Extends the functionality of CMDIFrameWnd
, a Windows Multiple Document Interface (MDI) frame window.
class CMDIFrameWndEx : public CMDIFrameWnd
Name | Description |
CMDIFrameWndEx::ActiveItemRecalcLayout |
Recalculates the layout of the active item. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::AddDockSite |
This method isn't used. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::AddPane |
Registers a pane with the docking manager. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::AdjustClientArea |
Reduces the client area to allow for a border. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::AdjustDockingLayout |
Recalculates the layout of all docked panes. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::AreMDITabs |
Determines whether the MDI Tabs feature or the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::CanConvertControlBarToMDIChild |
Called by the framework to determine whether the frame window can convert docking panes to tabbed documents. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::ControlBarToTabbedDocument |
Converts the specified docking pane to a tabbed document. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::CreateDocumentWindow |
Creates a child document window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::CreateNewWindow |
Called by the framework to create a new window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::CreateObject |
Used by the framework to create a dynamic instance of this class type. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::DockPane |
Docks the specified pane to the frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::DockPaneLeftOf |
Docks one pane to the left of another pane. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableAutoHidePanes |
Enables auto-hide mode for panes when they're docked at specified sides of the main frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableDocking |
Enables docking of the panes that belong to the MDI frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMainMenu |
Shows or hides the main menu in full-screen mode. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMode |
Enables full-screen mode for the frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableLoadDockState |
Enables or disables the loading of the docking state. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabbedGroups |
Enables or disables the MDI Tabbed Groups feature. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabs |
Enables or disables the MDI Tabs feature. When enabled, the frame window displays a tab for each MDI child window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabsLastActiveActivation |
Specifies whether the last active tab should be activated when the user closes the current tab. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnablePaneMenu |
Enables or disables automatic creation and management of the pop-up pane menu, which displays a list of application panes. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableWindowsDialog |
Inserts a menu item whose command ID calls a CMFCWindowsManagerDialog dialog box. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetActivePopup |
Returns a pointer to the currently displayed popup menu. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetPane |
Returns a pointer to the pane that has the specified control ID. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetDefaultResId |
Returns the ID of shared resources of the MDI frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetMDITabGroups |
Returns a list of MDI tabbed windows. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetMDITabs |
Returns a reference to the underlined tabbed window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetMDITabsContextMenuAllowedItems |
Returns a combination of flags that determines what context menu items are valid when the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetMenuBar |
Returns a pointer to a menu bar object attached to the frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetRibbonBar |
Retrieves the ribbon bar control for the frame. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetTearOffBars |
Returns a list of CPane -derived objects that are in a tear-off state. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetThisClass |
Called by the framework to obtain a pointer to the CRuntimeClass object that is associated with this class type. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::GetToolbarButtonToolTipText |
Called by the framework when the application displays the tooltip for a toolbar button. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::InsertPane |
Registers the specified pane with the docking manager. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsFullScreen |
Determines whether the frame window is in full-screen mode. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsMDITabbedGroup |
Determines whether the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsMemberOfMDITabGroup |
Determines whether the specified tabbed window is in the list of windows that are in MDI Tabbed Groups. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsMenuBarAvailable |
Determines whether the frame window has a menu bar. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsPointNearDockSite |
Determines whether a specified point is near the dock site. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::IsPrintPreview |
Determines whether the frame window is in print-preview mode. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadFrame |
Creates a frame window from resource information. (Overrides CMDIFrameWnd::LoadFrame .) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::LoadMDIState |
Loads the specified layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::MDITabMoveToNextGroup |
Moves the active tab from the currently active tabbed window to the next or previous tabbed group. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::MDITabNewGroup |
Creates a new tabbed group that has a single window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::NegotiateBorderSpace |
Negotiates border space in a frame window during OLE in-place activation. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCloseDockingPane |
Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a dockable pane. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCloseMiniFrame |
Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a floating mini frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnClosePopupMenu |
Called by the framework when an active pop-up menu processes a WM_DESTROY message. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnCmdMsg |
Called by the framework to route and dispatch command messages and to update command user-interface objects. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnDrawMenuImage |
Called by the framework when the image associated with a menu item is drawn. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnDrawMenuLogo |
Called by the framework when a CMFCPopupMenu processes a WM_PAINT message. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnEraseMDIClientBackground |
Called by the framework when the MDI frame window processes a WM_ERASEBKGND message. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnMenuButtonToolHitTest |
Called by the framework when a CMFCToolBarButton object processes a WM_NCHITTEST message. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnMoveMiniFrame |
Called by the framework to move a mini-frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnSetPreviewMode |
Sets the application's main frame window print-preview mode. (Overrides CFrameWnd::OnSetPreviewMode .) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnShowCustomizePane |
Called by the framework when a Quick Customize pane is activated. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnShowMDITabContextMenu |
Called by the framework when a context menu should be displayed on one of the tabs. (Valid for MDI Tabbed Groups only.) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnShowPanes |
Called by the framework to show or hide panes. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnShowPopupMenu |
Called by the framework when a pop-up menu is activated. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnSizeMDIClient |
Called by the framework when the size of the client MDI window is changing. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnTearOffMenu |
Called by the framework when a menu that has a tear-off bar is activated. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::OnUpdateFrameMenu |
Called by the framework to update the frame menu. (Overrides CMDIFrameWnd::OnUpdateFrameMenu .) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::PaneFromPoint |
Returns the docking pane that contains the specified point. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::PreTranslateMessage |
Used by class CWinApp to translate window messages before they're dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions. (Overrides CMDIFrameWnd::PreTranslateMessage .) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::RecalcLayout |
Called by the framework to recalculate the layout of the frame window. (Overrides CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout .) |
CMDIFrameWndEx::RemovePaneFromDockManager |
Unregisters a pane and removes it from the docking manager. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::SaveMDIState |
Saves the current layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::SetPrintPreviewFrame |
Sets the print preview frame window. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::SetupToolbarMenu |
Modifies a toolbar object by searching for dummy items and replacing them with the specified user-defined items. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::ShowFullScreen |
Switches the main frame from regular mode to full-screen mode. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::ShowPane |
Shows or hides the specified pane. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::ShowWindowsDialog |
Creates a CMFCWindowsManagerDialog box and opens it. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::TabbedDocumentToControlBar |
Converts the specified tabbed document to a docking pane. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::UpdateCaption |
Called by the framework to update the window frame caption. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::UpdateMDITabbedBarsIcons |
Sets the icon for each MDI tabbed pane. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::WinHelp |
Called by the framework to initiate the WinHelp application or context help. (Overrides CWnd::WinHelp .) |
Name | Description |
CMDIFrameWndEx::m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild |
Determines whether docking panes can be converted to MDI child windows. |
CMDIFrameWndEx::m_bDisableSetRedraw |
Enables or disables redraw optimization for MDI child windows. |
To take advantage of extended customization features in your MDI application, derive the MDI frame window class of the application from CMDIFrameWndEx
instead of CMDIFrameWnd
The following example derives a class from CMDIFrameWndEx
. This code snippet comes from the DrawClient Sample: MFC Ribbon-Based OLE Object Drawing Application.
class CMainFrame : public CMDIFrameWndEx
struct XStyle
// Attributes
CMFCRibbonBar *GetRibbonBar() { return &m_wndRibbonBar; }
// Operations
void UpdateUI(CDrawView *pCurrView);
void UpdateContextTab(CDrawView *pCurrView);
void UpdateContextTabFromObject(CDrawObjList &list);
COLORREF GetColorFromColorButton(int nButtonID);
int GetWeightFromLineWeight(int nButtonID);
BOOL GetStyleFromStyles(XStyle &style);
void SetRibbonContextCategory(UINT uiCategoryID);
void ActivateRibbonContextCategory(UINT uiCategoryID);
// Implementation
virtual ~CMainFrame();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext &dc) const;
// control bar embedded members
CMFCRibbonStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
CMFCRibbonBar m_wndRibbonBar;
CMFCRibbonApplicationButton m_MainButton;
// panel images
CMFCToolBarImages m_PanelImages;
// Document colors for demo:
CList<COLORREF, COLORREF> m_lstMainColors;
CList<COLORREF, COLORREF> m_lstAdditionalColors;
CList<COLORREF, COLORREF> m_lstStandardColors;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnAppLook(UINT id);
afx_msg void OnUpdateAppLook(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnWindowManager();
afx_msg void OnMdiMoveToNextGroup();
afx_msg void OnMdiMoveToPrevGroup();
afx_msg void OnMdiNewHorzTabGroup();
afx_msg void OnMdiNewVertGroup();
afx_msg void OnMdiCancel();
afx_msg LRESULT OnRibbonCustomize(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
afx_msg LRESULT OnHighlightRibbonListItem(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
afx_msg void OnToolsOptions();
afx_msg void OnDummy();
afx_msg void OnSysColorChange();
virtual BOOL OnShowMDITabContextMenu(CPoint point, DWORD dwAllowedItems, BOOL bDrop);
virtual BOOL OnShowPopupMenu(CMFCPopupMenu *pMenuPopup);
void ShowOptions(int nPage);
void CreateDocumentColors();
BOOL CreateRibbonBar();
BOOL CreateStatusBar();
void InitMainButton();
void InitHomeCategory();
void InitViewCategory();
void InitTabButtons();
void AddContextTab_Format();
void AdjustObjectSubmenu(CMFCPopupMenu *pMenuPopup);
void UpdateStatusBarCountPane(int nID, CString strText, int nCount);
UINT m_nAppLook;
Header: afxMDIFrameWndEx.h
Recalculates the layout of the active item.
void ActiveItemRecalcLayout();
Registers a pane with the docking manager.
BOOL AddPane(
CBasePane* pControlBar,
[in] Pointer to the pane to register.
[in] Specifies whether to add this pane to the end of the list.
Returns a non-zero value if the pane is registered successfully. Returns 0 if the pane is already registered with the docking manager.
Each pane must be registered with the CDockingManager
class before it can take a part in the docking layout. Use this method to notify the docking manager that you want to dock a specific pane. Once that pane is registered, the docking manager aligns it based on its alignment setting and position in the list of panes maintained by the docking manager.
Reduces the client area to allow for a border.
virtual void AdjustClientArea();
Recalculates the layout of all docked panes.
virtual void AdjustDockingLayout(HDWP hdwp=NULL);
[in] Identifies the multiple-window-position structure. You can obtain this value by calling BeginDeferWindowPos
Call this member function to recalculate the layout of all panes docked to the frame window.
Determines whether the MDI tabs feature or the MDI tabbed groups feature is enabled.
BOOL AreMDITabs(int* pnMDITabsType=NULL) const;
[out] A pointer to an integer variable that indicates which features are enabled:
- 0: All features are disabled.
- 1: MDI tabs is enabled.
- 2: MDI tabbed groups is enabled.
Returns TRUE
if MDI tabs or MDI tabbed groups is enabled.
Returns FALSE
if none of the above features are enabled.
Use this function to determine whether MDI tabs or MDI tabbed groups is enabled for the frame window. Use CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabs
to enable or disable the MDI tabs feature.
Use CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableMDITabbedGroups
to enable or disable the MDI tabbed groups feature.
Called by the framework to determine whether the frame window can convert docking panes to tabbed documents
virtual BOOL CanConvertControlBarToMDIChild();
Returns TRUE
if the frame window can convert docking panes to tabbed documents; otherwise returns FALSE
Override this method in a derived class and return TRUE
to enable the conversion of docking panes to tabbed documents. Alternatively, you can set CMDIFrameWndEx::m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild
Converts the specified docking pane to a tabbed document.
virtual CMDIChildWndEx* ControlBarToTabbedDocument(CDockablePane* pBar);
A pointer to the docking pane to convert.
Returns a pointer to the new MDI child window that contains the docking pane.
This method converts a docking pane to a tabbed document. When you call this method, the framework creates a CMDIChildWndEx
class object, removes the docking pane from the docking manager, and adds the docking pane to the new MDI child window. The MDI child window resizes the docking pane to cover the entire client area
Creates a child document window.
virtual CMDIChildWndEx* CreateDocumentWindow(
LPCTSTR lpcszDocName,
CObject* pObj);
[in] A text string that contains a document identifier. Typically, it's the full path of a document file.
[in] A pointer to a user-defined object. For example, a developer can create an application-specific data structure describing the document and telling how the document should be initialized at startup.
A pointer to CMDIChildWndEx
The framework calls this method when it loads the list of documents previously saved in the registry.
Override this method in order to create documents when they're being loaded from the registry.
The following example shows how CreateDocumentWindow
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
In this example, g_strStartViewName
could be the name of a "virtual document" (for example, "Start Page") that isn't loaded from a disk file. Therefore we need special processing to handle that case.
m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild = TRUE;
Called by the framework to create a new window.
virtual CMDIChildWndEx* CreateNewWindow(
LPCTSTR lpcszDocName,
CObject* pObj);
[in] The document name.
[in] Reserved for future use.
A pointer to the new window.
Docks the specified pane to the frame window.
void DockPane(
CBasePane* pBar,
UINT nDockBarID=0,
[in] Pointer to the pane to dock.
[in] Specifies which sides of the frame window to dock to.
[in] Not used.
This method docks the specified pane to one of the sides of the frame window that was specified when CBasePane::EnableDocking
and CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableDocking
were called.
The following example demonstrates the use of the DockPane
method. This code snippet comes from the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
Docks one pane to the left of another pane.
BOOL DockPaneLeftOf(
CPane* pBar,
CPane* pLeftOf);
[in] A pointer to the docking pane.
[in] A pointer to the pane that serves as the dock site.
Returns TRUE
if the operation is successful. Otherwise returns FALSE
Call this method to dock several pane objects in a predefined order. This method docks the pane specified by pBar
to the left of the pane specified by pLeftOf
The following example shows how the DockPaneLeftOf
method is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
DockPaneLeftOf(&m_wndToolbarEdit, &m_wndToolbarBuild);
Enables auto-hide mode for panes when they're docked at the specified sides of the main frame window.
BOOL EnableAutoHidePanes(DWORD dwDockStyle);
[in] Specifies the sides of the main frame window that will be enabled. Use one or more of the following flags.
Call this function to enable auto-hide mode for panes when they're docked at the specified sides of the main frame window.
The following example shows how the EnableAutoHidePanes
method is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
Enables docking of the panes that belong to the MDI frame window.
BOOL EnableDocking(DWORD dwDockStyle);
[in] Specifies the docking style that you want to apply.
Call this function to enable docking of panes that belong to the CMDIFrameWndEx
The following example shows how the EnableDocking
method is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
Shows or hides the main menu in full-screen mode.
void EnableFullScreenMainMenu(BOOL bEnableMenu);
[in] TRUE
to show the main menu in full-screen mode, or FALSE
to hide it.
Enables full-screen mode for the frame window.
void EnableFullScreenMode(UINT uiFullScreenCmd);
[in] The ID of a command that enables or disables full-screen mode.
In full-screen mode, all docking control bars, toolbars and menus are hidden and the active view is resized to occupy the full-screen. When you enable full-screen mode, you must specify an ID of the command that enables or disables it. You can call EnableFullScreenMode
from the main frame's OnCreate
function. When a frame window is being switched to full-screen mode, the framework creates a floating toolbar with one button that has the specified command ID. If you want to keep the main menu on the screen, call CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMainMenu
Enables or disables the loading of the docking state.
void EnableLoadDockState(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
[in] TRUE
to enable the loading of the docking state, FALSE
to disable the loading of the docking state.
Enables or disables the MDI tabbed groups feature for the frame window.
void EnableMDITabbedGroups(
BOOL bEnable,
const CMDITabInfo& params);
[in] If TRUE
, the MDI tabbed groups feature is enabled; if FALSE
, the MDI tabbed groups feature is disabled.
[in] Specifies parameters that the framework applies to child windows that are created in the MDI client area.
Use this method to enable or disable the MDI tabbed groups feature. This feature enables MDI applications to display child windows as tabbed windows that are aligned vertically or horizontally within the MDI client area. Groups of tabbed windows are separated by splitters. The user can resize tabbed groups by using a splitter.
The user can:
- Drag individual tabs between groups.
- Drag individual tabs to the edge of the window to create new groups.
- Move tabs or create new groups by using a shortcut menu.
- Your application can save the current layout of tabbed windows and the list of currently opened documents.
If you call this method with bEnable
set to FALSE
, params
is ignored.
Even if MDI tabbed groups is already enabled, you can call this method again to modify the settings for child windows. Call the method with bEnable
set to TRUE
and modify the members of the CMDITabInfo
object that are specified by the params
For more information about how to use MDI tabbed groups, see MDI Tabbed Groups.
The following example shows how EnableMDITabbedGroups
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
CMDITabInfo mdiTabParams;
mdiTabParams.m_bTabCustomTooltips = TRUE;
if (bMDITabsVS2005Look)
mdiTabParams.m_style = CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_3D_VS2005;
mdiTabParams.m_bDocumentMenu = TRUE;
else if (bOneNoteTabs)
mdiTabParams.m_style = CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_3D_ONENOTE;
mdiTabParams.m_bAutoColor = bMDITabColors;
if (bActiveTabCloseButton)
mdiTabParams.m_bTabCloseButton = FALSE;
mdiTabParams.m_bActiveTabCloseButton = TRUE;
EnableMDITabbedGroups(TRUE, mdiTabParams);
Enables or disables the MDI Tabs feature for the MDI frame window. When enabled, the frame window displays a tab for each MDI child window.
void EnableMDITabs(
BOOL bEnable=TRUE,
CMFCTabCtrl::Location tabLocation=CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_BOTTOM,
BOOL bTabCloseButton=FALSE,
CMFCTabCtrl::Style style=CMFCTabCtrl::STYLE_3D_SCROLLED,
BOOL bTabCustomTooltips=FALSE,
BOOL bActiveTabCloseButton=FALSE);
Specifies whether tabs are enabled.
Specifies whether icons should be displayed on the tabs.
Specifies the location of the tab labels.
Specifies whether to display tab close buttons.
Specifies the style of tabs. Use STYLE_3D_SCROLLED
for regular tabs or STYLE_3D_ONENOTE
for Microsoft OneNote tabs.
Specifies whether custom tooltips are enabled.
, a Close button will be displayed on the active tab instead of on the right corner of the tab area.
Call this method to enable or disable the MDI tabs feature for the MDI frame window. When enabled, all child windows are displayed as tabs.
The tab labels can be located at the top or bottom of the frame, depending on the setting of the parameter tabLocation
. You may specify either CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_BOTTOM
(the default setting) or CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_TOP
If bTabCustomTooltips
message will be sent to the main frame window. Your code can handle this message and provide the framework with custom tooltips for MDI tabs.
The following example shows how EnableMDITabs
is used in the MDITabsDemo Sample: MFC Tabbed MDI Application.
void CMainFrame::UpdateMDITabs(BOOL bResetMDIChild)
CMDITabInfo params;
HWND hwndActive = NULL;
switch (theApp.m_Options.m_nMDITabsType)
case CMDITabOptions::None:
BOOL bCascadeMDIChild = FALSE;
if (IsMDITabbedGroup())
EnableMDITabbedGroups(FALSE, params);
bCascadeMDIChild = TRUE;
else if (AreMDITabs())
bCascadeMDIChild = TRUE;
if (bCascadeMDIChild)
// CMDIClientAreaWnd m_wndClientArea
hwndActive = (HWND)m_wndClientArea.SendMessage(WM_MDIGETACTIVE);
case CMDITabOptions::MDITabsStandard:
hwndActive = (HWND)m_wndClientArea.SendMessage(WM_MDIGETACTIVE);
m_wndClientArea.PostMessage(WM_MDIMAXIMIZE, LPARAM(hwndActive), 0L);
EnableMDITabs(TRUE, theApp.m_Options.m_bMDITabsIcons, theApp.m_Options.m_bTabsOnTop ? CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_TOP : CMFCTabCtrl::LOCATION_BOTTOM, theApp.m_Options.m_nTabsStyle);
Specifies whether the last active tab should be opened when the user closes the current tab.
void EnableMDITabsLastActiveActivation(BOOL bLastActiveTab=TRUE);
[in] If TRUE
, enable activation of the last active tab. If FALSE
, disable activation of the last active tab.
There are two ways to open a tab when the active tab is closed:
- Activate the next tab.
- Activate the previously active tab.
The default implementation uses the first way.
Use EnableMDITabsLastActiveActivation
to enable the second way of tab activation. It emulates the way Windows opens MDI child windows.
Enables or disables automatic creation and management of the pop-up pane menu, which displays a list of application panes.
void EnablePaneMenu(
BOOL bEnable,
UINT uiCustomizeCmd,
const CString& strCustomizeLabel,
UINT uiViewToolbarsMenuEntryID,
BOOL bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE,
BOOL bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnly=FALSE);
[in] If TRUE
, automatic handling of the pane menu is enabled; if FALSE
, automatic handling is disabled.
[in] Command ID of the Customize menu item. This menu item is usually added to the end of the list of panes.
[in] The text to be displayed for the Customize menu item (for localization).
[in] Specifies the ID of a toolbar menu item that opens the pane menu. Usually this is the Toolbars submenu of the View menu.
[in] If TRUE
, the pane menu displays only a list of toolbars. If FALSE
, the menu displays a list of toolbars and docking bars.
[in] If TRUE
, the pane menu displays only a list of toolbars. If FALSE
, the menu displays a list of toolbars and docking bars.
The pop-up pane menu displays the list of the application's panes and lets the user show or hide individual panes.
The following example shows how EnablePaneMenu
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
// Enable pane context menu(list of bars + customize command):
Inserts a menu item whose command ID calls a CMFCWindowsManagerDialog
dialog box.
void EnableWindowsDialog(
UINT uiMenuId,
LPCTSTR lpszMenuText,
BOOL bShowAllways=FALSE,
BOOL bShowHelpButton=FALSE);
void EnableWindowsDialog(
UINT uiMenuId,
UINT uiMenuTextResId,
BOOL bShowAllways=FALSE,
BOOL bShowHelpButton=FALSE);
[in] Specifies the resource ID of a menu.
[in] Specifies the item's text.
[in] Specifies whether to display a Help button on the windows management dialog box.
[in] The string resource identifier that contains the item's text string.
Use this method to insert a menu item whose command calls an MDI child window management dialog box ( CMFCWindowsManagerDialog
class). The new item is inserted into the menu specified by uiMenuId
. Call EnableWindowsDialog
when you process the WM_CREATE
The following example shows how EnableWindowsDialog
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
// Enable windows manager:
EnableWindowsDialog(ID_WINDOW_MANAGER, _T("Windows..."), TRUE);
Returns a pointer to the currently displayed popup menu.
CMFCPopupMenu* GetActivePopup() const;
A pointer to the active popup menu; NULL
if no popup menu is active.
Use this function to obtain a pointer to the CMFCPopupMenu
class object that is currently displayed.
Returns the ID of shared resources of the MDI frame window.
UINT GetDefaultResId() const;
A resource ID value. 0 if the frame window has no menu bar.
This method returns the resource ID that was specified when the MDI frame window was loaded by CFrameWnd::LoadFrame
Returns a list of MDI tabbed windows.
const CObList& GetMDITabGroups() const;
A reference to a CObList
class object that contains a list of tabbed windows. Don't store or modify the list.
Use this method to access the list of tabbed windows. It can be helpful if you want to change or query some parameters of individual tabbed windows.
Returns a reference to the underlined tabbed window.
CMFCTabCtrl& GetMDITabs();
A reference to the underlined tabbed window.
Returns a combination of flags that determines what operations are valid when the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled.
DWORD GetMDITabsContextMenuAllowedItems();
A bitwise "or" (|
) combination of the following flags:
- can create a vertical tab group.AFX_MDI_CREATE_HORZ_GROUP
- can create a horizontal tab group.AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_PREV
- can move a tab to the previous tab group.AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_NEXT
- can move a tab to the next tab group.
When the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled, you must know what operations are allowed on the tabs of a particular window. This method analyzes the current layout of tabbed windows and returns a combination of flags that can be used to build, for example, a shortcut menu.
You can create a new vertical tab group when all tabbed windows are aligned vertically, or when there's only one tabbed window.
You can create a new horizontal tab group when all tabbed windows are aligned horizontally, or when there's only one tabbed window.
You can move a tab to the previous group only if there's more than one tab in a tabbed window.
You can move a tab to the next group only if there's more than one tab in a tabbed window.
Returns a pointer to a menu bar object attached to the frame window.
const CMFCMenuBar* GetMenuBar() const;
A pointer to a menu bar object.
Returns a pointer to the pane that has the specified control ID.
CBasePane* GetPane(UINT nID);
[in] The control ID.
A pointer to the pane that has the specified control ID, if it exists. Otherwise, NULL
Retrieves the ribbon bar control for the frame.
CMFCRibbonBar* GetRibbonBar();
Pointer to the CMFCRibbonBar
class for the frame.
Returns a list of tear-off menus.
const CObList& GetTearOffBars() const;
A reference to a CObList
class object that contains a collection of pointers to CPane
-derived objects that are in a tear-off state.
maintains a collection of tear-off menus. Use this method to retrieve a reference to this list.
Called by the framework when the application displays the tooltip for a toolbar button.
virtual BOOL GetToolbarButtonToolTipText(
CMFCToolBarButton* pButton,
CString& strTTText);
[in] A pointer to a toolbar button.
[in] The tooltip text to display for the button.
if the tooltip has been displayed. FALSE
Registers the specified pane with the docking manager.
BOOL InsertPane(
CBasePane* pControlBar,
CBasePane* pTarget,
BOOL bAfter=TRUE);
[in] A pointer to the pane to be inserted.
[in] A pointer to the pane before or after which to insert the pane.
[in] If TRUE
, pControlBar
is inserted after pTarget
, pControlBar
is inserted before pTarget
if the method successfully registers the pane, FALSE
if the pane was already registered with the docking manager.
Use this method to tell the docking manager about a pane specified by pControlBar
. The docking manager will align this pane according to the pane's alignment and position in the docking manager's internal list.
Determines whether the frame window is in full-screen mode.
BOOL IsFullScreen() const;
if the frame window is in full screen mode; otherwise FALSE
You can set the full screen mode by calling the CMDIFrameWndEx::EnableFullScreenMode
Specifies whether the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled.
BOOL IsMDITabbedGroup() const;
if the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled; otherwise FALSE
To determine whether regular MDI tabs or the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled, use CMDIFrameWndEx::AreMDITabs
Determines whether the specified tabbed window is in the list of windows that are in MDI Tabbed Groups.
BOOL IsMemberOfMDITabGroup(CWnd* pWnd);
[in] A pointer to tabbed window.
if the specified tabbed window is in the list of tabbed windows that form MDI Tabbed Groups. Otherwise FALSE
Determines whether the frame window has a menu bar.
BOOL IsMenuBarAvailable() const;
if the pointer to the menu bar object isn't NULL
; otherwise FALSE
Determines whether a specified point is near the dock site.
BOOL IsPointNearDockSite(
CPoint point,
DWORD& dwBarAlignment,
BOOL& bOuterEdge) const;
[in] The specified point in screen coordinates.
[in] Specifies which edge the point is near. Possible values are CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT
[in] TRUE
if the point is near the outer border of the dock site; FALSE
if the point is near the dock site; otherwise FALSE
The point is near the dock site when it is within the sensitivity set in the docking manager. The default sensitivity is 15 pixels.
Determines whether the frame window is in print-preview mode.
BOOL IsPrintPreview();
if the frame window is in print-preview mode; otherwise, FALSE
Creates a frame window from resource information.
virtual BOOL LoadFrame(
UINT nIDResource,
CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL,
CCreateContext* pContext = NULL);
[in] The ID of a shared resource associated with the frame window.
[in] The style of the frame window.
[in] A pointer to the frame's parent.
[in] A pointer to a CCreateContext
Structure. This parameter can be NULL
if the method succeeds, otherwise FALSE
Loads the specified layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents.
virtual BOOL LoadMDIState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
[in] Specifies the profile name.
if the load succeeded; FALSE
if the load failed or there's no data to load.
To load or save the state of MDI tabs and groups and the list of opened documents, do the following:
- Call
when the main frame is being closed - Call
when the main frame is being created. The recommended place for this call is before the main frame is displayed for the first time. AddCWinAppEx::EnableLoadWindowPlacement
beforepMainFrame->LoadFrame (IDR_MAINFRAME);.
after the call toLoadMDIState
to display the main frame at the position that was stored in the registry. - Override
in theCMDIChildWndEx
- derived class if your application displays documents that aren't stored as files. The returned string will be saved in the registry as the document identifier. The base implementation ofCMDIChildWndEx::GetDocumentName
returns a value obtained fromCDocument::GetPathName
. - Override
to correctly create documents when they're being loaded from the registry. The first parameter is the string thatGetDocumentName
The following example shows how LoadMDIState
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::FileNew)
if (!pMainFrame->LoadMDIState(GetRegSectionPath()))
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
Moves the active tab from the currently active tabbed window to the next or previous tabbed group.
void MDITabMoveToNextGroup(BOOL bNext=TRUE);
[in] If TRUE
, move the tab to the next tabbed group. If FALSE
, move it to the previous tabbed group.
Creates a new tabbed group that has a single window.
void MDITabNewGroup(BOOL bVert=TRUE);
[in] Specifies the new group alignment. If TRUE
, the new group is aligned vertically. If FALSE
, the new group is aligned horizontally.
Use this function to create a new tabbed window (new tabbed group) and add the first tab to it.
The following example shows how MDITabNewGroup
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
void CMainFrame::OnMdiNewHorzTabGroup()
Specifies whether docking panes can be converted to MDI child windows.
BOOL m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild;
Indicates whether docking control bars can be converted to MDI child windows. If this flag is TRUE
, the framework handles the conversion automatically when the user selects the Tabbed Document command. The flag is protected and you must explicitly enable this option either by setting m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild
in a constructor of a CMDIFrameWndEx
-derived class, or by overriding CanConvertControlBarToMDIChild
The default value is FALSE
The following example shows how m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChild = TRUE;
Enables or disables redraw optimization for MDI child windows.
AFX_IMPORT_DATA static BOOL m_bDisableSetRedraw;
The default value is TRUE
Set this flag to FALSE
if you want to optimize redrawing of MDI children. In this case, the framework will call SetRedraw (FALSE)
for the main frame when the application is changing the active tab.
This flag can cause unwanted effects (such as background applications that become visible). Therefore we recommend that you change the default only if you experience noticeable flickering during MDI tab activation.
Negotiates border space in a frame window during OLE in-place activation.
virtual BOOL NegotiateBorderSpace(
UINT nBorderCmd,
LPRECT lpRectBorder);
[in] Contains one of the following values from the enum CFrameWnd::BorderCmd
= 1borderRequest
= 2borderSet
= 3
[in, out] Pointer to a RECT
structure or a CRect
class object that specifies the coordinates of the border.
Nonzero if the method was successful; otherwise 0.
This method is an implementation of OLE border space negotiation.
Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a dockable pane.
virtual BOOL OnCloseDockingPane(CDockablePane* pWnd);
[in] Pointer to the pane being closed.
if the docking pane can be closed. Otherwise, FALSE
Override this method to handle hiding of docking panes. Return FALSE
if you want to prevent a docking pane from being hidden.
The default implementation does nothing and returns TRUE
Called by the framework when the user clicks the Close button on a floating mini-frame window.
virtual BOOL OnCloseMiniFrame(CPaneFrameWnd*);
[in] Pointer to the mini-frame window being closed.
if the floating mini-frame window can be closed. Otherwise, FALSE
Override this method to handle hiding of floating mini-frame windows. Return FALSE
if you want to prevent a floating mini-frame window from being hidden.
The default implementation does nothing and returns TRUE
Called by the framework when an active pop-up menu processes a WM_DESTROY
virtual void OnClosePopupMenu(CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup);
[in] Pointer to a pop-up menu.
Override this method if you want to process notifications from CMFCPopupMenu
class objects that belong to the MDI frame window when those objects process WM_DESTROY
Called by the framework to route and dispatch command messages and to update command user-interface objects.
virtual BOOL OnCmdMsg(
int nCode,
void* pExtra,
[in] The command ID.
[in] Identifies the command notification code. For more information about values for nCode
, see CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg
[in] Used according to the value of nCode
. For more information about pExtra
, see CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg
[in, out] Typically, this parameter should be NULL
. If not NULL
, OnCmdMsg
fills in the pTarget
and pmf
members of the pHandlerInfo
structure instead of dispatching the command.
Nonzero if the message is handled; otherwise 0.
Called by the framework when the image associated with a menu item is drawn.
virtual BOOL OnDrawMenuImage(
const CMFCToolBarMenuButton* pMenuButton,
const CRect& rectImage);
[in] Pointer to a device context.
[in] Pointer to the menu button.
[in] Bounding rectangle of the image.
if the method draws the image. The default implementation returns FALSE
Override this method if you want to customize image rendering for the menu items that belong to the menu bar owned by the CMDIFrameWndEx
-derived object. The default implementation does nothing.
Called by the framework when a CMFCPopupMenu
processes a WM_PAINT
virtual void OnDrawMenuLogo(
const CRect&);
Override this function to display a logo on the pop-up menu that belongs to the menu bar owned by the CMDIFrameWndEx
-derived object. The default implementation does nothing.
Called by the framework when the MDI frame window processes a WM_ERASEBKGND
virtual BOOL OnEraseMDIClientBackground(CDC*);
if the application processes the message and erases the background.
Override this member function if you want to process the WM_ERASEBKGND
message in a CMDIFrameWndEx
-derived class.
Called by the framework when a CMFCToolBarButton
object processes a WM_NCHITTEST
virtual BOOL OnMenuButtonToolHitTest(
CMFCToolBarButton* pButton,
[in] The toolbar button.
[out] Pointer to a TOOLINFO
if the application fills the pTI
parameter. The default implementation returns FALSE
Override this method if you want to provide information about specific menu items to a tooltip. The default implementation does nothing.
Called by the framework to move a mini-frame window.
virtual BOOL OnMoveMiniFrame(CWnd* pFrame);
[in] A pointer to a mini-frame window.
if the method succeeds, otherwise FALSE
Sets the application's main frame window print-preview mode.
virtual void OnSetPreviewMode(
BOOL bPreview,
CPrintPreviewState* pState);
[in] If TRUE
, sets print-preview mode. If FALSE
, cancels preview mode.
[in] A pointer to a CPrintPreviewState
This method overrides CFrameWnd::OnSetPreviewMode
Called by the framework when a Quick Customize pane is activated.
virtual BOOL OnShowCustomizePane(
CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPane,
UINT uiToolbarID);
[in] A pointer to the Quick Customize pane.
[in] Control ID of the toolbar to customize.
This method always returns TRUE
The Quick Customize pane is a menu that opens when the user clicks Customize on a toolbar.
Override this method in a derived class to make changes in the Quick Customize pane.
Called by the framework before a shortcut menu is displayed on one of the tabs. Valid for MDI Tabbed Groups only.
virtual BOOL OnShowMDITabContextMenu(
CPoint point,
DWORD dwAllowedItems,
BOOL bTabDrop);
[in] The location of the menu in screen coordinates.
[in] A bitwise "or" (|
) combination of flags that indicates what actions are allowed for the current tab:
- can create a vertical tab group.AFX_MDI_CREATE_HORZ_GROUP
- can create a horizontal tab group.AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_PREV
- can move a tab to the previous tab group.AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_NEXT
- can move a tab to the next tab group.AFX_MDI_CAN_BE_DOCKED
- switch a tabbed document to docked state (relevant for tabbed documents only).
[in] TRUE
to display the menu as a result of dragging the tab onto another tabbed group. FALSE
to display the menu as a shortcut menu on the currently active tab.
Override this method in a CMDIFrameWndEx
-derived class.
If you don't process OnShowMDITabContextMenu
, the shortcut menu won't be displayed. This function is generated by the MFC Application Wizard when you enable the MDI Tabbed Groups feature.
The following example shows how OnShowMDITabContextMenu
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
BOOL CMainFrame::OnShowMDITabContextMenu(CPoint point, DWORD dwAllowedItems, BOOL bDrop)
CMenu menu;
CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0);
ASSERT(pPopup != NULL);
if ((dwAllowedItems & AFX_MDI_CREATE_HORZ_GROUP) == 0)
if ((dwAllowedItems & AFX_MDI_CREATE_VERT_GROUP) == 0)
if ((dwAllowedItems & AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_NEXT) == 0)
if ((dwAllowedItems & AFX_MDI_CAN_MOVE_PREV) == 0)
if ((dwAllowedItems & AFX_MDI_CAN_BE_DOCKED) == 0)
CMFCPopupMenu* pPopupMenu = new CMFCPopupMenu;
pPopupMenu->Create(this, point.x, point.y, pPopup->GetSafeHmenu());
return TRUE;
Called by the framework to show or hide panes.
virtual BOOL OnShowPanes(BOOL bShow);
[in] TRUE
to show panes, FALSE
to hide panes.
if the state of the panes changes as a result of calling this method, FALSE
if the panes are already in the state specified by bShow
. For example, if the panes are hidden and bShow
, the Return value is FALSE
The default implementation removes the toolbar from the top-level frame window.
If CDockingManager::m_bHideDockingBarsInContainerMode
(the default), all docking panes will be hidden.
Called by the framework when it opens a pop-up menu.
virtual BOOL OnShowPopupMenu(CMFCPopupMenu*);
if the pop-up menu is to be displayed. Otherwise, FALSE
. The default implementation returns TRUE
Override this method if you want to implement special processing upon pop-up menu activation. For example, if you want to change regular menu items to color menu buttons, set up tear-off bars, and so on.
The default implementation does nothing.
Called by the framework when the size of the client MDI window is changing.
virtual void OnSizeMDIClient(
const CRect& rectOld,
const CRect& rectNew);
[in] The current size of the MDI client window.
[in] The new size of the MDI client window.
Called by the framework when a menu that has a tear-off bar is activated.
virtual BOOL OnTearOffMenu(
CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup,
CPane* pBar);
[in] A pointer to the pop-up menu.
[in] A pointer to the tear-off bar.
to allow the pop-up menu with the tear-off bar to be made activate; otherwise FALSE
. The default is TRUE
Override this function when you want to implement a special setup for the tear-off bar. The default implementation does nothing.
Called by the framework to update the frame menu.
virtual void OnUpdateFrameMenu(HMENU hMenuAlt);
[in] A handle to a menu.
Returns the docking pane that contains the specified point.
CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
CPoint point,
int nSensitivity,
bool bExactBar,
CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType) const;
CBasePane* PaneFromPoint(
CPoint point,
int nSensitivity,
DWORD& dwAlignment,
CRuntimeClass* pRTCBarType) const;
[in] The point (in screen coordinates).
[in] The window rectangle of each checked pane is enlarged in all directions by this value.
[in] If TRUE
, the nSensitivity
parameter is ignored.
[in] If non- NULL
, the method iterates over only the panes of the specified type.
[out] If a pane is found, this parameter will specify which side of the pane is closest to the specified point.
A pointer to a docking pane, or NULL
if no control contains the point specified by point
The call is redirected to the CDockingManager
class. For more information, see CDockingManager::ControlBarFromPoint
Called by the framework to recalculate the layout of the frame window.
virtual void RecalcLayout(BOOL bNotify = TRUE);
[in] Determines whether the active in-place item for the frame window receives notification of the layout change. If TRUE
, the item is notified; otherwise FALSE
This method overrides CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout.
Unregisters a pane and removes it from the docking manager.
void RemovePaneFromDockManager(
CBasePane* pControlBar,
BOOL bDestroy,
BOOL bAdjustLayout,
BOOL bAutoHide,
CBasePane* pBarReplacement);
[in] A pointer to a pane to be removed.
[in] TRUE
to destroy the removed pane. FALSE
to not destroy it.
[in] TRUE
to adjust the docking layout immediately. If FALSE
, the adjustment will occur only when a redraw event occurs for other reasons (the user resizes the window, drags the main frame, etc.).
[in] TRUE
to remove the pane from the list of autohide panes. FALSE
to remove the pane from the list of regular panes.
[in] A pointer to a pane that replaces the removed pane.
You must register each pane with the docking manager to take part in the docking layout. Use CMDIFrameWndEx::AddPane
or CMDIFrameWndEx::InsertPane
to register panes.
Use this method when a pane is no longer a part of the docking layout of the frame window.
Saves the current layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents.
virtual BOOL SaveMDIState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName);
[in] Specifies the profile name.
if the save succeeded; FALSE
if the save failed.
To load or save the state of MDI tabs and groups and the list of opened documents, do the following:
- Call
when the main frame is being closed - Call
when the main frame is being created. The recommended location for this call is before the main frame is displayed for the first time. - Call
beforepMainFrame->LoadFrame (IDR_MAINFRAME);
- Call
to display the main frame at the position that was stored in the registry. - Override
in theCMDIChildWndEx
- derived class if your application displays documents that aren't stored as files. The returned string will be saved in the registry as a document identifier. For more information, seeCMDIChildWndEx::GetDocumentName
. - Override
to correctly create documents when they're loaded from the registry. The parameter toCreateDocumentWindow
is the string thatGetDocumentName
returned earlier.
The following example shows how SaveMDIState
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
void CMainFrame::OnClose()
Sets the print preview frame window.
void SetPrintPreviewFrame(CFrameWnd* pWnd);
[in] Pointer to a print preview frame window.
Modifies a toolbar object by replacing dummy items with user-defined items.
void SetupToolbarMenu(
CMenu& menu,
const UINT uiViewUserToolbarCmdFirst,
const UINT uiViewUserToolbarCmdLast);
[in] A reference to a CMenu
class object to be modified.
[in] Specifies the first user-defined command.
[in] Specifies the last user-defined command.
Switches the main frame from regular mode to full-screen mode.
void ShowFullScreen();
Shows or hides the specified pane.
void ShowPane(
CBasePane* pBar,
BOOL bShow,
BOOL bDelay,
BOOL bActivate);
[in] Pointer to the pane to be shown or hidden.
[in] TRUE
to show the pane. FALSE
to hide the pane.
[in] TRUE
to delay the recalculation of the docking layout. FALSE
to recalculate the docking layout immediately.
[in] TRUE
to show the pane as active. FALSE
to show the pane as inactive.
Call this method to show or hide the pane. Don't use ShowWindow
for docking panes.
The following example shows how ShowPane
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
void COutputList1::OnViewOutput()
CBasePane* pParentBar = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CBasePane, GetOwner());
CFrameWndEx* pMainFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CFrameWndEx, GetTopLevelFrame());
if (pMainFrame != NULL && pParentBar != NULL)
pMainFrame->ShowPane(pParentBar, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
Creates a CMFCWindowsManagerDialog
box and opens it.
void ShowWindowsDialog();
The following example shows how ShowWindowsDialog
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
void CMainFrame::OnWindowManager()
Converts the specified tabbed document to a docking pane.
virtual BOOL TabbedDocumentToControlBar(CMDIChildWndEx* pMDIChildWnd);
A pointer to MDI child window that contains a docking pane.
if the method was successful, FALSE
on failure.
Use this method to convert a tabbed document to a docking pane. The tabbed document must have been created by using CMDIFrameWndEx::ControlBarToTabbedDocument
The following example shows how TabbedDocumentToControlBar
is used in the VisualStudioDemo Sample: MFC Visual Studio Application.
void CMainFrame::OnMdiTabbedDocument()
CMDIChildWndEx* pMDIChild = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIChildWndEx, MDIGetActive());
if (pMDIChild == NULL)
Called by the framework to update the window frame caption.
void UpdateCaption();
Sets the icon for each MDI tabbed pane.
void UpdateMDITabbedBarsIcons();
Called by the framework to initiate the WinHelp application or context help.
virtual void WinHelp(
DWORD dwData,
[in] Specifies data as required for the type of help specified by nCmd
[in] Specifies the type of help requested. For more information about the possible values and how they affect the dwData
parameter, see WinHelp
This method overrides CWnd::WinHelp
Hierarchy Chart