Hi Stephen Emm,
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Sometimes, resource locks are applied to prevent accidental deletion. Ensure that there are no locks preventing the deletion of the container group or associated resources.
az lock list --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
az lock delete --name <lock-name> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
Verify that all the associated resources (like networking resources, load balancers, storage accounts, etc.) are correctly deleted. Sometimes, the container instances are attached to a load balancer, and if it's still active or improperly configured, it can block the deletion.
az network lb list --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
az network public-ip list --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
could you please try forcefully delete the container instance group and see if it clears the error
az container delete --name cg-dbsak-argent --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --yes --no-wait
Sometimes the container group might be in an intermediate state (e.g., stopping or restarting). Check if there are ongoing operations
az container show --name cg-dbsak-argent --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>
If there are pending operations or the status is not "Succeeded" or "Stopped," it might be stuck. You can try to stop it before attempting to delete again.
## Not run:
rg <- AzureRMR::get_azure_login()$ get_subscription("subscription_id")$ get_resource_group("rgname")
## End(Not run)
please refer this document
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