of dynamic dispatch.
My most recent column went live on MSDN today. It discusses different methods of dynamic execution...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/02/2004
Why does C# require 'ref' and 'out' at both definition and use?
(question from a customer) If you use 'ref' or 'out' on a method parameter: class Test{ public void...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 03/01/2004
Compiler error messages
Grant has some questions on them
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/29/2004
Cool picture of Saturn
is here
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/27/2004
I can bring you a cookie. Would you like some asparagus?
I was web browsing this morning, and I clicked on a video link on a website, and IE popped up a...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/27/2004
Don't click on this...
If you value your productivity. I got to level 30
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/26/2004
Regex, HTML, and my sanity
The answer I came up with is at the bottom. But first, a brief digression. There were several...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/26/2004
Hooking into the C# compiler
Rick said in a comment, You said: “Philosophically, it would be nice to have some way to...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/25/2004
How do you organize .NET?
Shaykat and I have been having a discussion about how we organize information that we present to...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/25/2004
Regex puzzle
I was reading our newsgroups, and I came across a post where the user wanted to filter out all tags...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/25/2004
up and down
Up and down. Two words that we generally think of opposites, but in actual use they are quite...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/24/2004
My first patent
If you walk into some offices at Microsoft, you'll find these strange 2“ black cubes on some...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/24/2004
How do I protect my C# code against reverse engineering?
One of the questions that comes up often - usually after somebody comes across one of the C#...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/24/2004
Extreme Programming Adventures in C#
Eric Gunnerson notes that Ron Jeffries has released a book on Extreme Programming using C#
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/23/2004
My real name is "Cure Inner Song"...
Yes, I've been discovered. My real name is “Cure Inner Song“, and I chose “Eric...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 02/23/2004