How create email enabled group
we are using an organization handled microsoft account like (****** with __Viva Workplace Analytics and Employee Feedback license , i opened the viva pulse and our organization account has no outlook service so i was not able to create an email enabled group to send survey,so i created a group with 3 personal microsoft account( eg: ****** and then grant (__Guest users have the same access as members (most inclusive) ) access. but even after that when i select the the group after questions preprartion step in pulse ,the textbox *Request feedback from is not accepting the group,
my doubt is can we create a email enabled group with personal id with outlkook like** ( eg: ********
or is it required to get the outlook service on each organization id and then create group
what is the actual process of creating email enabled group or user to select in** *Request feedback from
please help me at earliest
Thank you**