Trained yolov8 model on compute cluster and all metrics are flat
Hi, I have been training yolov8 model using compute cluster and after training is complete, I see all the metrics are flat as if model did not learn anything I don't know what went wrong but the training completed successfully with 50 epochs and…
Azure invoices being locked
I have a problem with my Azure invoices being locked, which prevents me from paying them. I need to contact support, but I'm not sure how to create a support ticket for this issue.
my webapp in azure not starting
I have deployed Azure AI App but it is not starting or accessible
How do I configure my Azure ML Workspace such that when I delete experiments and jobs, the corresponding Blobs in Azure Blob Storage are also deleted
I regularly submit jobs and experiments to train ML models. With each experiment, all my files and outputs are uploaded to my blob storage account. I have been constantly deleting failed and cancelled experiments, but I found out that deleting…
Unable yo disable KeyVault public network access
I am unable to Disable public access to my KeyVault. I am getting the following error: Invalid value of properties.networkAcls.bypass: ", AzureServices". Expected one of AzureServices", "None. I tried two options, both with the…

I cannot get local PC to backup to my local azure backup server
I have a local backup server. I havent had to backup anything other than our VMs in the past. I've had a request to backup a windows desktop machine. it is not on the domain. I just want to back this up to the local backup server and not to the azure…
Have there been changes to how ADF web activities access blob storage while authorized via SAMI?
We have an Azure Data Factory pipeline that includes a Web Activity, which writes data directly to an Azure Blob Storage container. This Web Activity is configured to use System-Assigned Managed Identity for authentication against the Blob Storage…
Azure Data Factory Copy Activity - MongoDB Upsert Failing to Update Existing Documents
I'm using Azure Data Factory's Copy Data activity to load data from a CSV file into a MongoDB collection. My goal is to use the "upsert" operation to either insert new documents or update existing ones based on the _id field. However, I'm…
Defender for Endpoint: Can be onboarded
I installed Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on multiple machines with use of Azure arc Some of the machines have the Status "can be onboarded". Some have the status "onboarded". Why is that?
Unexplainable token usage with azure ai search as datasource
I created an app via azure ai studio, using azure search as datasource. When a user makes a single request, 3 requests in total is sent to the chat completion model, per a single user reques that is. My chunk size is 256 tokens pro chunk , and…
How can a Logic App workflow be configured to use private DNS resolution with Azure Bicep?
I have been assigned to utilize a private endpoint within a virtual network through an Azure Logic App deployed in the same network. I successfully deployed the workflow and integrated it with the virtual network using the following: resource…
i can't renew my Azure grant for nonprofits
I have a Microsoft Azure Grant for our non profit organization, and we are renewing it every year since 2021, two days ago, as usual, i received an email says "Your organization’s Azure grant is up for renewal" containing a link to access and…
Error while Unzipping .tar.gz files using Copy activity - Failing for csv file having 8GB of data
Hi, I am trying to uncompress .tar.gz files using Copy Activity and it was working fine till yesterday. Today we have received a file with more data and it got failed while copying one file with 8GB of data with following error…
Cost estimation for Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server with PGVector
What is the estimated cost for using Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server with PGVector enabled, targeting a throughput of 50 Queries per second? Cost should also include serving 1M dataset inclusive of data/index storage, backup, compute resources. Any…
Azure AI Foundry limits data files to 500, how to overcome?
The maximum number of files that can be managed in Azure AI Foundry is limited to 500. Is there a way to connect blob storage and manage unlimited files? or at least increase the number of files that we can manage?
Filtering Metrics for Azure Function and Blob Storage in Datadog
Hi Microsoft Support, I am currently monitoring an Azure Function App and an Azure Blob Storage account in Datadog, and I can see the overall metrics being ingested successfully. However, I am facing an issue with filtering the metrics at a more granular…
ErrorCode=InvalidParameter,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=The value of the property 'columns' is invalid: 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: columns'.,Source=,''Type=System.ArgumentNullException,Message=Valu
Hi, Am new to Postgresql, am trying to fetch the column list and their respective data types for a Postgresql table using a lookup activity within a foreach container in ADF . Query is working fine and fetching the expected output when executed in Azure…
How can we connect on-prem java application to Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server using access token( managed identity or entra id)
i have a Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server. my azure webapp connects to database using system assigned managed identity. how can we connect one of my on prem java application to database using managed identity or entra id? How the…
Persistent Error AADSTS160021: Application Requested a User Session That Does Not Exist
I am encountering a persistent error when attempting to log in to the Azure Portal. The error message I receive is as follows: { "sessionId": "692ab97f4b984887b5e0de3a1f05847d", "errors": [ { …
Ambiguity in loop variable #item when using contains within reduce in Data Flow Expressions.
I am trying to use a contains function within a reduce function. If I were to perform some comparison on the two items how would I accomplish this? Would the #item loop variable within the contain override the #item loop variable in the reduce…