How do I configure Entra Cloud Sync to add another domain?
I have Entra Cloud Sync provisioning setup of an on-premise AD domain on 2 servers. I want to add a different domain from our 2 AWS AD servers. I have the provisioning agent installed on the AWS AD servers but I can't get it configured to synchronize…
Azure B2C SSO Single Log out
Hi, I have been trying to implement a SSO Log out with two of our web applications. We currently have a web application which is running on .NET Framework (Web App A) & a Next JS Web App (Web App B) using the same Tenant. I have been able to…
How Can i remove the admin consent popup for users who are not global admin, When users perform SSO admin consent popup appears which i don't want
Team I have setup sso on WP site using OAuth OIDC Plugin with MS ENtra ID, and want the suers to perform SSO with accepting the admin cionsent, I have added permission where Admoin consent is not required, see Email, Openid and Profile just 3 permission…
Azure B2C MFA
After getting a new phone, MFA is not working for B2C tenant. The Entra ID tenant works fine. I have never had a problem creating a support ticket. However, when I tried today to create a support ticket, I was forced to this stupid "Ask a…
What exactly is ADIbizaUX?
What exactly is ADIbizaUX? I keep seeing posts about this application online, most of which are questioning the validity of the application due to unattended sign-in requests to it. How can there be user sign-in logs attempting to access ADIBizaUX if…
Can't order Azure VM due to authentication issue
After logging in to with the account (same account from which I post this), when I try to order a VM a dialog appears with the message below. { "sessionId": "81126a0238b1491891e86fb6ef10e06d", …
Entra Cloud Sync Not Updating Group Names
We've made changes to an on-premises Active Directory group and not all of the changes are synchronizing. Renamed Display Name and pre-2000 name - Did not synchronize Added Group Members - Synchronized Updated description - Synchronized We're using…
Preventing Deletion of Cloud Accounts for Disabled On-Prem Users
Title Preventing Deletion of Cloud Accounts for Disabled On-Prem Users Details After disabling an on-prem user and moving them into a non-sync Organizational Unit (OU), the AD Connect process was completed successfully, but the cloud account is still…
Microsoft Entra Connect Sync Upgrader attempts to upgrade 2.4.129 to 2.4.129 every hour
Hi All, On Monday March 3rd, our Microsoft Entra Connect Sync was upgraded automatically from v2.4.27.0 to v2.4.129.0. Earlier, back in December 2024, I manually upgraded from Azure AD Connect to MS Entra Connect v2.4.27.0. The Settings > Apps…
Probleme bei der Authentifizierung
Hallo Community, es gibt eine Fehlermeldung bei der Authentifizierung, wenn auf Microsoft Entra ID gehe. Im Bild kommt eine Fehlermeldung. Weiß jemand, wie man das Problem einfach beheben kann? Ich habe eine private E-Mail verwendet. LG
Login two times In Dynamics 365 and Microsoft teams
In my Azure tenant, I work with Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Teams. I have to log in to Dynamics and Teams separately every day. Could I do this just once? Thank you.
Prevent Password Reuse in Entra ID/SSPR---Password Reuse Still Possible
Hello, Our company uses Entra ID, and we do not have an on-premises Active Directory (AD). We have enabled self-service password reset for all users, requiring two forms of authentication to reset passwords. I can reset the password using the…
Issue: "The refresh token grant no longer exists" error for federated users in Azure AD B2C (MSAL.js)
We are using Azure AD B2C with Custom Policies and MSAL.js for authentication in a React app. Everything works fine for local B2C users, but federated users (those signing in via an external IdP) encounter an issue when acquiring a new token…
Azure AD B2C Redirect URI Mismatch Error Despite Correct Configuration
Hello everyone, I've been facing an issue with Azure AD B2C where I'm getting a redirect URI mismatch error (AADB2C90006), even though I've confirmed that the redirect URI is correctly configured in the portal. Here's a brief rundown of my…
Connect to MSCommerce using certificate authentication
Hi Need to connect to MSCommerce using certificate authentication via powershell script to collect enabled trial applications, Is certificate authentication available for MSCommerce? If not is there any other ways to connect to it? Need run this as a…
I need to reset my MFA in azure portal
I need to reset my MFA in azure portal, but I do not have access to the due to MFA issue. MS Authenticator is giving me 8 digits code, but the login is expecting 6 digits. I am using a personal outlook account.
Windows authenticator error when logging into azure
I can't log in to azure, I have an account with my personal user, but now it's asking for a code, I've followed the steps and installed windows authenticator, but when I type in the code I get the message You didn't enter the expected verification code.…
Remote Desktop clients is transitioning to Windows App starting in September 2024
Hi Team, We have received email from Microsoft, replacing Remote Desktop Client with Windows Apps. Hust have few quick queries to understand the impact. Does it going to change anything if user is using browser-based client access to Azure Virtual…
Domain registration problem
Hello, I'm trying to register my domain on new tenant but i received this message : We've confirmed that you own, but we can't add it to your account because the domain is already added to another Microsoft 365 organisation:…
SSO Consent screen logo image broken when in
Dear Microsoft Community, I am encountering an issue with the display of my application's logo during the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) consent screen, specifically when users sign in using personal Microsoft accounts (e.g.,,…