How create email enabled group
Hi, we are using an organization handled microsoft account like (****** with __Viva Workplace Analytics and Employee Feedback license , i opened the viva pulse and our organization account has no outlook service so i was…
I can't see scheduled exam under CERTIFICATIONS or ACTIVITY
Hi, I have scheduled my AZ-900 exam, and I am having troubles locating it. I did do the following steps: Profile > Credentials > Certifications Profile > Activity However, I am still unable to view my upcoming AZ-900 exam appointment. I…
Azure Administrator Associate 104
I did not realize that the exam expired today on "UTC". I am in EST time. I had planned to take the exam at least a day before on the day of expiration, because i have been sick. Could i please request an extension to this exam renewal? …
Python courses have disappeared?
I was working on some of the Microsoft Learn Python courses, and took a small break from last month, but was wanting to go back to the one's I'd bookmarked, but they seem to have disappeared? I even looked at one course I'd completed, and the link,…
Hi all Since 2019 I'm Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert Azure Administrator Associate Last year (Nov./Dec. 2024) I was not able to recertify these certifications. Workload was horrible and I was only jumping from one project to…
How to track user progress in Viva learning?
Hi, is it possible to somehow build our own course and track 1000+ users progress in viva learning? Either built in with Viva, or if we for example use 365 apps project or planner in some clever way perhaps? Perhaps located within a collaboration…
Microsoft Official Learning Plan - Not Showing Completed Despite All the Modules Completed
As per the ticket raised here: and the private messages exchanged, I'm resubmitting the issue here. The issue…
Query on Viva
Hi All, I am using an Exchange 2016 hybrid environment where we create users on-premises and then migrate them online. We have Microsoft 365 E5 licenses, and the same users are assigned Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft Viva Insights licenses. I don’t…
Certification renewal
Hi, I can not see the blue button which allows me to renew my certification. Can you please help me? My login email is ******
I need to modify my Microsoft Learn corporate email to a personal email so that I can track all of my previous certifications and progress
I would like to update my Microsoft Learn profile email address to a personal email address as I no longer have access to the corporate email address in my Learn profile
I want to change my email id in microsoft learn account. Please help in doing that.
I want to change my email id in microsoft learn account. Please help in doing that.
Create cloud-native apps Training - cannot connect to backend service
Hi After I've completed nearly all from here: [] I did stuck on the "Run the container and test the service" part. When I open…
I am receiving an error message when I try to sign up for the Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 Exam.
When I try to sign up for the DP-900 exam and am on the "Transfer to Pearson Vue" screen, I receive an error message that reads, "An input field is invalid. Please check your input fields and try again." This is after I have ensured…
How to change the login email address in the microsoft lean profile from work email to personal email
I have created the profile using work email address, i would like to change the this to personal email. Please let me know how to change the login email address of learn profile.
while loop != 'done'
Run this cell and provide a list of planets new_planet = '' planets = [] while new_planet.lower() != 'done': if new_planet : # Checks if the user has entered a value planets.append(new_planet) …
can't open the .NET Editor coding environment why ???
i can't complete learning because the .net ide didn't work even though i delete the cashe and logout then log in again and open it in a private mode also trying other browsers but it didn't work

working on this module
Using this code my outcome is below: int[] inventory = { 200, 450, 700, 175, 250 }; int sum = 0; int bin = 0; foreach (int items in inventory) { sum += items; bin++; Console.WriteLine($"Bin {bin} = {items} items (Running total:…

Emails from MS Learning
Why am I getting French emails about MS Learning Courses? How can this be changed to English?
Can we award badge to learners in Viva Learning?
Can we award badges to learners who complete courses in a specific topic within a certain number of hours? For example, 30 hours for a Bronze badge in XXXXXX and 60 hours for a Silver badge in XXXXXX.
enlighten me microsoft learn This question is related to the following Learning Module