Accessing File Status
also supports getting file status, including whether the file exists, creation and modification dates and times, logical size, and path.
- Use the CFile class to get and set information about a file. One useful application is to use the
static member function GetStatus to determine if a file exists. GetStatus returns 0 if the specified file does not exist.
Thus, you could use the result of GetStatus to determine whether to use the CFile::modeCreate flag when opening a file, as shown by the following example:
CFile theFile;
TCHAR* szFileName = _T("c:\\test\\myfile.dat");
CFileStatus status;
if( CFile::GetStatus( szFileName, status ) )
// Open the file without the Create flag
bOpenOK = theFile.Open( szFileName,
CFile::modeWrite );
// Open the file with the Create flag
bOpenOK = theFile.Open( szFileName,
CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite );
For related information, see Serialization.