Eric Gunnerson's Compendium
Nullable types in C#
Nullable Types in C# One of the "late breaking" features in C# 2.0 is what is known as "Nullable...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/27/2004
Join the fridge-o-lution
Last night, I attended a TechEd bloggers party, held in a pretty nice suite on the 40th floor of the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/25/2004
Best practices talk
I gave my Teched talk at 5PM today, entitled “C# Best Practices - What's wrong with this...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/24/2004
Still more on virtual by default...
In a bid to keep my blog hits high, I've decided to revisit this again. The comments (I read all...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/24/2004
Updated C# V2.0 Specifications now available
After a lot of work on Anders' part, we now have an updated version of the C# 2.0 Language...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/24/2004
TechEd and tempting the slide gods...
About 4 or 5 weeks ago, the C# team was working on our TechEd presentations. There's an organized...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/24/2004
Best C# Bloggers
Here is a summary of the community-recommended bloggers. Ian Griffiths Craig Andera Wesner Moise...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/22/2004
More on virtual by default
Gary and James took issue with my position, so I'd like to expand a bit on what I said. Gary wrote:...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/18/2004
TechEd and Rio
For TechEd attendees, you can request meetings with Microsoft people through the Rio system. I went...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/17/2004
Virtual by default or not?
I've been skimming through “Hardcore Java”, and I came across a section on the use of...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/17/2004
See Cyrus' head explode...
Cyrus is one of the devs on the editor/intellisense/refactoring team (we call it the IDE team, which...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/17/2004
On probation
I got an email today from the owner of all the MSDN columns, telling me that if I wasn't able to...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/17/2004
Books on my desk
I have a couple of books that have showed up on my desk recently. The first is “Test-Driven...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/14/2004
TechEd and the C# team
The deadline for the C# team to have our TechEd slides done is this Friday, so we've been working...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/13/2004
Enums and validation
We've been talking about enums a bit, in one of those cases where I'm looking into something and I...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/10/2004
App Building day 3 - data smoothing...
I worked some more on my GPS app, and I'm looking for some advice from somebody with more experience...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/07/2004
App Building - Day 2
Today was the second day of app building. But first, a few comments on the comments on my last post....
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/06/2004
App Building
The C# PM team is spending Wednesday-Friday of this week on app building, where we spend time using...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/05/2004
My long-term readers know that I'm in training for a couple of bicycle rides later this summer (a...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/04/2004
C# Community Review
One of my responsibilities is overseeing the C# team's involvement in community, where community is...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/03/2004
Canis Novus
After fighting a spirited but doomed-to-fail delaying action for several years, the two caniphiles...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 05/03/2004
Gunnerson's rule of the internet
No matter how strange or bizarre a hobby, there is always a web page devoted to it. Presented for...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/30/2004
Jay and Properties...
Jay wrote a post entitled Properties? Not my bag, baby. When I first started writing C# code, I used...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/29/2004
Video killed the blogging star...
Or at least it may. Take a look at this and this.
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/29/2004
Rico writes on improving .NET application performance and security
Rico writes an interesting forward. I mention it for 3 reasons: Rico generally writes good stuff I...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/29/2004
Property or backing store from inside a class?
Josh writes, If you've implemented a public property for a private field and you're modifying the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/29/2004
Who are the best C# bloggers?
I'd like to create a list of the best C# bloggers, primarily those outside of Microsoft. Please...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/23/2004
const methods
My number one biggest desire in C#, or complaint (if you choose)... Are we ever going to see const...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/22/2004
Compiler information as part of code.
*** #ClassName : gives you the name of the current class Often I setup loggers and stuff, and always...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/22/2004
Inherited constructors
*** inherited constructors This is a pet complaint of mine - I've never understood why you can't...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/22/2004
Attributes that take parameterinfo or methodinfo
*** typeof( x.y ) gives you propertyInfo/MethodInfo We are making all sorts of cool framework...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/22/2004
Allow using up to the object level.
Darren sent me a few questions. Normally, I'd put these in the C# FAQ, but I've decided to answer...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/22/2004
RAII and C#
Daniel wrote: I've been reading your blog for quite some time, and, while I love C#, I never...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/21/2004
If you've ever wished you could find a P/Invoke definition for a Win32 function, you'll like this...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/21/2004
Poser update
A few updates on the results of my “poser” post. First, anybody who said “anybody...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/21/2004
Two posers for you
What is the output of the following code, and why? [Update: By “why“, I mean “what...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/19/2004
More on ZBB
Shaykat talks about ZBB
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/19/2004
Efficiency of iteration over arrays?
I got the following question on email: Question: Which one of these three loops is the most...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/18/2004
I'm a winner!
We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today the 3rd , 2004 of winners of the SCIENTIFIC...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/18/2004
"Close to being Released"...
Scott wrote in reference to something I said... A year away is “close to Whidbey being...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/15/2004
Win32 to .NET Cross Reference
I haven't seen this referenced before: Microsoft Win32 to Microsoft .NET Framework API MapMicrosoft...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/15/2004
Taking it to the next level...
Josh writes: I've been working professionally with C# for about 2 years now and am just blown away...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/15/2004
Signs of the times...
A great link from Brad
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/15/2004
Unsafe and reading from files
Einar wrote (long ago), In the article you wrote on unsafe image processing, you announced a...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/13/2004
C# Whidbey Featurette #3: Static classes
Because all functions in C# must live inside of a class, there are some clases - System.Math is a...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/13/2004
Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit
I got this reference from, but since they require login to get to the...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/13/2004
C# Featurette #2 - Inline Warning Control
Another feature that we added for Whidbey is the ability to selectively disable warnings within your...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/12/2004
More on MVP Summit
Pablo asks, Is this the sort of range of discussions that would be included on something like...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/08/2004
C# MVP Feedback session
On Tuesday night, I spent a bit of time at the MVP party (good company, not a great party), and then...
Author: Eric Gunnerson Date: 04/07/2004