SPO Tidbit - Search experience
Hello All,
This passed across my inbox and I thought it would be great for you to have as it potentially changes the user experience.
The search experience in SharePoint Online has been redesigned and streamlined to make it easier to find and filter results. The smarter interface with rich previews enables a customer to easily identify content with over 270+ file types and preview sites. Results are ranked based on personal relevance as determined by a customer’s collaborative behaviors in the Microsoft Graph and results will now include people, list items, and news.
This change does NOT affect the Enterprise Search Center including any customization in content types or display templates an organization may have invested in.
Customer Communication: A new message center post was published Feb 21 informing customers of these upcoming improvements. There was a message center post back in January, however, the rollout was postponed.
Timeline: There are two flights that make up this release, SharePoint Home and Team Sites.
- Current ETA for targeted release for SharePoint Home is March 2, 2018
- Current ETA for targeted release for Team Sites is March 12, 2018
Prod rollout for SharePoint Home and Team Sites is TBD.
Message Center post published Feb 21
Message Center post published Jan 16