421,191 questions

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0 answers

Json helper class in C++

Hello, I need to send data from C++ to C#. I would like to use the Marshal interface. How can I serialise a data structure in C++? What is the best way to deserialise it in C#? Is there a json helper class in C++? class MachineData { public: int…

A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,881 questions
asked 2025-03-15T07:59:48.3966667+00:00
Noah Aas 705 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T08:19:08.9666667+00:00
RLWA32 47,611 Reputation points
1 answer

Wifi Windows 11 not working

I've been struggling for almost a week, before my laptop had a problem with wifi, it works really fine, then I shut it down, after that day, when I open my laptop, I saw that it's not connected in Wifi, then when I tried to toggle it on, it immediately…

Windows 11
Windows 11
A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
11,088 questions
asked 2025-03-15T03:29:55.24+00:00
Alfonso, Mark John 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T08:13:34.76+00:00
Shahab Nayeb Mohseni 0 Reputation points
0 answers

I can't call this azure openai api, i tried multiple things, tried debugging

so i'm trying to call the api in this format with the below format of .env it always returns a 404 depoloyment not found from the azure api side, i tried lookiong for examples but still, no clear doc on how to use/call…

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
3,793 questions
asked 2025-03-14T23:16:03.66+00:00
aditya 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T08:08:48.2766667+00:00
Aditya patil 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Can't access second API when first was recently used within same APIM service

I have two APIs in my APIM service. Each API endpoint has running Open AI service behind. When I'm using first endpoint (in my AI chat app) with one model deployed - everything is ok, but after that when I try to use another model in my chat app (I can…

Azure API Management
Azure API Management
An Azure service that provides a hybrid, multi-cloud management platform for APIs.
2,327 questions
asked 2025-02-28T12:45:27.7733333+00:00
Oleksandr Yakovliev 25 Reputation points
accepted 2025-03-15T08:01:42.3433333+00:00
Oleksandr Yakovliev 25 Reputation points
2 answers

App Service Private Link still allows public internet access to URL.

We created an App Service with a Privatelink so that only the URL is accessible to the Azure network domain. The URL is still accessible from the public internet.

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,461 questions
asked 2025-03-10T19:27:37.07+00:00
Carlos Tijerina 0 Reputation points
edited an answer 2025-03-15T07:49:01.5033333+00:00
Siva Nair 735 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

How to remove Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.3360 (ge_release_upr)

This patch "Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.26120.3360 (ge_release_upr)" keeps coming up and failing and will not allow the normal patches to be downloaded and applied. I just want to remove/prevent this patch from my system so normal patching…

Windows 11
Windows 11
A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use.
11,088 questions
asked 2025-03-14T20:02:28.7633333+00:00
Home Ott 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T07:37:49.9266667+00:00
Erik Moreau 826 Reputation points MVP
0 answers

Authenticator app does not allow entering of code generated on desktop.

When trying to enter password in Mail on MacOS I get a two digit code to enter in Auth App. When opening the app I do not get the screen to enter said code. Authentictor app even tells me to open the authenticator app!!

Microsoft Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator
A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-factor verification, phone sign-in, and code generation.
8,326 questions
asked 2025-03-15T07:20:31.6233333+00:00
Mitarbeit (Schönborn Gymnasium) 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Behaviour of Scheduled Job (Cron) when a previous job is running and new one is triggered

I have a job scheduled in container app jobs to execute after every 5 minutes. Suppose a job is triggered at 11:00 a.m. Now before this finished another job is triggered at 11:05. What will happen to the previously running job. Will it get terminated or…

Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Apps
An Azure service that provides a general-purpose, serverless container platform.
574 questions
asked 2025-03-10T08:32:02.1433333+00:00
RajivBansal-2486 331 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T07:07:31.15+00:00
RajivBansal-2486 331 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Applying Azure Sponsorship Credits to an Existing Subscription – Any Alternatives?

Hi there, We already have a billing account and subscription set up in Azure, with a lot of resources tied to it. Recently, we were granted an Azure Sponsorship Credit subscription, but moving or recreating all our resources under this new subscription…

Azure Startups
Azure Startups
Azure: A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.Startups: Companies that are in their initial stages of business and typically developing a business model and seeking financing.
630 questions
asked 2025-03-05T08:40:35.31+00:00
Saleh Bagheri 20 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T07:05:39.85+00:00
Saleh Bagheri 20 Reputation points
0 answers

Unable to boot Windows after installing parrot security linux as dual boot

I installed Parrot Security next to Windows, but when the Grup menu appears and choose the Parrot, it works well, but if the Windows 10 is selected, the system does not work and the screen remains like this I also tried using grub command and boot…

Windows 10 Setup
Windows 10 Setup
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Setup: The procedures involved in preparing a software program or application to operate within a computer or mobile device.
1,982 questions
asked 2025-03-15T07:04:15.36+00:00
Adam khador 0 Reputation points
1 answer

How to change the name of a button

Windows 11, VS 2022, Version 17.13.3, C++, MFC project I created a new MFC project, first one since the install, accepting most of the defaults.  The project opened with the initial GUI ready to edit.  A new button was added.  Right click on the new…

Visual Studio Training
Visual Studio Training
Visual Studio: A family of Microsoft suites of integrated development tools for building applications for Windows, the web and mobile devices.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
36 questions
asked 2025-03-14T20:00:59.7866667+00:00
Bryan Kelly 406 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T07:00:17.4933333+00:00
RLWA32 47,611 Reputation points
2 answers

Cannot delete an account

Hello, I have an Microsoft account with my Gmail address which I do not use. I keep getting attacks to access my account from various parts of the world. I would like to close my account but it tells me that it is connected to an organization that this…

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,646 questions
asked 2025-03-11T08:13:58.3266667+00:00
fruyaa 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T06:58:03.08+00:00
fruyaa 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Error whitelisting subnet to Key Vault

I'm having trouble whitelisting a new subnet to my Key Vault. I've previously added other subnets from other vnets without any issue. For some reason, for this vnet and subnet I'm getting an error. I'm in the Networking settings of my Key Vault (via…

Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault
An Azure service that is used to manage and protect cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.
1,395 questions
asked 2025-03-10T15:46:55.7333333+00:00
Henri Pihkala 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T06:56:53.6366667+00:00
SrideviM 755 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

OpenAI Batch API ends with only 5% lines completed

I create a batch job (model: gpt-4o-mini) with 6868 lines input. After around 10 minutes, the batch completed, with only 307 lines ouput. There is no information in error file (it's just empty). I also tried previously succeded batch file, it also gives…

Azure OpenAI Service
Azure OpenAI Service
An Azure service that provides access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models with enterprise capabilities.
3,793 questions
asked 2025-03-14T08:50:34.08+00:00
D-ENGRAVER 15 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T06:56:00.2666667+00:00
Kateryna Karpo 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How do I undo the MFA requirement so I can get in to my account on my phone without the Authenticator app

I just switched phones, and Authenticator was not working properly. I got locked out of may M365 and all related account for 3 days. That team was finally able to reset my MFA and we were able to get me in and now the app works. I'm having the same…

Microsoft Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator
A Microsoft app for iOS and Android devices that enables authentication with two-factor verification, phone sign-in, and code generation.
8,326 questions
asked 2025-03-15T03:46:35.44+00:00
Jay Schweid 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T06:49:01.9533333+00:00
Madison Blakiston 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Powershell Graph query not returning group members

Hello! I'm encountering problems making device status queries via the Powershell Graph module. We’re trying to retrieve a list of devices and their compliance status from an Intune/Azure group. This is a security group, and these devices are direct group…

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
13,263 questions
asked 2025-02-28T20:51:37.4733333+00:00
Riki Gay 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T06:39:10.5066667+00:00
Vasil Michev 115.3K Reputation points MVP
1 answer

how do I access http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/is/winserverfiles/thread/44445dc3-0185-407f-b8ad-711f22cd4ec6

I stumbeled upon a URL in which to find answer to my question. Actually found another question. After registstering and agreeing to receive bloat newsletters and ad crap, I did it again bit still stranded at the top of this portal. What do I have to do…

Microsoft Q&A
Microsoft Q&A
Use this tag to share suggestions, feature requests, and bugs with the Microsoft Q&A team. The Microsoft Q&A team will evaluate your feedback on a regular basis and provide updates along the way.
858 questions
asked 2025-03-13T19:40:16.65+00:00
Evan Less 0 Reputation points
commented 2025-03-15T05:59:26.4866667+00:00
Viorel 120.4K Reputation points
1 answer

I have cleared the AI-900 exam but not able to download the certificate

I have exam cleared the Microsoft Azure Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals (AI-900) but now not able to see the certificate in dashboard to download

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,657 questions
asked 2025-01-17T08:53:22.2633333+00:00
Gollapalli Rajesh 0 Reputation points
answered 2025-03-15T05:53:05.43+00:00
simo-k 4,640 Reputation points
0 answers

Aure accout disabled

Hello, I tried using azure for free to Azure to create a VM and resource for DBA project, but my account got disabled, I also noticed that as a student I can access azure I tried it, and I got this screenshot attached. Please can you help me with a…

Azure Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines
An Azure service that is used to provision Windows and Linux virtual machines.
8,511 questions
asked 2025-03-15T05:49:09.81+00:00
Patrick Okolo 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How to create a support Request with the support plan "Developer"

Main questions: How to open a support request without be blocked by the system? How can I see my burned costs with an azure sponsorship subscription? Explanation: The company have a Microsoft Azure Sponsorship. It is used for the investigation…

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,657 questions
asked 2025-03-15T05:41:07.4533333+00:00
Tobias Brüschke 0 Reputation points
edited the question 2025-03-15T05:48:54.4233333+00:00
simo-k 4,640 Reputation points