Why are my custom drawn checkboxes sometimes rendering in a different way to normal ones?
I asked about rendering dark mode checkboxes recently here on Microsoft Q & A. An elegant solution was provided via the custom draw concept: #pragma warning(disable: 26429) bool CDarkModeBase::OnNotify( _In_ const CWnd* pParentWnd, _In_ LPARAM…
Does the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable 64 bit have any dependency on an MFC application?
I am working with MFC application and I need to remove the dependency of Microsoft Access data base engine redistributable(64 bit) from my application. Before removal I need to figure out the dependency of Microsoft Access data base engine…
How does An Application Send Keystrokes Into A Browser?
Hello Folks: Developing on Windows 10 Pro, Visual Studio 2022 updated today, all C++. I want to write an app that can send page down keystrokes to scroll down through the comment section of YouTube videos. I feel I have the fundamental skills. I…

DLL Registration Fails with Exit Code 5 After Upgrading Platform Toolset to v142 in Visual Studio 2019
I'm upgrading a C++ project from Visual Studio 2012 to Visual Studio 2019, changing the Platform Toolset from v110 to v142. The project builds successfully, but during registration of a DLL, I encounter the following error: error MSB3075: The command…
Supporting dark mode with CGridCellCombo in CGridCtrl
Info: CGridCellCombo The CodeProject site is not yet working correctly so I could provide download link if needed.In-place editing in dark mode still uses light controls. Here are some examples: This is the pertinent code from the class: // Create a…
CString -- ATL::CStringT<char, StrTraitMFCDLL format problem
Hello, I got this warning. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/code-quality/c6284?view=msvc-160 CString Logging::AddEntry(CString strEntry) { SYSTEMTIME stTimestamp; CString strNewEntry = _T(""); CString strTempEntry =…
Preventing SQL Query Exposure in Memory – Visual C++ Application
A thick client application using Visual C++, and during a security audit, we found that SQL queries are stored in memory in plaintext. Using memory dump analysis tools, we were able to extract these queries, which raises security concerns. We would like…
How to fix it reference to unresolved external symbol SDL_main in function main_getcmdline.?
Initially the project was on an old version of visual studio and I don't know how to copy but the lines were duplicated Line 104:…
How to identify the dependency of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable 64 bit with cpp source code?
I am working on a C++ application that interacts with Microsoft Access Database and need to determine whether it depends on Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable 64.
Visual Studio 2019 hanging in cout/printf
When debugging in Visual Studio 2019, any time my program attempts to cout or print it causes the debugger to stall infinitely. If I pause the debugger and look at the main thread, it will always be in 'ucrtbased.dll!write_text_ansi_nolock' once it gets…
Is Microsoft plans to support "Dark Mode" in its own application
Hi, ALL, More and more people are switching to use "Dark Mode". However, it looks like native Windows applications are not supporting "Dark Mode" as they use different coloring scheme. Does MS have plans to update…
Is there an alternative to using CComboBoxEx to include icons?
Is there an alternative to CCombopBoxEx for including icons: As previously discussed on Microsoft Q & A, I have not been successful it getting it to use a dark mode theme. Only a normal CComboBox works properly. And I don't understand why. So my…
MFC, C++ - Logging, best way
I am looking for the best way to add logging to my application. What must it be able to do? Configuration of where the files are stored. 2025-03-06-LogFile.log If the file is larger than 30000 MByte, a new one should be written. Files older than 30…
Why are system's MSVC runtime DLLs used instead of ours ones sometimes?
In order to decrease our app's installer size and do not force the user to download MSVC runtime redistributable installer, we include all the MSVC runtime DLLs we need (and only them) into our installer using the following technique. All was working…

Unexpected AfxThrowFileException in CStdioFile::Read()
I am using CStdioFile::Read in an MFC application, and I noticed that an exception is thrown in the following condition: if ((nRead = (UINT)fread(lpBuf, sizeof(BYTE), nCount, m_pStream)) == 0 && !feof(m_pStream)) …

CString format problem and convert with to_string problem
Hello, I have an old project and need to develop a new one, and I need to take over code sequences. Now I get errors with to_string and format. include xstring.h not helped? Project is a MFC C++, version 2010 How do I go about getting the definition?…
Issues with RequestPurchaseAsync in MFC C++ Application
An app has been published in the Partner Center, and an addon submission has been created. This is the addon subscription overview. In the application, there is an MFC project and a Windows Runtime Component (Universal Windows) project, as depicted…
Setting the menu icon background colour when using Dark Mode
I have this function that I use to change the background of an image to match the menu background colour. This has worked up until now because I only supported the default theme. So GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU) was correct. void…
Darkmode combo on statusbar panes
I have two regular CComboBox controls (dropdown list style), and I have superimposed them on two statusbar panes: This is how I create one of the combo boxes: void CChristianLifeMinistryEditorDlg::InitStatusBarPageBreakCombo() { CFont* pFont =…
MFC C++ and parse XML file, best way?
Hello! What is the best way to read this in MFC C++? What is the best way to write this in a XML file? Like XDocument in C# <ROOT> <SYSTEM lanes="2" isDispense="0" isPack="0"/> <MACHINE…