Encountering InvalidImageRegistryPassword when attaching Log Analytic Workspace to my Container Instance
I cannot attach my Log Analytic Workspace to my Azure Container Instance Error shown below The password in the 'imageRegistryCredentials' of container group 'my-container' cannot be empty. My container is still running and pulling images successfully…
Container instance with managed identity is not working with storage account and other Azure services
Hi. I'm facing issues with container instances for 2 subscriptions in East US. Code deployed to container instance is using managed identity access to storage account, and to Azure AI services multi-service account. Beginning from 9th of March managed…
Getting connection reset while accessing azure container instance
I have created one docker image using dot net core and successfully pushed the image in container registry. After that I have published the same image in container app and container instance. I am not getting any issue in container app, but getting…
cannot delete container group/instance
portal gives "Failed to delete the container instances in container group 'cg-dbsak-argent'. Error: Encountered an internal server error." also unable to delete via az cli.
Problem deploying Container Instance of PostgreSQL database server mounted on file share
I'm creating a PostgreSQL container instance with this command line az container create --resource-group sofresgroup --name sofpostgres --image sofacr.azurecr.io/postgres:17.4 --ports 5432 --environment-variables POSTGRES_PASSWORD=xxxxxx…
ACI does not create due to internalServerError
Hi my ACI creation via yaml fails. All i get is this: (InternalServerError) Encountered an internal server error. The tracking activity id is '78c244c0-eac4-4b8b-a015-1ef6b9714fae', correlation id is '1ebbf651-e952-4c4a-a4e1-36aadc897a7e'. Code:…

Getting connection reset while accessing azure container instance
I have created one docker image using dot net core and successfully pushed the image in container registry. After that I have published the same image in container app and container instance. I am not getting any issue in container app, but getting…
Provision with system managed identity
My current setup. Vnet --> Running container app as build agents for pipeline inaide this vent --> Created managed identity for this container app. Using this managed identity i am providing the owner role on subscription. From my script running…
Use custom base images or images other than default ones on deployment Scripts?
Following the documentation - A Bicep deployment script runs within an Azure Container Instance (ACI), which pulls an image from the Microsoft Container Registry. The documentation states: "The ACI downloads container images from the Microsoft…

need help with windows container scalability
need help with windows container scalability for labs environment
InternalServerError while creating ACI group with two containers
I'm trying to create an ACI group with two containers named seq and reverse-proxy using the file iastse720-seq-aci-deployment-v4.txt. Because DockerHub recently limited anonymous access to public images, I'm also passing the username and personal access…

Title: InaccessibleImage Error - Unable to Pull Image from ACR in Azure Container Instance
Issue Summary: The Azure Container Instance (ACI) is unable to pull the image ***/todoapp/91 from the Azure Container Registry (ACR), resulting in an InaccessibleImage error. This issue is likely due to missing permissions, incorrect registry…
Azure Container Instances(ACI) fails to pull image intermittently
Azure Container Instances intermittently restarts and fails to pull image with an error **"Failed to pull image "
Azure container instance is online, but sometimes not accessible
I'm experiencing temporary unavailability with azure container instances. It's configured to be accesible through Front Door endpoint and origin group. I configured two container instances in origin group, so that one is always accessible when deploying…
DfC pre-scan possible (before pushing an image to a container)?
Is there a way to run a Defender for Containers like-scan before I push an image to a container? My team would like to verify that an image will pass DfC scans before pushing an image....
Azure Web App Container Error
Hi Everyone, We have built one React application and are trying to deploy the same to Azure Web App. The deployment was done using VS Code Azure Service plug in. The logs show deployment as a success however we are seeing the below error when trying…

Container instance are in waiting state, we have restarted, stopped and started and redeployed nothing is working
Container instance are in waiting state, I have restarted, stopped and started and redeployed nothing is working, the container is deployed in switzerland north. But when I pull the image from the azure registry, and run it locally with docker…
Open a range of ports on a container instance
I can create a Docker container instance with 10 ports open. We are working on a specific service that requires way more ports open. Is possible to open a range of ports in a docker container instance? Like 5000 - 10000
ACI privileges and possibility of blobfuse2 mounting
Hello, I have been trying to mount an Azure Blob Storage container within an Azure Container Instance (ACI) using blobfuse2, but I have been unsuccessful. I suspect the issue is due to the limited privileges available in ACIs, unlike Docker containers…
On which Service I can deploy an app which based on a Docker Compose file?
Hi! I built an app that runs on a Docker container. The app uses a Mongo DB Docker image. I combine the Flask container, the MongoDB container, and the Mongo Express container into a Docker compose file and I want to run all of them on a serverless…